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Basic Outline Plan for Blacklist Operations to Occupy Japan Proper and Korea after Surrender or Collapse Annexes 

Report Date : 08 AUG 1945

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まさに、ここに MIKADO ありでございますね。

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・U.S. sticks to 'disappointment' over Abe's Yasukuni visit

2013年12月31日 6時36分





・State Department Daily Press Briefing
30 December 2013






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Bonner Fellers のお嬢様が管理されているファイルの中に、以下の記録が存在していることが確認されたことを、懐かしく想いだしました。


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The question arises -- if the Emperor possessed the power to stop the war 15 August 1945, before Japan was invaded, why did he permit the war to start in the first place?
To throw light on this question, it is necessary to go back to 1927 and to let the Emperor himself trace his position in relation to the militarists.
It will be recalled the in 1927 Chang Tso Lin, War Lord of Manchuria, was killed in a railway accident when the train on which he was riding was wrecked by an explosion.
Colonel Daisaku Komoto was the Japanese Commander of the railway guards along the track where the wreck occurred. Gossip went around that the Japanese were responsible for the wreck which killed Chand and the Colonel Komoto personally was to blame.
In Tokyo, Prime Minister Tanaka told me that the train wreck which killed Chang Tso Lin was most regretful; that Komoto was to blame and would be punished most severely; that the Japanese Government would apologize to the Chinese Government provided the Emperor approved.
Tanaka also related this version of the killing to Count Makino then Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal, Prince Saionji, Elder Statesman, and Mr. Suzuki, then Grand Chamberlain in the Palace and assured then that Komoto would be court-martialed and that he and others who were implicated would be severely punished.
But when it appeared to Colonel Komoto that he faced court-martial, he said if this were done he would reveal all he knew about the entire plot for the impending rape of Manchuria; that he was merely the cat’s paw, doing what he had been ordered to do as commander of the Railroad Guard.
Consequently, when Premier Tanaka disclosed these facts to the cabinet he met with strong opposition. The cabinet realized that if they punished Colonel Komoto and others, Japan’s position in international affairs would be very difficult. Therefore, the cabinet decided the case should be hushed up somehow. The strongest opposition to the court-martial came from the then Railroad Minister, Heikichi Ogawa.
Then Tanaka came again to me and explained that in view of Komoto’s attitude this case should be hushed up somehow. I replied “What you say now is entirely different from what you had told me before. Don’t you think you ought to tender resignation?” Then Tanaka resigned. There was no court-martial for Colonel Komoto.
Later Mr. Fusanosuke Kuhara (now in Sugamo Prison) spread the rumor that the Tanaka cabinet failed owing to intrigue in the Imperial household. Kuhara was a protege of Tanaka who spread the rumor to save face for Tanaka, and to attack the Imperial Household, for he dare not directly attack the Emperor, for interfering in government affairs. As Emperor, I deeply resented Kuhara’s act.

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Naturally this was a very bitter lesson and I made up my mind to ratify what the Cabinet decided to do. Since the Cabinet had persuade Premier Tanaka to reverse himself on the Chang Tso Lin incident and since the Imperial Household had been blamed for causing the reversal of the Cabinet, it was clear I had no control anyway. I decided that henceforth in affairs of this nature all maters would have to be left entirely in the hands of the Cabinet.
There was another incident which strengthened this decision to leave everything to the cabinet, and this was the Lytton Report. That was about 1932. I sincerely wished to swallow the Litton Report just as it was presented and confided this resolution to Count Makino and Prince Saionji. Makino agreed but Saionji differed, and advised adherence to the Cabinet decision, which was to reject the Litton Report. This was the second incident where I was unable to follow my own desire and was obliged to yield to the Cabinet.
From 1932 on, the Emperor followed the Cabinet decision all the time except in two incidents.
The first was at the time of February 26 (1936) incident. The Army Ministry did not know what to do with those assassins and was rather weak toward them, but fortunately the then Finance Minister, Chuji Machida, told me if the Government did not take strong measures, there would be financial chaos in Japan. At that time there could be no Cabinet meeting, as Prime Minister Okada was hiding in the closet of the maid’s room of his official residence. Then, because there was no Cabinet in being at the moment, I stepped in and issued the command to attack the insurgents and the Army followed those orders and the insurrection was put down.
The other incident was in the summer of 1945 at the time of closing events of World War II. Then Cabinet was divided, unable to function, and Prime Minister Suzuki requested me to break the deadlock. I then commanded acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration.

