







ゴーン@日産がカネを流したハリド・ジュファリからヒトラーにホロコーストを ...
2018/12/28 - ゴーン@日産がカネを流したハリド・ジュファリからヒトラーにホロコーストを進言したパレスチナ人まで芋づる式に. 2018年12月27日木曜日 ハリド・ジュファリ@薔薇ライン http://tokumei10.blogspot.com/2018/12/blog-post_604.html 日本にとって不可逆的に ...

In 1996, Renault's CEO Louis Schweitzer hired Ghosn as his deputy and charged him with the task of turning the company around from near bankruptcy. Ghosn elaborated a plan to cut costs for the period 1998–2000, reducing the workforce, revising production processes, standardising vehicle parts and pushing the launch of new models. The company also undertook organisational changes, introducing a lean production system with delegate responsibilities inspired by Japanese systems (the "Renault Production Way"), reforming work methods and centralising research and development at its Technocentre to reduce vehicle conception costs while accelerating such conception.[16] Ghosn became known as "Le Cost Killer".[17] In the early 2000s, for orchestrating one of the auto industry's most aggressive downsizing campaigns and spearheading the turnaround of Nissan from its near bankruptcy in 1999, he earned the nickname "Mr. Fix It".[18]

Louis Schweitzer (born 8 July 1942 in Geneva, Switzerland) is a former Chairman of Renault, first taking that post on 27 May 1992 in succession to Raymond Lévy:[1] he was also CEO from 1992 to 2005. He was in addition Chairman of AstraZeneca until 8 June 2012 where he was appointed as a Director 11 March 2004.[2][3] He is a non-executive director of BNP Paribas, Electricité de France, Veolia Environnement, Volvo AB and L'Oréal, and Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Philips Electronics NV[4]
Louis Schweitzer is the son of Pierre-Paul Schweitzer, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) from 1963 to 1973. He is the grandnephew of Albert Schweitzer, and so related to Jean-Paul Sartre.[5]
Schweitzer has a degree in law and is a graduate of France's elite Institut d'études politiques de Paris (Sciences Po) and École nationale d'administration.
He was appointed Inspector of Finance at the French Treasury in 1970. In 1981, he became Chief of Staff to Prime Minister Laurent Fabius in his various government posts (Budget Minister, Minister for Industry and Research and Prime Minister).
He joined Renault in 1986 and became Chief Financial Officer and Head of Strategic Planning in 1988.
He was appointed Executive Vice President and COO in 1989, and President and COO in 1990. He was Renault's Chairman and CEO from May 1992 to April 2005, and president of the Renault-Nissan Alliance Board from 2001 to 2005. On 29 April 2005, he became Chairman of the Renault Board of Directors.
In 1995, the Justice Ministry investigated Schweitzer for being an "accomplice in poisoning" of the hemophiliacs. The case stemmed from his tenure as Chief of Staff to Laurent Fabius and whether he knowingly allowed blood infected with HIV to be distributed to recipients.[6] In 2003, the Court of Cassation dismissed the charges against him and several other officials.[7]
He was found guilty in 2002 of conducting surveillance on the phone of Jean-Edern Hallier as part of a special unit of the Elysée Palace and fined. The Court of Cassation upheld his conviction in 2008.[8][9][10]
Schweitzer is a Commander of the French Légion d'honneur and National Order of Merit, and director of several French and foreign companies. He is also member of governing boards of various general organisations, particularly in the cultural field.
Since 6 March 2005, Schweitzer has been President of the Haute Authorité de Lutte Contre les Discriminations et Pour l'Egalité. This role was entrusted to him by the French President.
In 2013, he was appointed one of the 250 Grand Officers of the Legion of Honour.
Schweitzer is a Protestant.

