

Diann H. Kim Is Wed to John B. Frank
Published: August 26, 1984

Diann Hyung Kim, a daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Young Song Kim of Calabasas, Calif., was married yesterday to John Bernkopf Frank, a son of Dr. and Mrs. Howard A. Frank of Brookline, Mass. The Rev. Roger L. Dunnavan, the bride's uncle, performed the Presbyterian ceremony at the Harvard Memorial Church in Cambridge, Mass.

The bride, who will retain her name, is a law clerk to Judge A. David Mazzone of the United States District Court in Boston and it to join the Los Angeles law firm of Tuttle & Taylor. She graduated cum laude from Harvard College and the University of Michigan Law School. Her father is a thoracic surgeon in Los Angeles, where her mother, Shin Hyung Kim, a psychiatric social worker, is the executive director of the Korean Family Counseling and Legal Aid Clinic. The bride is a granddaughter of Sang Don Kim, a member of the South Korean National Assembly from 1948 to 1960 and Mayor of Seoul in 1961.

Mr. Frank is a law clerk in the Portland, Me., office of Judge Frank M. Coffin of the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit. He is to join the Los Angeles law firm of Munger, Tolles & Rickershauser. An alumnus of the Noble and Greenough School and Wesleyan University, he graduated magna cum laude from the University of Michigan Law School, where he was managing editor of The Michigan Law Review. His father is a professor of surgery at the Harvard Medical School. His mother, Sally Bernkopf Frank, is a financial administrator at the Children's Hospital in Boston.


1930年4月11日明治学院神学部東京神学社が合併、1937年東北学院神学部が合流して日本神学校が設立される。日本基督教会以外にも、同盟基督協会からも、木下弘人白川藤太郎相沢良一らが学んだ。校長は川添万寿得で、教頭が高倉徳太郎で教授陣は、桑田秀延植村環などであった。 1937年東京府千代田区長谷部鋭吉に設計により新校舎が建設される。1944年日本西部神学校が合併する。

また、改革長老派の神学校として、専門学校 日本神学校(名古屋市中区)として日本の牧会者を育てる神学校が存在する。 首都圏以外の、地方にて学校法人を持つ神学校としては、唯一、日本神学校だけである。


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東北学院旧宣教師館 重要文化財

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A Heart at Leisure from Itself: Caroline MacDonald of Japan
Margaret Prang - 1997 - ‎Biography & Autobiography
On her return from the United States, the Reverend Uemura Tamaki was summoned to make weekly visits to the imperial palace for Bible teaching and hymn singing with Empress Nagako and her ladies-in-waiting; the empress was said to be taking notes on these sessions for the benefit of the emperor. When the ...
