
クリントン財団とMantria Corp

Woman is sentenced for $54 million 'green energy' Ponzi scheme ...
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/.../Woman-sentenced-54-million-green... -
3 時間前 - Amanda Knorr (right) co-founded Mantria Corp with her college boyfriend Troy Wragg (left) after they ... for their so-called commitment to 'help mitigate global warming' during a 2009 ceremony for the Clinton Global Initiative.

The Mantria Corporation Ponzi scheme has been described as the "biggest green energy scam" in United States history.[1] It has gone unprosecuted by the Department of Justice, though a Federal judge in the Securities and Exchange Commission's civil case found Mantria had scammed more than $54.5 million “by egregiously, recklessly, knowingly, and shamelessly perpetrating a fraudulent scheme” that used “misrepresentations, omissions, and blatant lies to induce unsuspecting and unwitting victim investors to liquidate the equity in their homes and take out bank loans to invest in Defendants’ scheme, which was nothing more than smoke and mirrors.” On November 16, 2009, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission charged four people who targeted those nearing retirement age who were seeking real estate and "green" investments. Many of these securities were offered by Mantria Corporation.
The SEC said Mantria's environmental and real estate initiatives had not generated any significant profits, and returns paid to investors had been funded from other investors' contributions. They targeted those nearing retirement age to finance the "green" initiatives of Mantria Corporation, such as a “carbon negative” housing community in rural Tennessee, waste-to-energy plants, and a “biochar” charcoal substitute made from organic waste. Mantria Corporation operated using 55 different LLCs in the scheme, which made it very difficult for investigators to follow the funds.[2]


Clinton Global Initiative | Clinton Foundation
Clinton Global Initiative. ... About · Press · Presidential Center · Contact Us · Careers · Site Map · Fraud Alert · Terms of Use · Privacy Policy. The Clinton Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. $20 $50 · $100 $250 · $500 Other.

匿名党: FBIがクリントン財団にロックオン!
tokumei10.blogspot.com/2018/01/fbi.html?m=1 - このページを訳す
The FBI is investigating the Clinton Foundation The FBI has been discreetly investigating the Clinton Foundation for months, reviving a probe that was dialed ...

トヨタと疑惑のクリントン財団 - 匿名党
2017/02/03 - 2 件のコメント: 匿名さんのコメント... Clinton Foundation Boko Haram. 2017年2月3日 5:00; 匿名さんのコメント... 小沢センセが怒っといてくれるって。やったね! 自由党で講演、小沢一郎氏と合意 http://yoshinori-kobayashi.com/12354/

ロシアゲートの本命ライン@クリントン財団とオバマとユダヤクザと… - 匿名党
2017/10/25 - Clinton Foundation Uranium $145 million - Google Search via kwout ... それはともかく、これでヒラリーの、クリントン財団の悪事が、公になれば、民主党だけでなく、トランプ大統領が言うところの「フェイクメディア」も大きな打撃を受けること ...

トランプがエルサレムをイスラエルの首都認定したホントの理由 - 匿名党
2017/12/14 - https://www.google.co.jp/search?ei= パレスチナ 財政危機 - Google 検索 via kwout. →日本共産党 、、、(爆wwwwwwwww. https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei= Clinton Foundation Palestine - Google Search via kwout.

クレア・マカスキル上院議員@米国民主党にロックオン! - 匿名党
2017/06/27 - McCaskill began her role in the 2016 Presidential election in 2013 by endorsing Secretary Hillary Clinton for President. Throughout the ... McCaskill Dodges When Asked About Clinton Foundation Russian Uranium Deal


ロシアゲートの真のターゲットは最初からトランプじゃなかった件 - 匿名党
2019/03/27 - 2016年アメリカ合衆国大統領選挙におけるロシアの干渉 - Wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016年アメリカ合衆国大統領選挙におけるロシアの干渉 2016年アメリカ合衆国大統領選挙におけるロシアの干渉(2016ねんアメリカがっ ...



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日米同盟消滅の模様 - 匿名党
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