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Shanghai Incident
During the Shanghai incident in 1932 I told General Shirakawa to localize the battle as much as possible and in any event to stop it before it reached Nanking. These instructions were not known by the General Staff. However, General Shirakawa obeyed my personal command and stopped the war on March 3. For compliance with these instructions General Shirakawa was reprimanded by the General Staff.
Later when General Shirakawa died of wounds suffered in the Honkuw bombing incident, I wrote and sent a poem to the General’s widow in appreciation of her husband’s loyalty in stopping the Shanghai battle. This poem goes like this;
“I can’t help recalling the General who stopped the war on the day of Girls’, Dolls ,Festival.”*
It happens the battle was stopped on March 3, the Girls’ Dolls’ Festival. Nobody knows about this poem except the General’s family because the then Aide-de-Camp to the Emperor asked me and the General’s family to keep this poem an utter secret. It is obvious that the Aide-de-Camp spoke for the militarists who did not want the people to know the Emperor’s attitude. The militarists, in effect, right then were giving me orders.

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Abe Cabinet
The Hiranuma Cabinet fell in 1939. Japan had made an Anti-Comintern Pact with Germany and when Germany made a Neutrality Agreement with Russia in August 1939 the Japanese people were stunned. As a consequence, the Hiranuma Cabinet fell and the Abe Cabinet came in. For this new Cabinet the most difficult and largest problem was how to select a Minister of War.
The newspapers mentioned two names, one of whom was Lt. Gen. Isogai (who is now in Sugamo), and the other I cannot now recall. I was determined not to have any General who might move toward an alliance between Japan and Germany and proposed two names, General Hata and General Umezu. I was sure both these officers were opposed to an alliance with Germany. (Before Hata had been made my Aide-de-Camp, I had instructed the then Imperial Household Minister Matsudaira to find out whether or not Hata was against the alliance between Japan and Germany, and after finding out Hata was against it, I had selected him as Senior Aide-de-Camp.) Abe did not know what to do, and consulted General Itagaki who opposed Umezu; there was then no alternative for Abe except to select Hata , who at that time was my Senior Aide-de-Camp.

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Yonai Cabinet
As for Yonai, I had considered him because he was against an alliance with Germany. But before appointing Yonai I consulted Prince Fushimi, who was Chief of the Naval General Staff. He was against this alliance too and agreed with me on Yonai. Then the Yonai Cabinet came in.
When Yonai was made Prime Minister I had called upon General Hata to assist, in the anticipation that he would be made Minister of War. Hata’s position against the alliance with Germany was well known and the Army opposed his appointment violently. This opposition, aided by others who were for an alliance between Japan and Germany, increase and finally force the Yonai Cabinet to fall.

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Second Konoye Cabinet
Alliance between Japan and Germany.
The second Konoye Cabinet was formed The Navy Minister, Zengo Yoshida, agreed finally to the alliance between Japan and Germany after being persuaded by Foreign Minster Matsuoka that, because of the alliance between Japan and Germany, the United States would not enter the war. Somehow Matsuoka also thought that the United States would stay out of the war because there are so many people of German extraction in the United States--about half of the American population he explained. Yoshida believed it, but right after the Japanese-German alliance the United States began openly to prepare for war. Yoshida was astounded and became so worried that he suffered from a terrible nervous breakdown, attempted suicide, and then resigned.
Matsuoka had gone to Germany at the end of February 1941 and returned in April. After this visit he was an entirely different person. Maybe he was bought off by Hitler. When he came back he told me he was treated like a king in Europe, and in Berlin was given the best reception in his life. But he would not report details about Germany. He reported about Moscow, but made no mention in his report of Berlin. It is very difficult to understand what Matsuoka did do. He is a strange character, in that he would always oppose any plan started by others. If others started a plan Matsuoka would have none of it. If it were his project, all right, but even then he must do it himself. If anybody else does it he doesn’t like it.
Matsuoka met Ambassador Steinhart in Moscow and after that he imagined the talk between him and Mr. Steinhart was the beginning of negotiations between Japan and the United States. But when he came back to Japan he found that the discussions between Steinhart and himself were unofficial, not in line with what was going on in Washington. Then his concern over the talk was cool off and he became unconcerned and made everything about the negotiation very hard.
In Matsuoka’s conference with me on his return from Berlin he talked loquaciously for two hours, mentioning everything except what happened in Berlin. I pressed him for the answer, but was tired after listening to his digressions for two hours, and did not push his question further. Subsequent to this two-hour session, I talked with Matsuoka time after time, but was never able to learn what he did in Berlin. There is little doubt in my mind that Matsuoka made a military commitment with Hitler.
At any rate, Matsuoka was exceedingly pro-German. In May he had urged me to break the neutrality pact with the USSR, telling me that there would soon be war with Germany and the Soviet Union. In order for Japan to attack the Soviet Union, he insisted that we must refrain from further movement into the south. The Navy had been against war with the Soviet Union all the time, and the Army was against it also, but rather for the reason that the Army was not ready. Therefore, both the Army and the Navy opposed Matsuoka’s recommendation to me.

