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The Fujitsuru Mystery: Translocal Xiamen, Japanese Expansionism, and the Asian Cocaine Trade, 1900–1937 Peter Thilly, Universi - Cross-Currents
PDF https://cross-currents.berkeley.edu › articles
by P Thilly
cocaine imports, and took advantage of their place within the Japanese imperial sphere to acquire drugs and ..... plantations in Taiwan, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa, and also purchased from Dutch growers in Java, who had ...

Andean Cocaine: The Making of a Global Drug
Paul Gootenberg · 2009 · History
At first, this meant more planned purchases from Java, but it also meant steadily declining cocaine quotas, ... japanese. imperial. cocaine. The even-less-appreciated Japanese cocaine network of the 1920s and 1930s ...

The View from Taiwan: Taiwan and Cocaine in the Japanese era
https://michaelturton.blogspot.com › taiw...
7 Aug 2015 · In 1904 the Dutch island of Java (now part of Indonesia) exported only 26 tons of coca leaf; this figure soared ... The Imperial Military was deeply involved in the drug trade, as papers unearthed by the ...

From Silver to Cocaine: Latin American Commodity Chains and ...
Steven Topik, Carlos Marichal, Zephyr Frank · 2006 · Business & Economics
Japanese Imperial Cocaine Even less is known about Japan's cocaine network of the 1920s and 1930s than ... plantations in Java.10 Another influence was a group of German pharmaceutical firms that used Japanese ...

Between Coca and Cocaine - Wilson Center
PDF https://www.wilsoncenter.org › sites › files
9 Apr 2018 · Java still raised coca in the 1930s–even Merck N.J., wary of. Peruvian leaf quality, invested in its own plantation there. 18. As the Dutch role faded, the imperial sun of industrializing Japan took off–this.

Indonesia – Alcohol and Drugs History Society
https://alcoholanddrugshistorysociety.org › ...
Arno Roersch and Toine Pieters, “From Javanese Coca to Java Coca,” Technology & Culture 54/1 (January ... University) Love in the Time of Opium: The Centennial of the Opium War in the Culture of Imperial Japan.

The Sacrificial International: The War on Drugs and the Imperial Violence of Law - Core
PDF https://core.ac.uk › download › pdf
by KN Koram · 2017 · Cited by 1 · Related articles
1 Apr 2018 · construction of drugs begins to point us towards the imperial structure of world order. Following the ...... 'the Japanese occupation of Java, combined with British and American naval blockades of the ...

Gootenberg Between Coca and Cocaine.pdf
PDF www.umass.edu › Benavides › Fall2004
by P Gootenberg · 2003
less, Java still produced coca in the 1930s, and even Merck N.J. (wary of Peru- vian leaf quality) invested in its own corporate plantation there.17. As the Dutch nexus faded, the imperial sun of industrializing Japan ...

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How We Will Win the War on Opioids | The White House
https://www.whitehouse.gov › articles
2018/03/01 · In 2016 alone, drug overdose deaths exceeded the number of Americans killed during the ... majority of these drug overdose deaths—roughly two-thirds—now involve an opioid.

Overdose Death Rates | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
https://www.drugabuse.gov › related-topics
More than 70,200 Americans died from drug overdoses in 2017, including illicit drugs and ... and line graph showing the total number of U.S. overdose deaths involving opioids from 1999 to 2017.

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ダンスイベントで7人体調不良 大麻入りチョコレート食べたか | NHKニュース
https://www3.nhk.or.jp › news › html
12 時間前 · 今月10日、東京荒川区で開かれた社交ダンスのイベントに参加していた中高年の男女7 人が体調不良を訴えて病院に運ばれ、その後、体内から大麻の成分が検出されたことが分かりました。いずれも ...

