


ユニオンシティは来月4日、「リバティープラザ」で、軍慰安婦碑除幕式を行う予定だ。リバティープラザは、 ニュージャージーからニューヨークに向かう際のリンカーントンネル付近にある公園で、マンハッタンの中心街を見渡せる。ニューヨーク・マンハッタンの関門に慰安婦碑が設置されるということだ。今回の慰安婦碑は米国全域で6件目で、ニューヨーク・ニュージャージー州では4件目。

除幕式には軍慰安婦被害者のイ・オクスンさん、姜日出(カン・イルチュル)さんが韓国から出席する。除幕式は、 第2次世界大戦当時に日本軍が犯した女性人権じゅうりん蛮行を糾弾し、各国の慰安婦被害者を慰める形で進行される。 慰安婦碑は岩に銅板を付着した形態だ。

韓国はもちろん、中国・台湾・フィリピン・オランダ・インドネシアなど各国の多数の女性が日本軍に「性的奴隷」として 強制動員されたという内容が刻まれている。また、米国の地方自治体が慰安婦碑建設を主導したという点を強調するため、市長と市の関係者の名前も入る。

ユニオンシティは慰安婦碑の除幕を記念するため、25日晩にユニオンシティミュージアムで演劇「慰安(Comfort)」のガラショーを開く。この演劇はニューヨーク3大公演フェスティバルの一つ「ニューヨークミッドタウン劇場フェスティバル」 公募当選作。特に、来月4日にリンカーンセンターで行われる公演には、除幕式に出席した軍慰安婦被害者が舞台に立って証言する予定だ。



The area of what is today Union City was originally inhabited by the Munsee-speaking branch of Lenape Native Americans,[25][26][27][28][29][30] who wandered into the vast woodland area encountered by Henry Hudson during the voyages he conducted from 1609 to 1610 for the Dutch, who later claimed the area (which included the future New York City) and named it New Netherland. The portion of that land that included the future Hudson County was purchased from members of the Hackensack tribe of the Lenni-Lenape in 1658 by New Netherland colony Director-General Peter Stuyvesant,[31][32] and became part of Pavonia, New Netherland.[21] The boundaries of the purchase are described in the deed preserved in the New York State Archives, as well as the medium of exchange: "80 fathoms of wampum, 20 fathoms of cloth, 12 brass kettles, 6 guns, one double brass kettle, 2 blankets, and one half barrel of strong beer."[33]

In the 18th century, Dutch and English merchants first settled the area. Later, German immigrants immigrated from Manhattan. Irish, Polish, Armenians, Syrians, Eastern European Jews and Italians followed.[45] In 1851, Germans moved across the Hudson River from New York City in search of affordable land and open space. During the Civil War a military installation, Camp Yates, covered an area now bounded by Bergenline and Palisade Avenues from 22nd to 32nd Street. Germans began to settle what would become Union Hill in 1851,[32] and some descendants of the immigrants of this period live in the city today.[34] Although the area's diversity was represented by the more than 19 nationalities that made their home in the Dardanelles (a five-block area of Central Avenue from 23rd Street to 27th Street)[32] from the mid-19th century to the early 20th century, German Americans and Dutch dominated the area. Along with Swiss and Austrian immigrants, they founded the European-style lace making industries for which they were famous. The introduction of Schiffli lace machines in Hudson County[46] made Union City the "embroidery capital of the United States". The trademark of that industry is on the Union City Seal,[40][47][48] though foreign competition and austere prevailing fashions led to the decline of embroidery and other industries in the area by the late 1990s.[49] In May 2014 the city dedicated "Embroidery Square" at New York Avenue to commemorate that history.[50]
As immigration to the area progressed throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, Belgians, Armenians, Greeks, Chinese, Jews and Russians found a home in the area,[32] though its domination by Germans by the turn of the 20th century was reflected in the fact that the minutes of town meetings were recorded in German.[51]



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