
憚りながらも2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate@ Rhosus からタカタと黒龍会まで芋づる式に

MV Rhosus is a general cargo ship previously owned by Russian businessman Igor Grechushkin that was abandoned in Beirut, Lebanon after the ship was declared unseaworthy and the charterers lost interest in the cargo. The roughly 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate the ship was carrying was later confiscated and brought to shore and helped to cause the 2020 Beirut explosions.


Rhosus is a general cargo ship with a length of 86.6 metres (284 ft), beam of 12 metres (39 ft), and draught of 4.9 m (16 ft). The ship's gross tonnage is 1,900; net tonnage 964; and deadweight tonnage 3,226 tonnes.[1] The ship is normally run by around nine or ten crew members.[3][4] The ship's single main diesel engine, 4-stroke 6LU32G unit manufactured by Hanshin Diesel Works, is rated at 736 kW (987 hp), drives a single fixed pitch propeller, and gives the vessel a service speed of 10.5 knots (19.4 km/h; 12.1 mph).[1]


The ship was built by Tokuoka Zosen K.K. in Naruto, Japan as Daifuku Maru No. 8 for the Japanese shipping company Daifuku Kaiun KK and delivered in October 1986. In 2002, the ship was sold to another Japanese shipping company, Nishi Nippon Kaiyo, but was reportedly sold already in March of the same year to a South Korean owner and renamed Seokjung No. 505.[1][2]
In March 2005, the ship was sold to Hong Kong Zheng Long Shipping Co Ltd, renamed Zheng Long and registered briefly under Belizean flag. In June of the same year, the ownership changed to another Hong Kong-based shipping company, Rui Hua (HK) Shipping Co Ltd, and the vessel was reflagged to Panama. In June 2007, the ship was sold to a Panamian-registered company, Sea Star International Shipping Group Inc, and renamed New Legend Glory .[1][2]
The ship's most recent reported registered owner, Panamian-registered Briarwood Corp, acquired the vessel in August 2008 and renamed it Rhosus. The vessel was reflagged first to Georgia in 2009 and later to Moldova in 2012.[1][2]
By 2013, Rhosus was owned by Russian businessman Igor Grechushkin, who was born in Khabarovsk and was reported to be living in Limassol, Cyprus in 2020.[3]
Since 2018, Rhosus' flag has been reported as "unknown" in official databases.[1][2]


On 23 September 2013, Rhosus set sail from Batumi, Georgia, to Beira, Mozambique, carrying 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate.[5] During the trip, it was forced to port in Beirut with engine problems.[6] After inspection by Port State Control, Rhosus was found unseaworthy, and it was forbidden to set sail.[6][7] Eight Ukrainians and one Russian were aboard,[a] and with the help of a Ukrainian consul, five Ukrainians were repatriated, leaving four crew members to take care of the ship.[b][4]
The owner of Rhosus went bankrupt[c] and, after the charterers lost interest in the cargo, the owner abandoned the ship.[4] Rhosus then quickly ran out of provisions, while the crew were unable to disembark due to immigration restrictions.[5] Creditors also obtained three arrest warrants against the ship.[d][4][5] Lawyers argued for the crew's repatriation on compassionate grounds, due to the danger posed by the cargo still aboard the ship, and an Urgent Matters judge in Beirut allowed them to return home after having been stuck aboard the ship for about a year.[4][5] The dangerous cargo was then brought ashore in 2014 and placed in a building, Hangar 12, at the port, pursuant to a court order, for the next six years.[5][7][9][10][11]

Various customs officials had sent letters to judges requesting a resolution to the issue of the confiscated cargo, proposing that the ammonium nitrate either be exported, given to the Army, or sold to the private Lebanese Explosives Company.[9] Letters had been sent on 27 June 2014, 5 December 2014, 6 May 2015, 20 May 2016, 13 October 2016, and 27 October 2017.[9] One of the letters sent in 2016 noted that judges had not replied to previous requests, and "pleaded" for a resolution due to the "serious danger of keeping these goods in the hangar in unsuitable climatic conditions".[e][9] The fears of Port Officials would be proven justified, as the cargo of the ship would help ignite an explosion in the Port of Beirut, killing over 135 people, and injuring over 5,000.[13][14]

