

憚りながらも2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate@ Rhosus からタカタと黒龍会まで芋づる式に

Rosea may refer to:

Arsuz (Arabic: أرسوز‎, Greek: Αρσούς), also known as Uluçınar, is a municipality in Hatay Province, southern Anatolia (Asian Turkey). In the ancient times, it was known as Rhosus (Ancient Greek: Ῥῶσός and Ῥωσός[1]) and was a former bishopric and titular see.

Arsuz used to be a part of İskenderun ilçesi [district] of Hatay Province. The town center is located 40 kilometres (25 mi) South of İskenderun and 118 kilometres (73 mi) from Antakya (administrative center of Hatay Province).

Arsuz had many names throughout history, including: Rhosus, Rhossos, Rhossus, Rhopolis, Port Panel/Bonnel, Kabev and Arsous. The earliest documents about it date from the Seleucid Empire, of whose Antioch became the capital. Malalas writes that the city was founded by Cilix, son of Agenor.[3][4] Harpalus erected a brazen statue of Glycera by the side of his own statue at Rhosus.[5][6] Demetrius I of Macedon moved the statue of the goddess Tyche from Antigonia to the Rhosos.[7]
Arsuz was then an important seaport on the Gulf of Issus. In 64 BC, it was annexed by the Roman Empire. Under the name Rhosus, it was a city and bishopric (see below) in the late Roman province of Cilicia Secunda, with Anazarba as its capital. It is mentioned by Strabo,[8] Ptolemy,[9] Pliny the Elder[10] and Stephanus Byzantius; and later by Hierocles[11] and George of Cyprus.[12][13]
Some Christians in Rhosus accepted as truth the Docetic Gospel of Peter and for them in around AD 200 Serapion of Antioch composed a treatise condemning the book.[14] Theodoret,[15] relates the history of the hermit Theodosius of Antioch, founder of a monastery in the mountain near Rhosus, who was forced by the inroads of barbarians to retire to Antioch, where he died and was succeeded by his disciple Romanus, a native of Rhosus; these two religious are honoured by the Greek Orthodox Church on 5 and 9 February.[13]
In 638 the city was incorporated into the Rashidun Caliphate. In 969 it was taken by the Byzantine Empire, in 1084 by the Seljuk Turks, in 1039 by the Crusades, in 1296 by the Egyptian Mamluks and in 1517 by the Ottoman Turks.[16]
Between 1918 and 1938 the town was under French Mandate for Syria and the Lebanon with the rest of Iskenderun district. In 1938, it became part of the independent Hatay Republic, but in June 1939 the Hatay legislature voted to join Turkey.

めぐみんはもう爆裂魔法を信じてないの? - 匿名党
tokumei10.blogspot.com › 2019/07
Jul 20, 2019 - ゆんゆんwwwwwwwwwww. 2019年7月21日 0:10 · GABRIEL さんのコメント... それで爆裂魔法をやらかした全くどうしようもないな. 2019年7月21日 13:33; 匿名さんのコメント... そのうちイスカンダルにコスモクリーナーを ...


時代錯誤な似非革命家を隠すならエロの中、キムチ ... - 匿名党
tokumei10.blogspot.com › 2007/06
Jun 30, 2007 - ワールドメイト(旧名:パワフルコスモメイト、単に、コスモメイトとも)は深見東州(旧名:深見青山、本名:半田晴久)が創設した神道系の新宗教団体。本部は静岡県伊豆の国市(旧・田方郡大仁町)にあり、活動拠点は東京都 ...

元朝日新聞社長の一柳東一郎氏@KY事件死去 - 匿名党
tokumei10.blogspot.com › 2016/06
Jun 7, 2016 - 尚、コスモメイト(ワールドメイトの旧名)立ち上げ当初、深見は一般の神道や神事を全く知らなかった(大本で何日間かの 研修を受けたくらいだったから)、そこで国学院神道科の信者に神事や一般の神道知識を教えて

京アニを襲ったとされる青い葉が橘の葉だった件 - 匿名党
tokumei10.blogspot.com › 2019/08
Aug 8, 2019 - https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/ワールドメイトワールドメイトは、深見東州が教祖をつとめる神道系の宗教団体である。1984年にコスモコアという名称で創設された後、コスモメイトやパワフルコスモ ... 教団において、霊能力者 ...


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