

Meanwhile, you might be wondering: Why aren't the bats themselves affected by the viruses?

It turns out that the answer to that question has to do with the bat's status as the world's only flying mammal.

During flight, a bat's body temperature spikes to over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Its heart rate can surge to more than 1,000 beats per minute.

"For most land mammals, these are signals that would trigger death," says Linfa Wang, who studies bat viruses at Duke-NUS Medical School in Singapore. But bats live it every day.

Wang says it seems that bats have developed special immune systems to deal with the stress of flying.

Their bodies make molecules that other mammals don't have, which help repair cell damage. And their systems don't overreact to infections, which keeps them from falling ill from the many viruses they carry (and also prevents conditions like diabetes and cancer).

This shows that it's not always the virus itself but the body's response to the virus that can make us sick, explains Wang.

Olival at EcoHealth Alliance says let's be clear: it's not the bats' fault that people are getting diseases. "They've just sort of coevolved with these viruses and these bugs that basically don't cause them any harm."

The problem, he says, is when the viruses jump to new species. And it's human activity that makes that likely to happen.


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コウモリの存在を知る者@BILLY BAT

イカロニクテリス (Icaronycteris) は、新生代暁新世末から始新世前期 (5,500万 - 4.500万年前) にかけて生息した既知では最古のコウモリの一つ。哺乳綱 - コウモリ目(翼手目)に属する絶滅属名ギリシャ神話イカロスにちなむ[1]。また、種小名 index第二指(英語名 = Index finger)に爪を持つことから[2]。 


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Coronavirus cases to be tracked by ethnicity
By Rianna Croxford
Community affairs correspondent, BBC News
18 April 2020

The research on critical care patients with Covid-19 also found:

the average of patients was 59.5 years

there were nearly three times the number of men as women - 72% male; 27.9% female

more than a third were overweight - with a BMI of 25-30

38% were obese - with a BMI of over 30

the younger the patient, the more likely they were to survive