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I was very much surprised with Matsuoka’s attitude, since he himself had made the neutrality pact with the Soviet Union in April, and a month later urged me to break it. I was flabbergasted and asked “Did you talk the matter over with Premier Konoye?” Matsuoka said “No” which flabbergasted me still more.
After this conference with Matsuoka, I told Konoye to permit his to resign, and if he refused, to fire him, but Konoye, who was really weak, did not want to fire him, and in July resigned himself in order to get Matsuoka out of the cabinet. I immediately reappointed Konoye Prime Minister for the third time. Upon reappointment, Konoye made Toyoda his new Foreign Minister.
The war between Germany and the Soviet Union started on 22 June. At the Imperial Conference of July 2 the conference succeeded in stopping war against the Soviet Union, but decided to invade South French Indo-China. Some time in August when Japanese troops were in Hainan Tao (South of Hong Kong) the Emperor told the new Prime Minister Tojo, through General Hasunuma, Senior Aide-de-Camp, to call back those troops from Hainan Tao to Japan, telling that the domestic rice crop was very poor and that if rice were not imported from the South the Japanese people would starve. Therefore, that occupation in Indo-China should be stopped as it would undoubtedly lead to serious international complications which would cut off the rice line from the South. Tojo did not listen to the Emperor. The Emperor did nothing more and he felt himself helpless.
Japanese occupation of South French Indo-China which was announced July 26, brought forth immediate freezing of Japanese assets in America. As for the freezing, the then Financial Minister Retsu Kawada, knew that occupation would cause freezing, but he as Finance Minister was not permitted to attend the Liaison Conference where the occupation of Indo-China had been discussed and decided upon. Liaison Conferences between the General Staff and the Cabinet were very important; only the more important people attended, but the Finance Minister, Kawada, who was not a militarist, was not permitted to sit in the sessions, and Konoye was not versed in financial matters. I as Emperor could learn of financial matters only from Army and Navy people, never anything of consequence from my Finance Minister because he knew nothing of the militarists’ plans. Kawada lamented and regretted that things went on like this, but had no chance to listen to the Army and Navy people and never knew their plans.
Assassination of Finance Minister Korekiyo Takahashi was much more meaningful than the assassination of Prime Minister Saito because it was Takahashi who coped with the militarists. Neither Araki nor any other militarist could cope with this grand old man, hope of civilian statesmen who opposed the militarists. Takahashi made babies of the militarists. His assassination meant the death of civilian opposition to the militarists.