Ammonium nitrate is used in some instant cold packs, as its dissolution in water is highly endothermic. It also was used, in combination with independently explosive "fuels" such as guanidine nitrate,[13][14] as a cheaper (but less stable) alternative to 5-aminotetrazole in the inflators of airbags manufactured by Takata Corporation, which were recalled as unsafe after killing 14 people.[15]

米国、TIKTOK禁止へ - 匿名党
tokumei10.blogspot.com › 2020/08
4 days ago - 爆wwwwwww. https://www.google.co.jp/search?hl= · タカタ KKR - Google 検索 via kwout · http://tokumei10.blogspot.com/2016/05/blog- · バトトルガ・ナランボロル via ...

レバノンの首都・ベイルートで大爆発 - 匿名党
tokumei10.blogspot.com › 2020/08
1 day ago - 3 days ago - ... バトトルガ・ナランボロル via kwout · https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ ... site://tokumei10.blogspot.com タカタ 黒龍会 ...



小曽根 喜一郎(小曾根、おぞね きいちろう、1856年8月30日安政3年8月1日[1][2]) - 1937年昭和12年)3月31日[3])は、明治から昭和時代初期の実業家社会運動家。旧姓は松本、幼名は直太郎[1][3][注 1]




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5 件のコメント:

てんこもり野郎 さんのコメント...

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11 時間前 - The Ammonium Nitrate That Nearly Destroyed Beirut Was The Same Compound Used In Takata's Airbags ... According to Lebanon's Prime Minister, a six-year stockpile of ammonium nitrate in a warehouse caused the ...


匿名 さんのコメント...

小曽根 真(おぞね まこと、1961年3月25日 - )は、日本のジャズピアニスト。



2010年11月11日、第11回ノーベル平和賞受賞者世界サミット関連事業「1111、ピースフルチャリティーセッション 」が広島市文化交流会館で開催され、アートディレクター稲吉紘実の創作による「絵のない絵本 この星が絵でうめつくされたら」[フレーベル館]他の朗読とピアノによるセッションを行う。


小曽根 実(おぞね みのる 1934年4月20日 - 2018年2月15日)は、日本のジャズピアニストおよびハモンドオルガン奏者。兵庫県神戸市出身。滝川高等学校卒業






オランダ・ブレダで開催されている「ブレダ・ジャズフェスティバル(Breda Jazz Festival)」と提携し、ブレダでの「神戸アワード」受賞者が同年の神戸ジャズストリートに出演する。

ジャズ(英: jazz)は、19世紀末から20世紀初頭にかけてアメリカ合衆国南部の都市を中心に派生した音楽ジャンル。 西洋楽器を用いた高度なヨーロッパ音楽の技術と理論、およびアフリカ系アメリカ人の独特のリズム感覚と民俗音楽とが融合して生まれた。

1917年、ニューオーリンズ出身の白人バンドであるオリジナル・ディキシーランド・ジャズ・バンドが、ジャズでは初のレコードとなる、“Dixie Jass Band One Step”と“Livery Stable Blues”の2曲入りシングルをビクタートーキングマシンから発表。



匿名 さんのコメント...



匿名 さんのコメント...


匿名 さんのコメント...





キプロス当局の代表は、島に住んでいるロシアの実業家の逮捕状に関するギリシャのメディアの報道に驚いています。プレスはベイルートの港で爆発させられた硝酸アンモニウムを運ぶ船の所有者を呼び出します。 当局の対談者によると、彼はこれについて何も知らない。

私は令状については何も知りませんが、単純な論理に基づいて、爆発の場合、船の所有者であると報告された人物、船の貨物が港湾会費の滞納で逮捕された場合の対処法をまったく理解していません そしてベイルートに上陸した。 結局のところ、荷下ろしされた後、何年もの間レバノン側が自由に使える状態で保管されていたため、安全基準に違反しているようだ」と語った。

