

When Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066 in February 1942, authorizing the evacuation of all those of Japanese descent from the West Coast to war relocation centers, the Buddhist faith practiced by many Japanese Americans was itself regarded as a potential threat.
After the attack on Pearl Harbor and the formal entry of the United States into World War II, the FBI compiled a list of suspected collaborators that included not only members of groups with political ties to Japan, but the leaders of Buddhist temples.
FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover's Custodial Detention List used a classification system designating the supposed risk of individuals on an A-B-C scale, with an "A" assigned to those deserving greatest suspicion. In Hoover's system, Buddhist priests were designated "A-1": "dangerous enemy aliens" whose arrest was considered a matter of urgent concern.
Even before the war, Japanese Buddhists were thought to be less "Americanized" than their countrymen who had converted to Christianity, and in some ways this was true.

Even before the war, Japanese Buddhists were thought to be less "Americanized" than their countrymen who had converted to Christianity, and in some ways this was true.
Within the Japanese immigrant community, Buddhists were more likely than Christians to maintain their native language, as well as their facility with customs and rituals performed in that language. They were also more likely than Japanese Christians to read publications concerned with political affairs in the country they left behind. Subscription rolls of such publications provided the FBI with a starting point for building its "A" list of suspects.
Because of the connections and traditional knowledge Buddhist temples helped maintain, to be a Japanese Buddhist in America was to be considered a risk to national security. Facing such scrutiny, many Buddhists enlisted for military service to prove their loyalty and patriotism.
The famous 442nd Combat Regiment was not only entirely Japanese, but it was largely Buddhist. It became the most decorated infantry regiment in Europe. In the Pacific theater, 6,000 American servicemen of Japanese descent -- again, many Buddhists among them -- worked as linguists and code breakers, hastening the end of the war.



3 件のコメント:

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> Buddhists were Public Enemy No. 1


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教育行き届きすぎ って思うもんww