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Imperial Conference
The Imperial Conference is funny stuff. The Emperor has no right to vote. The only civilian who has the right of voting the President of the Privy Council, but strangely, he is allowed to attend neither the Cabinet meetings or Liaison Conferences. He does not know much about states of affairs.
The Imperial Conference consists of the Army and Navy Ministers and staffs sitting before the Emperor. Everything presented is voted through by unanimous opinion except the President of the Privy Council, but he hasn’t enough knowledge of state affairs. As for the Emperor he sits there, listens to the unanimous vote, has his picture taken with the members; it is all very impressive. It is all show, mere eyewash for the public.
If I as Emperor would have exercised veto around November or December 1941 there might have been terrible disorder. The trusted men around me would have been killed, I myself might have been killed or kidnapped. Actually I was virtually a prisoner and powerless. My opposition would never have been known outside the Palace. It might have gone to most barbaric war, and it would have been impossible to stop the war at all, no matter what I did.
Under the constitution, the Emperor has to listen to the decision of the Cabinet, and if I ratified what I liked and vetoed what I did not like maybe I would be equivalent to the despotic king. To me it seemed a violation of my constitutional government unless there were a disagreement among cabinet members.
On November 26, 1941 the Japanese Embassy, Washington, received the so-called November 6 note from the State Department in Washington. The Japanese Embassy thought that it was an ultimatum. On that night Kurusu called me to a private room and told me that if it were going to go on like this that there would be war between the two nations. He said, “We are desperate. We have no choice trying to stop the war and I am thinking to have Mr. Roosevelt send a wire to the Emperor. That might stop the war.” He told me, “Can’t you somehow manage to achieve it?” And both Mr. Kurusu and I recalled a past incident in which at the time of the Panay Incident Mr. Roosevelt sent a telegram, a personal telegram to the Emperor, but that telegram was addressed through the then Foreign Minister and that telegram was never handed over to the Emperor. Both Mr. Kurusu and I recalled that at the time of the Panay Incident that Mr. Roosevelt’s telegram to the Emperor, c/o the Foreign Minister, was never handed over to the Emperor, hence no reply whatsoever. Therefore it is not an easy job at all to have Mr. Roosevelt send a wire to the Emperor.
Mr. Kurusu sent a telegram, addressing it to Togo and Kido around the 27th telling that, “I am trying to have Mr. Roosevelt send a telegram to the Emperor. Do you think that would help the situation? This war might endanger the life of the Emperor. We have got to stop it.” That is what he sent to Togo. At that same time he wired Kido, “I sent a very important telegram to Togo. Don’t fail to see it.” Those telegrams were never shown to the Emperor. I asked the Emperor if he saw them. He said he did not. Both Togo and Kido failed to show them. When Mr. Kurusu asked me to do something about it, his secretary was present, and not Kurusu and I, but his secretary knew it. That secretary and I were not on good terms. If that fellow had spilled the beans during the war, after I returned to Japan that would have been the end of me.

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It was obvious that Mr. Roosevelt still remembered his unpleasant experience in the past. Mr. Kurusu did not tell me how to do it. Then I thought of Mr. Stanley Jones, a Methodist missionary whom I understood could see the President when he wanted. Next day, on the 27th, I met Mr. Jones and told that idea to Mr. Jones, telling that should be quite secret from the eye of Japanese militarists, especially because anything connected with the Emperor was fatal. Any action which I might take related to the Emperor might result in violence against me should I be caught.
Mr. Jones understood the whole situation, and he did what is printed in the NIPPON TIMES, January 7, in big headlines. There it is clear what he did, except he does not mention my name. He writes only, “a Japanese—“. I think he tried to protect me. He didn’t mention my “name, Terasaki, but mentioned two names, Kurusu and Nomura. Mr. Jones did not meet with Kurusu or Nomura. Therefore, in that respect that article is mistaken, but the rest is all correct. He states to defend Kurusu and Nomura, but actually he did not meet them.
When Mr. Jones saw Mr. Roosevelt, Mr. Roosevelt told Mr. Jones, “I was thinking the same thing, that is, so send a wire to the Emperor. I talked to my advisers and all agreed, therefore, I am going to send a wire to the Emperor. I talked to my advisers and all agreed, therefore, I am going to send a wire of my own initiative. And please tell the Japanese patriot to feel relieved because I am sending it on my own initiative.” That means he knew a Japanese connected with anything Imperial would be in danger. Therefore, I thought Mr. Roosevelt was quite nice about it. He sent the wire but it was a little too late. Mr. Grew heard over the radio that the telegram was sent, on the night of the 7th, but still the telegram was not delivered. My suspicion is this that the telegram was held at the Post Office for some time, which was under control of the militarists. Around 7 o’clock Mr. Grew heard over the radio that Roosevelt sent the telegram and he was waiting, but no delivery. Delivery was made around midnight. Don’t you think it was on purpose? Mr. Grew went to Mr. Togo and asked for audience because instructions from Mr. Roosevelt was to deliver the telegram directly to the Emperor. That point, I told Mr. Jones to make it quite clear to Mr. Roosevelt to address the wire to the Emperor through Mr. Grew for personal delivery, quoting the last bitter experience. Therefore, Mr. Grew did follow the instruction to the letter, but it was midnight already and Togo said, “It is too late to tell the Emperor.” He told Mr. Grew, “Give me that telegram myself. It is too late to have audience with the Emperor.” And Toto got that telegram around 3 o’clock in the morning.

