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"Seiji Yoshida"+"comfort women" site:ajw.asahi.com/

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>従軍慰安婦問題:朝日記事、国会で検証も 石破氏が言及 - 毎日新聞 



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New Straits Times - Aug 13, 1992
Ex-soldier Recalls Life Of Sex Slaves
"I am here to help the Koreans receive compensation from the Japanese Government. I realize I should first apologize but words alone can't express it all," I realise I should first apologise but words alone can't express it all," said Seiji Yoshida. women -were dragged from their mothers and fathers and torn from their children to be trans ported to battlefront brothels, he said. women were forced to serve the sexual needs of the Japanese soldiers. They were treated like animals," Yoshida , 78, told a news conference.
"The sight of Japanese soldiers approaching would send entire Korean villages into panic."
Several victims of Japan's wartime atrocities attended the news conference.
Tempers rose as some elderly men, former slave workers forced to labor as part of Japan's wartime machine, demanded Yoshida apologize properly for Japan's misdeeds.
"The sight and just the mention of Japan still gives me the shivers, This man(Yoshida) says he's sorry but it's difficult to trust the Japanese." a 67-year-old woman, abducted from her home and forced to work as a "comfort woman" for Japanese troops, said.

Manila Standard - Jul 7, 1992
Tokyo admits procuring 'sex slaves'
A former recruiter, Seiji Yoshida, told The Associated Press recently that he and his men beat Korean women with sticks as they herded them unto trucks, kicking away their shrieking children.

New Straits Times - Aug 14, 1992
North Korea finds 120 former sex slaves
Seiji Yoshida 78, who in recent months has repeatedly confessed his war crimes, told reporters that the women were forced to work as sex slaves and were treated like animals.
Other veterans have said they abducted the women, many times just girls, by using force or luring them with offers of lucrative employment in factories.

Reading Eagle - Aug 11, 1992
Compensation for Japanese atrocities demanded
Seiji Yoshida, 78, a World War II-era Japanese official, said he procured 1,000 Korean women as sex slaves and 5,000 men as forced laborers. He met with victims on Wednesday and denounced his government for not paying compensation.
He said he raided Korean villages to "hunt" girls and housewives. "Young children used to cry, clinging to their mothers bei

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New Straits Times - Aug 14, 1992
North Korea finds 120 former sex slaves
Seiji Yoshida 78, who in recent months has repeatedly confessed his war crimes, told reporters that the women were forced to work as sex slaves and were treated like animals.
Other veterans have said they abducted the women, many times just girls, by using force or luring them with offers of lucrative employment in factories.

Reading Eagle - Aug 11, 1992
Compensation for Japanese atrocities demanded
Seiji Yoshida, 78, a World War II-era Japanese official, said he procured 1,000 Korean women as sex slaves and 5,000 men as forced laborers. He met with victims on Wednesday and denounced his government for not paying compensation.
He said he raided Korean villages to "hunt" girls and housewives. "Young children used to cry, clinging to their mothers being dragged away," he said.

Star-News - Aug 13, 1992
Koreans demand money for Japan's wartime sins
One woman said she was forced to have sex with 20 to 30 soldiers a day.
Seiji Yoshida, 78, a World War II-era Japanese official, said he procured 1,000 Korean women as sex slaves and 5,000 men as forced laborers. He met with victims on Wednesday and denounced his government for not paying compensation.
He said he raided Korean villages to "hunt" girls and housewives.
"Young children used to cry, clinging to their mothers being dragged away," he said.
Also Wednesday, about 50 Koreans pretested outside the Japanese Embassy, demanding compensation for the victims.

The Spokesman-Review - Aug 13, 1992
Atrocities by Japanese recounted
Old Korean woman recalls her years in sexual bondage
Seiji Yoshida, 78, a World War II-era Japanese official, said he procured 1,000 Korean women as sex slaves and 5,000 men as forced laborers. He met with victims on Wednesday and denounced his government for not paying compensation.
He said he raided Korean villages to "hunt" girls and housewives.

