







ウィリアム・エドワード・ボーイング(William Edward Boeing、1881年10月1日 - 1956年9月28日)は航空機メーカーボーイングの設立者。デトロイトの生まれ。エール大学出身。
1916年、ボーイングはパシフィック・エアロ・プロダクツ(Pacific Aero Products) を設立したが、1917年にアメリカが第一次世界大戦に参戦したのを機にボーイング・エアプレーン(Boeing Airplane Company)に改名し、海軍から50機の注文を得た。大戦が終わるまでに、航空郵便の事業でも成功した。1929年、プラット・アンド・ホイットニー(Pratt & Whitney)などの航空産業企業数社とユナイテッド・エアクラフト・アンド・トランスポート(United Aircraft and ransport Corporation)を設立した。
1934年に独占禁止法により、ユナイテッド・エアクラフト・アンド・トランスポートは、ボーイング・エアプレーン(Boeing Airplane Company、後のボーイング)とユナイテッド・エアクラフト(United Aircraft Company、後のユナイテッド・テクノロジーズ)とユナイテッド航空に分割された。
ボーイングは1934年に航空事業から引退し、晩年は不動産開発や馬の繁殖に勤しんだ。彼が第2次世界大戦前にシアトル周辺で買い占めた土地の多くは今ではゴルフ場になっている[1]。 1956年、ヨット中に心臓発作で死亡、享年74歳[2]。遺灰はボーイングが愛したカナダブリティッシュ・コロンビア州のヨット場に流された。

W. E. Boeing was born in Detroit, Michigan, to Catholic parents,[1] a wealthy mining engineer named Wilhelm Böing from Hagen-Hohenlimburg, Germany, and Marie M. Ortmann from Vienna, Austria. Boeing Sr. had made a fortune from timber lands and mineral rights near Lake Superior.[2] Anglicizing his name to "William Boeing"[citation needed] after returning from being educated in Vevey, Switzerland in 1900 to attend Yale University,[3] William Boeing left Yale before graduating, in 1903 to go into the lumber side of the business. He moved to Hoquiam, Washington state, and purchased extensive timberlands around Grays Harbor on the Pacific side of the Olympic Peninsula and also bought into lumber operations. He made a success of the venture, in part by shipping lumber to the East Coast via the new Panama Canal, generating funds that he would later apply to a very different business.[4]

While president of Greenwood Timber Company, Boeing, who had experimented with boat design, traveled to Seattle, where, during the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition in 1909, he saw a manned flying machine for the first time and became fascinated with aircraft. Boeing decided to take lessons at the Glenn L. Martin Flying School in Los Angeles and he purchased one of Martin's planes.[5] Martin pilot James Floyd Smith traveled to Seattle to assemble Boeing's new Martin TA hydroaeroplane and continue to teach its owner to fly. Huge crates arrived by train, and Smith assembled the plane in a tent hangar erected on the shore of Lake Union. William Boeing became a pilot. Boeing's test pilot, Herb Munter, soon cracked up the plane[clarification needed]. When he was told by Martin that replacement parts would not become available for months, Boeing told his friend Cdr. George Conrad Westervelt (USN), "We could build a better plane ourselves and build it faster". Westervelt agreed. They soon built and flew the B & W Seaplane, an amphibian biplane that had outstanding performance. Boeing decided to go into the aircraft business and bought an old boat works on the Duwamish River near Seattle for his factory.

Boeing family

In 1921, William Boeing married Bertha Marie Potter Paschall (1891-1977). She had previously been married to Nathaniel Paschall, a real estate broker with whom she bore two sons, Nathaniel "Nat" Paschall Jr. and Cranston Paschall. These two sons became Boeing's stepsons. The couple had a son of their own, William E. Boeing Jr. The stepsons went into aviation manufacturing as a career. Nat Paschall was a sales manager for Douglas Aircraft and then McDonnell Douglas. William E. Boeing Jr. became a noted private pilot and industrial real estate developer.
Bertha Potter Paschall Boeing was the daughter of Howard Cranston Potter and Alice Kershaw Potter. Through her father, Bertha was a descendant of merchant bankers Alexander Brown of Baltimore, James Brown and Brown's son-in-law and partner Howard Potter of New York; and through her mother, the granddaughter of Charles James Kershaw and Mary Leavenworth Kershaw (a descendant of Henry Leavenworth).



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