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And Toto got that telegram around 3 o’clock in the morning

Toto → Togo

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1948年 - 東條英機、日本の第40代内閣総理大臣(* 1884年)

1948年 - 松井石根、日本陸軍の大将、中支那方面軍司令官(* 1878年)

1948年 - 板垣征四郎、日本陸軍の大将、陸軍大臣(* 1885年)

1948年 - 木村兵太郎、日本陸軍の大将、ビルマ方面軍司令官(* 1888年)

1948年 - 土肥原賢二、日本陸軍の大将、奉天特務機関長(* 1883年)

1948年 - 武藤章、日本陸軍の中将、陸軍省軍務局長(* 1892年)


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海城 三学寺 山県有朋 靖国



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>2013年12月26日 19:04





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2014.12.23 05:15

2015.1.1 05:07
「日本のあり方考えていくこと極めて大切」 天皇陛下ご感想(全文)

I think it is most important for us to take this opportunity to study and learn from the history of this war, starting with the Manchurian Incident of 1931, as we consider the future direction of our country.

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>to study and learn from the history of this war










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“I can’t comment on that figure of speech because I’ve never done research in literature.”

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"For more than 20 years since my enthronement, I constantly endeavoured to do my duty,"

"However, I could not change the current of the times, lost good relations with our neighbours and fought with great powers, which ultimately led to miserable defeat in war and brought about the terrible disaster we experience now.

"I am burning with the flame of anguish. I am deeply ashamed of my immorality. I do not have peace of mind. Thinking of the nation, I do not know what to do with the heaviness of the burden I bear."

"I would like to seek immediate peace of mind [but abdication] is not the true way of taking responsibility,"

"By bearing these hardships, I devote myself to the reconstruction of the country's destiny and to the happiness of the nation."

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種村佐孝 終戦工作

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宮中防空濠内御前会議 終戦に閣内の意見対立す

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2017.1.12 12:16
「欧州戦終了後、対日参戦に転ずる確信を持った」ソ連参戦分析、生かされず 1945年6月、外相に報告







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2017.1.12 12:16
【外交文書】「欧州戦終了後、対日参戦に転ずる確信を持った」ソ連参戦分析、生かされず 1945年6月、外相に報告





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【書評】京都大学名誉教授・竹内洋が読む『コミンテルンの謀略と日本の敗戦 ...
7 時間前 - 題名から例のコミンテルン(共産主義インターナショナル)陰謀史観と類書を想定したら、大間違い。そんなありきたり ... 陰謀史観というより日本のエリートが知らず知らずのうちにコミンテルンの謀略の招き猫になってしまったという「自滅史観」。

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BBC World Service - HARDtalk, Last surviving British Dambuster ...
2 日前 - Why has the Dambusters raid become such a part of Britain's national folklore?


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有馬哲夫 『「スイス諜報網」の日米終戦工作―ポツダム宣言はなぜ受けいれ ...
Jun 25, 2015 - 「無条件降伏」以外譲ろうとしない米国、「国体護持」が認められなければ徹底抗戦しかないとする日本、両者相容れぬ緊張状態の中、在スイスの米OSS支局長アレン・ダレスの下で、とある諜報網が作られた。日本の陸・海軍武官、 ... を決断したのでした。これまではそうした天皇の「受諾」の意思決定は、あたかも運まかせでなされたかのように思われてきました。でも、実は運まかせなどではなく、天皇は国体護持を確信してポツダム宣言の受け入れを決断したようなのです。一体それはなぜなのか――。

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Magic (cryptography) - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Magic_(...
移動先 Japanese U.S. consulates to Tokyo · We are doing everything in our power to establish outside contacts in connection with our efforts to gather intelligence material. In this regard, we have decided to make ...

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宗教的式典と国家: ザビエル渡来 400 年祭を事例
PDF www.lib.kobe-u.ac.jp › repository
著者: 阪野祐介 · 関連記事
2012/03/31 · 巡礼団と聖腕が、日本各地をくまなくめぐったことに変りはない。 このような大規模なカトリックの行事の開催 が、敗戦直後の日本において実現可能となった 背景には、日本の政府、実際的には GHQ による 支援が大きく影響をおよぼしていた。そこで次に、当時の日本におけるキリスト教をめぐる社会的様相を捉えるために、GHQ の宗教政策との関わりを軸に述べていくことにする。

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BIGLOBEニュース - ‎22 時間前‎

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"Emperor Hirohito Biography" BBC

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"Commanders and leaders" "Hirohito" site:en.wikipedia.org/wiki/

