







5.慰安婦問題についても当事者である主犯はすでに極東国際軍事裁判において裁かれ、更に日本は同じ敗戦国であったにも関わらず歴代総理が既に謝罪し(小泉・村山・河野談話など)、 日韓基本条約に基づき韓国に対して全ての戦争賠償問題の完全解決を条件に莫大な経済援助を行っている。したがって慰安婦問題は既に解決済みである。






Fish's alleged Nazi ties and isolationism

Fish was touted by the Germans as a friendly American ally.[25] Time magazine once termed him "the Nation's No. 1 isolationist."[26]
On August 14, 1939, Fish, president of the U.S. delegation to the Interparliamentary Union Congress conference in Oslo, Norway, met with Joachim Ribbentrop. Fish flew to Oslo in Ribbentrop's private plane.[27] Fish, a staunch opponent of Roosevelt, advocated better relations with Nazi Germany and hoped to solve the "Danzig question" during the conference in Norway. "Stepping out of Joachim von Ribbentrop's plane in 1939, Fish opined that Germany's claims were 'just.'"[28]
In 1940, just after the presidential election, Fish sent a telegram to Roosevelt which read: "Congratulations. I pledge my support for national defense ... and to keep America out of foreign wars."[29]
In 1941, a judiciary panel investigating the activities of Nazi agents in the U.S., sent officers to the Washington headquarters of an anti-British organization, the Islands for War Debts Committee, to seize eight bags of franked Congressional mail containing speeches by isolationist members of Congress. George Hill, Fish's chief of staff, had the mail taken to Fish's office storeroom just prior to their arrival.[30]
A grand jury was convened and summoned Hill to explain: 1) why he had been so solicitous about the Islands for War Debts Committee's mail; and 2) his close association with George Sylvester Viereck, a Nazi propaganda agent. (Viereck would later be convicted of violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act and for having subsidized the Islands for War Debts Committee.) Hill said he had not sent for the mail and did not know Viereck. The jury promptly indicted Hill for perjury.[30]
Shortly after the indictment, Fish defended Hill claiming, "George Hill is 100% O.K., and I'll back George Hill to the limit on anything." [30] During the trial, Hill had explained that Viereck visited Capitol Hill in 1940 and arranged for wholesale distribution of Congressional speeches attacking the Administration's foreign policy.[31] After hearing a jury had reached its verdict and anticipating a conviction, Fish issued a statement: "I am very sorry to learn that George Hill, a disabled, decorated veteran of the World War and a clerk in my office, has been convicted of perjury... Mr. Hill is of English ancestry... He had an obsession against our involvement in war."[30] Twenty hours later, the jury did convict Hill.[30]
Less than two weeks before the 1942 midterm congressional election, columnist Drew Pearson's nationally syndicated column (Washington Merry-Go-Round) described in detail how in 1939 Fish had received over $3,100 in cash from a source with German ties.[32]

Britain's campaign to defeat Hamilton Fish

The British Security Cooperation focused a great deal of effort attempting to influence Congressmen through front groups, campaigning, and agents of influence. In 1940, BSC agents ran the Nonpartisan Committee to Defeat Hamilton Fish in order to “put the fear of God into every isolationist senator and congressman.” The committee raised substantial sums of money for Fish’s opponent, coordinated several media attacks, created false charges of wrongdoing just before elections, and helped distribute books charging Fish with disloyalty. The committee as much as possible tried to make attacks on Fish appear to originate from his district though historical documents indicate most attacks originated outside of his district. Fish survived the attack in 1940 but won his election with less than half the margin of victory he earned 2 years earlier.[33]




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要するに連合軍側はせっかくドイツ同様に、戦争責任の所在を軍部の戦犯(ドイツの場合はナチス戦犯)と特定し、天皇と普通の日本国民はおとがめなし認定し丸くかつフェアに収めたのに 今後になって戦犯を擁護しその戦争責任の所在をうやむやにしようとしてる日本の姿勢を批判してるわけだよ。

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