社交ダンスイベントのチョコに大麻か 7人が体調不良:朝日新聞デジタル
https://www.asahi.com › articles
7 時間前 · 東京都荒川区で10日にあった社交ダンスのイベントで、参加者の男女7人が体調不良を訴え、検査の ... から大麻の成分が検出されたことが、警視庁への取材でわかった。7人は同じチョコレートを食べ ...

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Moral Nation: Modern Japan and Narcotics in Global History
Miriam Kingsberg · 2013 · History
morphine, heroin, and cocaine.23 Many more escaped detection, including a Korean who wrote to notify a ... In suspicious cases, Japanese postal workers often protected dealers by withholding information from ...

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過去最大3キロの覚醒剤を押収|NHK 青森県のニュース
2 日前 - 警察によりますと、2人は先月26日、南アフリカから韓国を経由して青森空港に来た際、覚醒剤を所持した疑いが持たれています。 税関の通報で警察が調べたところ、持っていた2つのキャリーバッグからおよそ3キロ、末端価格でおよそ1 ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

コカイン密輸企て日系伯人逮捕|NHK 東海のニュース
2019/02/18 - 国際郵便を使ってコカイン約990グラムを密輸しようとしたとして、愛知県豊橋市の日系ブラジル人2人が逮捕されました。 名古屋税関によりますと…

匿名 さんのコメント...

佐賀空港にコカ葉密輸入か男逮捕|NHK 佐賀県のニュース
1 日前 - コカインの原料となるコカの葉30グラム余りを、中国から佐賀空港に密輸入したとして、福岡県八女市の33歳の男が逮捕されました。 警察によりま…

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Certain drugs such as alcohol, some illegal drugs, and some prescription and over-the-counter medications are known to cause birth defects if taken during pregnancy. Drugs that can cause birth defects are called 'teratogens'. A teratogen is a substance that interferes with the normal development of a fetus.
Drugs, medication and birth defects - Better Health Channel

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The forgotten success story: Japan and the methamphetamine problem
After 1945, the large military stockpiles of methamphetamine found their way onto the black market. With society in chaos, drug abuse spread rapidly and a hiropon epidemic emerged. The introduction of a comprehensive anti-drug package in the mid- 1950s, including stricter laws, resulted in that abuse having been almost ...

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US$168 million cocaine haul sparks fears South Korea becoming drug smugglers' gateway to China, rest of Asia | South China Morning Post
https://www.scmp.com › ... › East Asia
2018/12/18 · Customs officials in the southern port city of Busan seized 64 kilograms of cocaine on Monday that they say was bound for mainland China.

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Mon, 25 Mar 2019 17:09:00 +0900

大麻と合成麻薬のMDMAを自宅で所持していたとして、京都市の15歳の女子中学生が25日までに逮捕、送検されました。 「インターネットで知り合った人たちから買った」と、容疑を認めているということです。 逮捕、送検されたのは、京都市に住む15歳の中学3年生の女子生徒で、大麻7グラム余りを自宅で所持していたなどとして大麻取締法違反などの疑いが持たれています。 警察によりますと、今月1日、女子生徒が家の中で暴れていると母親から消防に通報があり、病院で検査したところ大麻と薬物の成分が検出されたため、逮捕したということです。 調べに対し、女子生徒は、「悩みで眠れなくなり、インターネットで、大麻を吸えばよく眠れるようになるという文章を見つけて興味を持った。インターネットで知り合った人たちと会って買った」と話し、容疑を認めているということです。 警察によりますと、女子生徒は、ことし1月下旬に大麻を使い始めたあと、合成麻薬のMDMAにも関心を持つようになって購入していたということで、25日、麻薬取締法違反の疑いで追送検されました。 警察は詳しい入手経路などを調べています。

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As opioid crisis explodes, few youths get drug treatment — especially ...
Washington Post-44 分前
Amid the roar of the opioid crisis, little is heard about the lack of drug treatment for young people. Now, a new analysis of federal survey data brings attention to a serious issue within a larger problem that is getting worse.