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PDFhttps://www.archives.gov › files › iwg › i...
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2007/01/25 · 僕が担当している連載「世界の『英雄/テロリスト』裏表切手大図鑑」では、今回は、1932年1月の桜田門事件 ... 女と麻雀に明け暮れて借金まみれになれとは、僕が教師だったら口が裂けても言えませんけどねぇ。

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“One is the virtual destruction of Japan followed by a dictated peace. The other is unconditional surrender with its attendant benefits as laid down by the Atlantic Charter”

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Burn After Reading: The Espionage History of World War II
Ladislas Farago · 2012 · History
Zacharias was obsessed with the idea that he could persuade the Japanese high command to surrender, even unconditionally, provided certain assurances could be given, such as the assurance that the Emperor, symbol of the “Japanese spirit,” would be permitted to remain on his throne. Zacharias outlined his idea to Forrestal and the Secretary decided to bring him back to Washington to carry it out. But even the civilian chief of the Navy proved powerless to overcome certain objections to Zack’s second coming.

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People prostrate themselves as they listen to Emperor Hirohito's radio broadcast announcing Japan's surrender in World War II, outside the Imperial Palace in Tokyo, on Aug. 15, 1945. | KYODO


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心理作戦の回想: 大東亜戦争秘錄
恒石重嗣 - 1978
鬼籍にはいられた方々への思慕の念は沸々として禁じ得ない駿河台捕虜の定期検診に当たった田崎勇三博士、米国通の坂西志保女史、同盟通信社の古野伊之助社長、兵衛氏、また外部にあってよく協力された外務省の樺山資英.平沢和重の両氏、小平利勝 ...

特赦: 東京ローズの虛像と実像 - 216 ページ
上坂冬子 - 1978
... 垣(昭和五十二)年度の駿河台会に集ったメンバーも、いわゆる軍部という言葉から連想されるィメ何れにしても駿河台技術研究所の ... 坂西氏を初め言論界の人々は外国の生活習慣に詳し祐輔、坂西志保、前田多門、福島慎太郎、平沢和重、松岡洋子、田崎 ...

ラジオ。トウキョウ: Haiboku e no michi - 216 ページ
北山節郎 - 1968
坂西志保さんらと相談して、三日間捕虜たちに番組を四五)年四月十ニ日に私は駿河台にいましたが、評論家「ル—ズヴェルト大統領の亡くなった昭和二十二九という。担当していた捕虜たちに「自由に」哀悼の辞を述べさせたさらにルーズベルト死去 ...

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Tokyo Calling: Japanese Overseas Radio Broadcasting 1937-1945 - Core
PDF https://core.ac.uk › download › pdf
Radio Tokyo broadcasts began in Japanese and English and were initially directed at the United States. .....

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Joe Rochefort's War: The Odyssey of the Codebreaker Who ...
https://books.google.co.uk › books
Elliot Carlson · 2011 · Biography & Autobiography
20 Edwin T. Layton testimony, PHH, Part 10 (Joint Congressional Committee), p. ... Precisely what Captain Zacharias said to Admiral Kimmel in their March 1941 conversation has been in dispute since Zacharias ...

Hearings, Nov. 15, 1945-May 31, 1946
https://books.google.co.uk › books
United States. Congress. Joint Committee on the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack · 1946 · Pearl Harbor (Hawaii), Attack on, 1941
Captain Zacharias came to my office and asked to see Admiral Kimmel and tell him that he had }. a great deal ... There are two statements in this testimony, one where Zacharias is alleged to have told Kimmel that an air ...

U.S. Navy Codebreakers, Linguists, and Intelligence Officers ...
https://books.google.co.uk › books
Steven E. Capt. Maffeo · 2015 · Political Science
According to his later testimony at the hearings held by the Congressional Joint Committee on the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack, Captain Zacharias called on Admiral Kimmel, commander in chief of the U.S. ...
Web results

Sage Prophet or Loose Cannon? | National Archives
https://www.archives.gov › zacharias
15 Dec 2017 · Sometime between March 26 and 30, 1941, according to his later testimony at the hearings held by the ... This meeting between Zacharias and Kimmel was later the subject of bitter debate. Zacharias ...

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Pearl to V-J Day: World War II in the Pacific
Jacob Neufeld - 2009
Any peace feeler could have requested an assurance concerning the emperor system, just as Japan's later conditional offer to surrender, on August 10th, finally did. Its decision to surrender ought rationally, in Western 133 The Atomic Bomb.