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Jean-Edern Hallier (1 March 1936 in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Yvelines – 12 January 1997 in Deauville) was a French author.
Hallier was the son of World War I French General André Hallier. Jean-Edern was born one-eyed in 1936. While the Hallier family has ancient Breton roots on his father's side, Jean-Edern later (L'évangile du fou) claimed his mother had Alsatian and Jewish heritage.
Hallier, returning to France after World War II, first studied at the Pierre-qui-vire convent and then at a Paris lycée and at Oxford. He travelled extensively, even getting shipwrecked in the Persian gulf, and in 1960 founded the literary review Tel Quel with Philippe Sollers. Three years later he published his first novel, "Les Aventures d'une jeune fille" (A young lady's adventures). He then worked as a publisher with Plon and finished his second novel, "Le Grand écrivain" (The Great Author), in 1967.
Deeply stirred by the 1968 student riots in Paris, he disclosed his then leftist views in the partly autobiographical La Cause des peuples (1972), plunged into politics full-time and started the first, leftist version of his paper, L'Idiot international, partly funded at first by Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir. On January 26, 1973, Marc Gilbert cancels his presence on the set of French talk-show, Italiques.[1][2]
He traveled to Chile after Pinochet's 1973 coup, with funds gathered by Régis Debray which were to be handed out to the Chilean resistance. However, he returned to Paris without the money and without having handed it to the resistance, claiming he had bought 400.000 hectares in the Amazon Basin to provide shelter for the future Chilean exiles.[3] He progressively broke up with the left-wing after this event. He also broke with the nouveau roman in 1974 with Chagrins d'amour.
He hosted one of the first pirate radio stations in 1977, "Radio Verte", close to the ecology movement. Radio Verte functioned for two days only, but wielded a lasting influence.
He was suspected of simulating his own kidnapping in 1982, and being behind a bombing in Régis Debray's building (which caused no casualties), a suspicion recently confirmed by Régis Debray and Gilles Ménage, who worked for President François Mitterrand in the Elysée cell involved in the wiretap scandal. He also committed, it was alleged, less serious "attacks", such as setting fire to Françoise Mallet-Joris's doormat. Mallet-Joris was one of the Goncourt jury, and the fire was meant as a protest against the way literary prizes were awarded.
He was successively a Maoist, an admirer of Fidel Castro, while at the same time getting close to Jacques Chirac, and even supporting Pinochet after his return from his expedition to Chile.[3]
Close for a time to François Mitterrand, who successfully ran for President in 1981 for the Socialist Party (PS), he later opposed him, threatening to reveal the existence of his illegitimate daughter Mazarine Pingeot. From the moment he threatened to publish a pamphlet on Mitterrand in 1982, he was closely watched by the special cell in the Elysée Palace in an attempt to block the revelation of Mazarine's existence.[3] Hallier's telephone conversations were continually eavesdropped on by the Elysée palace from 1982 onward.[4] He and any potential publisher were hounded by tax inspectors dispatched to instill the fear of "God" (Mitterrand's nickname) into them, his apartment was burned down, etc. To this day it is very difficult to obtain one of Hallier's books anywhere but in a few independent libraries.
In 1991, L'Idiot international was one of the French newspapers which opposed participation to the Gulf War, and Jean-Edern Hallier went to Iraq to cover the hostilities. He had earlier published Salman Rushdie's The Satanic Verses (1988), and personally delivered a copy of the book to the Iranian embassy in Paris [3] He was attacked in defamation for articles published in L'Idiot international by Jack Lang and others. He never defended himself during the trials, and never went in Appeal Court. He had to auction off his flat in order to pay damages to Bernard Tapie who had successfully charged him with defamation.[3]

He died in a road accident, in Deauville in 1997, leaving a son.

Ahmed Salman Rushdie[7] was born on 19 June 1947[8] in Bombay, then British India, into a Kashmiri Muslim family.[9][10][11] He is the son of Anis Ahmed Rushdie, a Cambridge-educated lawyer-turned-businessman, and Negin Bhatt, a teacher. Anis Rushdie was let go from the Indian Civil Services (ICS) after it emerged that the birth certificate submitted by him had changes to make him appear younger than he was.[12] Rushdie has three sisters.[13] He wrote in his 2012 memoir that his father adopted the name Rushdie in honour of Averroes (Ibn Rushd).
He was educated at Cathedral and John Connon School in Bombay, Rugby School in Warwickshire, and King's College, University of Cambridge, where he read history.[8]

In 1860 Bishop Harding and the Cathedral Chaplain opened a grammar school within the walled city of Bombay which, along with a smaller establishment for girls, were the first of many strands that have joined to form the Cathedral and John Connon School.[4][5]
A Choir School, established with the objective of providing choristers for the St. Thomas Cathedral, Mumbai, the first Anglican Church in Mumbai was founded in October 1875. Meanwhile, the Bombay Scottish Education Society was founded in 1866. The society put up a building on the Esplanade, and named it for John Connon (then Chief Registrar of Bombay).






ル・モンド = ザ・ワールド がマクロンに謝罪


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日本聖公会 呉信愛教会 Kure Shin-Ai Church, Anglican Church in Japan - 広島県呉市 - Religious Organization | Facebook via kwout. アングリカンなのに「X」な件。(爆w. Posted by てんこもり野郎 at 0:58. Labels: 神社DE仏教 ...

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