

Several of the Italians who died in the assault worked in the garment and textile industry, the Italian Foreign Ministry said.

Ms. Benedetti, one of the victims, was managing director of a textile company based in Bangladesh called Studiotex Ltd. “She was supposed to come back [to Italy] today,” said her niece Giulia Benedetti in an Italian television interview.

Mr. Rossi, another victim, worked as a representative for textile companies interested in producing garments in Bangladesh, though based in Italy. He had originally gone to Bangladesh as a buyer for an Italian textile firm. He later opened his own business dealing with Bangladesh, said Francesco Buonopane, a union official who said he was acquainted with Mr. Rossi.

“It’s hard to [accept] that going abroad to work, support a family and create a business” can lead to such a sad fate, said Gianluca Maiarelli, mayor of the northern Italian city of Tavagnacco, where Mr. Rossi lived, in an Italian TV interview.

Another victim, 39-year-old Mr. Tondat, worked for an Italian textile company as a supervisor of production centers in Bangladesh, his brother, Fabio, said in an Italian television interview. He moved to Bangladesh a year ago and was supposed to go back to Italy for a short break on Monday.

Bangladesh’s export-oriented ready-made garment sector is one the world’s largest and employs more than four million workers, mostly women. International retailers source about $25 billion of clothes annually from the country. If Friday’s attack and other recent deadly assaults by militants in the country were to deter foreign buyers, Bangladesh’s garment industry, which is a key driver of the economy, could be undermined.

Many foreign retailers postponed business trips to the country, and buyers’ conferences were canceled, after Italian aid worker Cesare Tavella was shot dead in October not far from where Friday’s attack took place. Several garment factory owners say they have provided armed guards to foreign customers to calm fears.

After the killing of Mr. Tavella, in an attack also claimed by Islamic State, the U.S., U.K., Australian, Italian and Japanese embassies issued travel alerts warning of a continued threat against foreigners in Bangladesh. Some international nongovernment organizations and aid groups have restricted expatriate employees from traveling outside the capital.

At the time, Bangladeshi officials criticized the travel alerts, and several ministers spoke of what they called an “international conspiracy” to malign Bangladesh.

—Peter Landers and Kosaku Narioka contributed to this article.

Write to Syed Zain Al-Mahmood at zain.al-mahmood@wsj.com



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匿名 さんのコメント...

> アルチザンっていうコムサ系の上級ブランド


匿名 さんのコメント...

繊維方面職人なんですね もやっと分かりかけてきたかも もどかしい

ナンは大きな壺みたいな形の釜で焼いてる 中東はいろいろあるのかな
で Pizza か、、 と今更です(汗
(かまど に変換してもいいですかね)
pizza といえば Margherita なんですけど、、


wolf やら Titus 凱旋門 とか散らかってはいますが
平行でいろいろ見てたらまたどこかで繋がるかなぁ と