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Marijuana ER visits climb in Denver hospital study - AP News
24 時間前 · In the state-funded study , there were 2,567 emergency visits at the Denver hospital caused by marijuana from 2012-2016. It’s not just tourists; 9 out of 10 cases were Colorado residents.Seventeen percent of the visits were for uncontrolled bouts of vomiting. It was most often from inhaled marijuana, not edibles.Twelve percent of the cases were for acute psychosis, where people without a history of mental disorders lose touch with reality. That was more frequently seen with edibles.Intoxication and heart problems were other common complaints.In an editorial, Dr. Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, called for more research on the benefits and harms of marijuana. She and co-author Ruben Baler wrote there is an “urgent need” for greater oversight of manufacturing and labeling as marijuana use increases with state legalization.

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Eamont (schooner) - Wikipedia
Eamont was an opium clipper built in Cowes. It was the subject of an 1891 book, A cruise in an opium clipper, by Captain Lindsay Anderson. Eamont was involved in the opening of Japan to ...

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drug baron

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西のエルサレム@オランダは隠れユダヤ人とYUDAYAKUZAの巣窟 - 匿名党
2014/02/28 - 日本を許せないのはアジアの麻薬植民地利権を奪われたオランダ系ユダヤ勢力なわけで・・・(爆wwwww で、そんな反日な連中と仲良しなのがユダヤ陰謀論者たちの英雄、小沢一郎さんなわけで・・・(爆wwwww.

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地声寸言 「ロシア雜感」 相沢 英之
PDF www.srdi.or.jp › pdf_chisei › chisei0175
刷り. 、ダンスホ. ー. ル. な. どを. 再開した。阿片. を. 蒙彊から. 運. ん. で来た. と. の噂も聞いた。 対. 日還送. 物資の. 調. 達に精魂. を籠め. て. いた. われわれに、. 東京. から飛来した大本営の参謀. が、. ひそ. かに、. 軍. の首脳部 ...

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Opium Traders and Their Worlds-Volume Two: A Revisionist Exposé of ...
M. Kienholz - 2008 - ‎History
Japanese secret societies saturated Manchuria with opium, some of if distributed through Japanese restaurants on the mainland, and ... The mother of Franklin Hughes Delano was Deborah Church (1783—1827), the daughter of Deborah Perry and Joseph Church. ... (This is the subject who was father-inlaw of Jane Norton Grew, granddaughter of opium entrepreneur Elizabeth Perkins Sturgis Grew.) ...

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Taboo Genocide: Holodomor 1933 & the Extermination of Ukraine
Kris Dietrich - 2015 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions
(Dean King, Unbound, NY: Little Brown, 2010; Agnes Smedley, China's Red Army Marches, NY: Vanguard Press, 1934; Harrison E. Salisbury, The ... Franklin and Joe share much more than collegiate affairs; Grew too is descended from Boston Brahmins who financed America's opium China ...

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昭和53年 警察白書 - 警察庁
https://www.npa.go.jp › hakusyo
暴力団社会の構造は、親分へ権威も富も集中する仕組みとなっており、組織すなわち親分で ... 仁侠道」等と称するなど虚飾の論理によって正当化しようとし、社会の一部にも映画、テレビ、小説 ...


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Inside the the Régie d'Opium | The Smart Set
https://thesmartset.com › article12181301
2013/12/18 · And he added that from 80,000 to 100,000 kilograms were produced a year. Later, from a different source, I learned certain figures that will give some idea of the yearly profit to the French government. From January to June of 1923 the proceeds from the sale of opium were 9,537,051 piasters; and from January to June of 1924 they were 7,126,079 piasters.

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History of the Opium Problem: The Assault on the East, ca. ... - Page 410
Hans Derks - 2012 - ‎Preview
The French introduced the Opiumregie in Indochina in the early 1880s, which was copied by the Dutch in “their ” east Indies twenty years later as discussed above (ch. 19). The centralization of all parts of the process was finished when one opium factory for the whole of the French colonies was established in Saigon (1900).