Tuesday, June 2, 1992 - Page updated at 12:00 AM
Japanese Sex-Slave Procurer Repents -- 78-Year-Old Plans Prayers In Korea

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Nisei Linguists:Japanese Americans in Military Intelligence Service During WW II



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March 24, 2014
Suga: Japan Won't Revise Wartime Brothel Apology
by Reuters

FILE - Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga speaks during an interview with Reuters in Tokyo.
Japan will not revise a landmark 1993 apology to women, many Korean, who were forced to serve in wartime military brothels nor will it issue a new statement on the matter, Japan's top government spokesman said on Monday.
"[The government] will examine the statement, but we will not revise it," Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told reporters.
He also denied the possibility of a new government statement on "comfort women" as suggested by Koichi Hagiuda, a close aide to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, over the weekend.
Kyodo news agency and other Japanese media reported over the weekend that Hagiuda had suggested Japan could issue a new statement on comfort women if a review of the procedures that led to the government's apology uncovered new facts.
Earlier this month, Abe said that his government would not revise the apology, issued by then-chief cabinet secretary Yohei Kono, which recognized the involvement of Japanese authorities in coercing the women to work in the military brothels - a point many conservative Japanese dispute.
South Korean President Park Geun-hye expressed relief over Abe's remarks, and the two leaders are now set to join President Barack Obama in a three-way summit on the sidelines of a nuclear summit in The Hague starting on Monday.
Washington has been pressing its allies in Tokyo and Seoul to improve ties, strained by South Korea's bitter memories of Japan's 1910-1945 colonization of the peninsula and a territorial row over tiny South Korea-controlled islands.
Japan has been sending confusing messages about the Kono Statement, saying it will review the circumstances behind the apology but will not revise the statement itself.


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Jun 30, 201
Congressman Honda Calls Sections of Japanese Kono Statement Report "Unacceptable"
Letter to Japanese Ambassador asks for resolution to Comfort Women issue

2014 06 27
Members Letter to Ambassador Sasae on Kono Statement GOJ Report-SIGNED

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2014.7.29 11:22
米下院、北朝鮮への金融制裁強化 外貨獲得阻止「最も弱い部分を標的にした」

2014/07/30 05:00
(Yonhap Interview) U.S. lawmaker: New sanctions bill will be as painful to N. Korea as BDA sanctions

"My advice would be for Japan not to do that," Royce said. "I understand their concern about the abductee issue but, again, the one way to make sure that all the abductees are returned -- not just the Japanese abductees -- is for the international community all to work in concert, because that gives us the greatest chance of moving toward human rights and change inside the country."

Royce also urged Japan to admit its wartime wrongdoings, such as its sexual slavery of Korean and other Asian women. The so-called "comfort women" issue has been a key hurdle in the long-frayed relations between South Korea and Japan.

"It is important from my standpoint that the government in Japan also admit what happened not just with respect to the comfort women issue but the occupation of Korea," he said. "The younger generation should understand what has happened throughout history. It is hard to get the future right if you get the past wrong and you don't admit to it."


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August 5, 2014

QUESTION: On Asia, can you confirm a report that the State Department had a meeting with former comfort women from South Korea last week? And if that’s the case, could you share who met from the State Department and who requested this meeting?
MS. PSAKI: Well, at their request, two members of the House of Sharing met State Department officials on July 31st and discussed their experiences. It’s important to note that State Department officials have periodically met with members of the House of Sharing in the past, so this is not the first time or it’s not without precedent. I don’t have any other updates on the level. Of course, it was here in Washington, so from our bureau here.
QUESTION: So you don’t know if it’s requested from South Korean Government?
MS. PSAKI: They were – no, it was requested from the members of the House of Sharing.
QUESTION: Okay. Do you have any concern this kind of meeting might have a negative impact on U.S.-Japan relationship, given Japan has different opinions on these issues?
MS. PSAKI: Well, I think this is an issue that we have discussed, certainly, in the past with Japan. As we’ve stated many times, it is deplorable and clearly a grave human rights violation of enormous proportions that the Japanese military was involved in the trafficking of women for sexual purposes in the 1930s and 1940s. And we – as we know, that was quite a long time ago, but we encourage Japan to continue to address this issue in a manner that promotes healing and facilitates better relations with neighboring states. We have had meetings – State Department officials have periodically met with representatives from this group in the past, so it shouldn’t set a new precedent. And obviously, there’s a great deal we work with Japan on.
QUESTION: Last question: So you don’t rule out any future meeting like this?
MS. PSAKI: I don’t think I’m ruling it out. I think we meet periodically with representatives from this group.
QUESTION: Sorry, which bureau was that with?
MS. PSAKI: Well, I think the EAP would be the natural --
MS. PSAKI: I’d have to check on that, actually, but it wasn’t at a – it was a working-level meeting, so --
QUESTION: Right. I’m just curious as to what bureau or multiple – maybe there were multiple --
QUESTION: Could you check on it?
MS. PSAKI: I will see if there’s more clarity we’d like to provide.
QUESTION: So you don’t have any (inaudible)?
MS. PSAKI: I’m sorry?
QUESTION: More detail of any – you don’t have any --
MS. PSAKI: I don’t think I’m going to have more detail to provide, no.

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