
トランプ大統領 オバマ大統領の出生証明書の偽装を指摘したジョー・アーパイオ保安官の恩赦示唆

Trump hints at pardon for former Arizona Sheriff Arpaio
Reuters•August 22, 2017

PHOENIX (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump hinted on Tuesday that he would issue a pardon for Joe Arpaio, a controversial former sheriff convicted last month of criminal contempt in a racial profiling case.
Trump, who had already held out the possibility of a pardon for Arpaio, decided against announcing it at a major rally in Arizona on Tuesday night but suggested that he would step in at some point.


Joseph Michael "Joe" Arpaio[1] (/ɑːrˈp./; born June 14, 1932) is a former American law enforcement officer and convicted criminal awaiting sentencing as of August 2017. He was the elected Sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona, from 1993 through 2016.
Arpaio styled himself as "America's Toughest Sheriff".[2][3][4] Starting in 2005, he took an outspoken stance against illegal immigration. In 2010, he became a flashpoint for opposition to Arizona's SB1070 anti-illegal immigrant law, which was largely struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court.[5][6][7][8][9] Arpaio is also known for his investigation of former U.S. President Barack Obama's birth certificate, and his continuing claim that it is forged.[10][11][12][13]
Arpaio has been accused of various types of misconduct, including abuse of power; misuse of funds; failure to investigate sex crimes; improper clearance of cases; unlawful enforcement of immigration laws; and election law violations. A Federal court monitor was appointed to oversee his office's operations because of complaints of racial profiling. The U.S. Department of Justice concluded that Arpaio oversaw the worst pattern of racial profiling in U.S. history, and subsequently filed suit against him for unlawful discriminatory police conduct.[14]
In November 2016, Arpaio lost re-election to Democrat Paul Penzone, who succeeded him as sheriff on January 1, 2017.[15]

Arpaio was a defendant in a decade-long racial-profiling case in which a federal court issued an injunction barring him from conducting further "immigration round-ups" that targeted Hispanics.[16] A federal court subsequently found that after the order was issued, Arpaio's office continued to detain "persons for further investigation without reasonable suspicion that a crime has been or is being committed."[16] In 2016, Arpaio was held in civil contempt of court, and the following year, Arpaio was found guilty of criminal contempt of court for "willfully" violating the order.[16]

Obama's birth certificate conspiracy theories

On March 1, 2012, Arpaio and members of his Cold Case Posse held a news conference announcing their contention that President Barack Obama's long-form birth certificate, released by the White House on April 27, 2011,[194] is a computer-generated forgery. Additionally, the Posse's six-month-long review included an examination of President Obama's Selective Service card and contended that it, also, is a forgery. Their claims were presented at that press conference, and at a second press conference held on March 31, 2012.[195][196] The allegations regarding the birth certificate were repeated at a July 17, 2012, news conference, where Arpaio stated that his investigators are certain that Obama's long-form birth certificate is fraudulent.[197]
Some of the major claims presented by Arpaio at the July 17 news conference were subsequently shown to be false; specifically, the 1961 Vital Statistics Instruction Manual that Arpaio and his team claimed to possess contradicted what they claimed it said, and images shown by them, purportedly from that manual, were instead from computer specifications dated 1968 and 1969.[198]
In response to Arpaio's claims, Joshua A. Wisch, a special assistant to the Attorney General of Hawaii, said in a statement, "President Obama was born in Honolulu, and his birth certificate is valid. Regarding the latest allegations from a sheriff in Arizona, they are untrue, misinformed and misconstrue Hawaii law."[199] Arizona state officials, including Governor Jan Brewer and Secretary of State Ken Bennett, have also dismissed Arpaio's objections and accepted the validity of Obama's birth certificate.[200] Brewer also stated that Obama’s mother’s U.S. citizenship made him a citizen, regardless of where he was born.[201]

During September 2016, Arpaio claimed to be still investigating President Obama's birth certificate, stating "We are looking at a forged document. Period."[202] On December 15, 2016, Arpaio held a news conference, along with posse member Mike Zullo, detailing "9 points of forgery" supposedly found on the digital image of Obama's birth certificate.[203]


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