

2016年12月07日 20時59分




2016年12月07日 20時59分 Copyright © The Yomiuri Shimbun


Aceh is thought to have been the place where the spread of Islam in Indonesia began, and was a key factor of the spread of Islam in Southeast Asia. Islam reached Aceh (Kingdoms of Fansur and Lamuri) around 1250 AD. In the early seventeenth century the Sultanate of Aceh was the most wealthy, powerful and cultivated state in the Malacca Straits region. Aceh has a history of political independence and resistance to control by outsiders, including the former Dutch colonists and the Indonesian government.
Aceh has substantial natural resources, including oil and natural gas; some estimates put Aceh gas reserves as being the largest in the world. Relative to most of Indonesia, it is a religiously conservative area.[3] It has the highest proportion of Muslims in Indonesia, who mostly live according to Sharia customs and laws.[4]Aceh was the closest point of land to the epicenter of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, which devastated much of the western coast of the province. Approximately 170,000 Indonesians were killed or went missing in the disaster.[5] The disaster helped precipitate the peace agreement between the government of Indonesia and the Free Aceh Movement (GAM).



During World War II, Japanese troops occupied Aceh. The Acehnese Ulama (Islamic clerics) fought against both the Dutch and the Japanese, revolting against the Dutch in February 1942 and against Japan in November 1942. The revolt was led by the All-Aceh Religious Scholars' Association ( PUSA). The Japanese suffered 18 dead in the uprising while they slaughtered up to 100 or over 120 Acehnese.[17][18] The revolt happened in Bayu and was centered around Tjot Plieng village's religious school.[19][20][21][22] During the revolt, the Japanese troops armed with mortars and machine guns were charged by sword wielding Acehnese under Teungku Abduldjalil (Tengku Abdul Djalil) in Buloh Gampong Teungah and Tjot Plieng on 10 and 13 November.[23][24][25][26][27][28][29] On May 1945 the Acehnese rebelled again.[30] The religious ulama party gained ascendancy to replace district warlords (uleebalang) party that formerly collaborated with the Dutch. Concrete bunkers still line the northernmost beaches.


イスラム法(シャリーア)に基づく州条例を制定する自治権が認められており、飲酒、賭博、売春などイスラム法に違反した者はカーディー裁判によって裁かれる。元来保守派イスラム教徒の住民が大半を占めていることから、インドネシアの他の州に比べて厳しいイスラム法が実施されている。 2009年にアチェ州議会でジナの罪に石打ち刑を科す条例が可決され、問題になっている[1]。通常の警察のほか、シャリーア警察が存在し、「不道徳行為」を行っている人はいないかをパトロールしている[2]


1 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

【11月15日 AFP】インドネシア西部アチェ(Aceh)州の浜辺にマッコウクジラ9頭が乗り上げ、懸命の救助活動が続けられたものの、うち4頭が死んだ。http://www.afpbb.com/articles/-/3150694
