




Midazolam is among about 35 benzodiazepines currently used medically,[59] and was synthesised in 1975 by Walser and Fryer at Hoffmann-LaRoche, Inc in the United States.[60

Fritz Hoffmann, later Fritz Hoffmann-La Roche (24 October 1868, Basel (French: Bâle) – 18 April 1920, Basel) was the founder of Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. (French: F. Hoffmann-La Roche SA, German: die F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG).

Hans Lukas "Luc" Hoffmann (23 January 1923 – 21 July 2016) was a Swiss ornithologist, conservationist, and philanthropist.[1][2] He co-founded the World Wildlife Fund (WWF),[3] helped establish the Ramsar Convention for the protection of wetlands,[4] and set up the Tour du Valat (fr) research centre in the Camargue area of France.[5] In 2012, Luc Hoffmann's MAVA Foundation, along with WWF International, established the Luc Hoffmann Institute.[6] He was the author of more than 60 books, mostly ornithological.


Etomidate (USAN, INN, BAN) (marketed as Amidate) is a short-acting intravenous anaesthetic agent used for the induction of general anaesthesia and sedation[1] for short procedures such as reduction of dislocated joints, tracheal intubation, and cardioversion. It was developed at Janssen Pharmaceutica in 1964 and was introduced as an intravenous agent in 1972 in Europe and in 1983 in the United States.[2]

Paul Adriaan Jan, Baron Janssen (12 September 1926, Turnhout – 11 November 2003, Rome) was a Belgian physician. He was the founder of Janssen Pharmaceutica, a pharmaceutical company with over 20,000 employees.[1]
Paul Janssen was the son of Constant Janssen and Margriet Fleerackers. On 16 April 1957, he married Dora Arts.
He attended secondary school at the Jesuit St-Jozef college in Turnhout, after which he decided to follow in his father's footsteps and become a physician. During World War II, Janssen studied physics, biology, and chemistry at the Facultés universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix (FUNDP) in Namur. He then studied medicine at the Catholic University of Leuven and the University of Ghent. In 1951, Janssen graduated "magna cum laude" in medicine from the University of Ghent.

Dr. Jan Constant Janssen (18 September 1895 in Belgium, Vlimmeren – 15 April 1970 in Antwerp) was a Belgian physician and businessman. He was the third child (out of four) of Adriaan Victor Janssen (1854–1942) and Anna Catharina Eelen (1855–1929). He went to high school in Hoogstraten and studied medicine at the Catholic University of Leuven and the University of Ghent. On 16 April 1925, he married Margriet Fleerackers (Turnhout, 5 January 1897-Vosselaar, 23 September 1973), together they had four children. Their oldest son, Paul Janssen, would become one of the most successful scientists in pharmaceutics.

Jansen is a Dutch/Flemish and Low German patronymic surname meaning son of Jan, a common derivative of Johannes. It is equivalent to the English surname Johnson. The near homonyms "Jensen" and "Jansson" are its Danish, Norwegian and Swedish counterparts.


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