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終戦へ共産国家構想 陸軍中枢「天皇制両立できる」 - 産経ニュース
2013/08/12 · 陸軍中枢にはソ連に接近し、天皇制存続を条件に戦後、ソ連や中国共産党と同盟を結び、共産主義 国家の創設を目指す「終戦構想」があった。 鈴木貫太郎首相(肩書は当時)は昭和20年6月22日の最高戦争 ...


昭和天皇 OR ?

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The Bulletin of International News - Volume 18 - Page 526
It was announced that Mr. Ogura, head of the Sumitomo interests, had been appointed Minister without Portfolio to ... The Domei Agency stated that before leaving Rome Mr. Matsuoka predicted that the Tripartite Pact would last for 100 years.

>From: Adm. Nagumo To: Pearl Harbor Attack Force Date: 7 Dec. 1941 Brilliant success was achieved for our country through the splendid efforts of you men. But we still have a great way to go. After this victory we must tighten the straps of our helmets and go onward, determined to continue our fight until the final goal has been won.

...the final goal...

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Statement on Prime Minister Abe’s December 26 Visit to Yasukuni Shrine
Home | News & Events | Statement on Prime Minister Abe’s December 26 Visit to Yasukuni Shrine

Japan is a valued ally and friend. Nevertheless, the United States is disappointed that Japan’s leadership has taken an action that will exacerbate tensions with Japan’s neighbors.

The United States hopes that both Japan and its neighbors will find constructive ways to deal with sensitive issues from the past, to improve their relations, and to promote cooperation in advancing our shared goals of regional peace and stability.

We take note of the Prime Minister’s expression of remorse for the past and his reaffirmation of Japan’s commitment to peace.

By U.S. Mission Japan | 26 December, 2013 | Topics: Press Releases


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https://www.mext.go.jp › html › detail
(3)Report of the United States Education Mission to Japan:文部科学省

Measures taken for the most part between the fall of 1945 and spring of 1946, as outlined above, represented an earnest, albeit fragmentary, effort on the parts of both the Ministry of Education and GHQ to create the "new education," free of militaristic and ultranationalistic influences. However, the effort to create comprehensive plan for the development of a democratic educational system was postponed until after the visit of the United States Education Mission to Japan in March, 1946. Led by George D. Stoddard and including 26 other acknowledged American experts on education, the Mission was sent by the U.S. government at the request of the Occupation authorities. GHQ also requested that the Japanese government appoint a similar committee comprised of Japanese experts, to work side-by-side with the American Mission. As background material for the American group, GHQ compiled in February, 1946, a handbook entitled Education in Japan.

Following its arrival, the Mission held daily meetings with the Japanese committee, made a thorough inspection tour, and at the end of one month wrote up the results of its deliberations as the Report of the United States Education Mission to Japan, which was submitted to SCAP. This Report, published by GHQ on April 7, 1946, became the official GHQ guideline for educational reform. Because it was based on a rather hurried investigation, the Report mainly presented a general orientation for educational reform consistent with liberal democratic principles.

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https://www.whitehouse.gov › day-o...
Day Of Remembrance Of Japanese American Incarceration During World War II | The White House
2 days ago — ... removal and mass incarceration of Japanese Americans and others during World War II; and we reaffirm our commitment to Nidoto Nai Yoni, ...

Biden vows 'never again' in marking 80 years since Japanese American internment
1 day ago — "We reaffirm our commitment to Nidoto Nai Yoni, which translates to 'Let ... U.S. President Joe Biden speaks at the White House on Friday.

https://twitter.com › POTUS › status
President Biden on Twitter: "On this Day of Remembrance of Japanese American Incarceration During World War II, we acknowledge the unjust incarceration of some 120,000 Japanese ...
... of some 120,000 Japanese Americans – and reaffirm our commitment to Nidoto Nai Yoni, which translates to “Let It Not Happen Again.” whitehouse.gov.

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太平洋戦争: 終戦秘話 - Page 37

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United States Trade Policy and the Economy: Hearings Before the ...
books.google.co.jp › books › id=fhBeM...
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, ‎United States · 1992 · ‎Read · ‎More editions
Besides , it would have done no good . I would have been put in an insane asylum or even assassinated . " A monarch must be brave enough to run such risks , " said MacArthur sternly . Hirohito replied instantly .