France and Indochina: Cultural Representations - Page 116
Kathryn Robson, ‎Jennifer Yee - 2005 - ‎
Other officials such as the résr'dent supérr'etrr of Annarn replied that they could not afford to employ French women who would cost them four times more than their Annamese ... Most of them were employed in the opium factory,33 the matchstick factory, the weighting and welding workshops and the dispatching service.

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earth 616 imperial japan

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Denver is voting to decriminalize hallucinogenic mushrooms - CNN - CNN.com
https://www.cnn.com › 2019/05/06 › den...
12 hours ago · As criminal penalties for drug use fall across the country, Denver could be setting another first. ... Decriminalizing "magic mushrooms," which contain the hallucinogenic compound ...

Denver votes Tuesday on decriminalizing 'magic mushrooms'
denver magic mushroom from www.washingtonpost.com
1 day ago · Proponents say “magic mushrooms” can help with depression, chronic pain, addiction, PTSD and anxiety. Opponents say too much is unknown and don't want Denver to be a drug ...

Denver to hold referendum on magic mushroom use - BBC News - BBC.com
https://www.bbc.com › news › world-us-...
2 hours ago · The US city of Denver is set to vote in a referendum that could practically approve the use of magic mushrooms. If passed, the measure would bar officials from "spending resources to impose ...

Denver voters consider the next frontier in decriminalizing drugs: magic mushrooms
denver magic mushroom from www.latimes.com
1 day ago · Much as they did for marijuana, activists are touting the potential medical benefits of psilocybin to win public acceptance for a drug known more for its recreational use.

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China agrees to tighten curbs on fentanyl after U.S. calls for action over opioid epidemic - ...
https://www.politico.com › 2019/04/01
1 Apr 2019 · Trump has repeatedly accused China of not doing enough to halt imports of the drug, which ... Liu, who denied that China was to blame for the U.S. opioid crisis, dodged questions ...

China announces new crackdown on fentanyl in win for US President Trump - CNN - CNN.com
https://www.cnn.com › 2019/04/01 › asia
1 Apr 2019 · The Chinese government will add fentanyl-related substances to their list of controlled drugs from May 1, in a move aimed at ... Faces of the opioid crisis at White House.

China Bans All Types of Fentanyl, Cutting Supply of Deadly Drug to U.S. and Fulfilling Pledge to Trump
1 Apr 2019 · Carrying out a promise made to President Trump, China announced that it would treat all variations of the ... Heroin Addiction Explained: How Opioids Hijack the Brain.

China offers broad opioid curbs promised to Trump - Washington Post
https://www.washingtonpost.com › world
1 Apr 2019 · China offers broad opioid curbs promised to Trump ... the synthetic opioid has caused tens of thousands of overdose deaths annually and fueled a public health crisis.

China Will Designate All Fentanyl-Related Drugs As Controlled Substances
1 Apr 2019 · China has announced that all variants of fentanyl will be treated as controlled substances, after Washington urged Beijing to stop fueling the opioid epidemic in the United States.

市場 新天地

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「覚醒剤に変わる液」密輸容疑で初摘発 成田空港の税関:朝日新聞デジタル
https://www.asahi.com › articles
2019/03/21 · 化学処理をして覚醒剤にできる「t―BOCメタンフェタミン」と呼ばれる液体の指定薬物を密 ... の疑いで逮捕したと発表した。2017年12月に指定薬物とされて以降、摘発されたのは ...

覚醒剤に変えられる液体所持容疑 5億円分製造可能な量:朝日新聞デジタル
https://www.asahi.com › articles
2018/02/22 · 化学反応させれば覚醒剤に変えられる液体を大量に所持し、覚醒剤を製造しようとした ... 経営、横谷勝己容疑者(59)を覚醒剤取締法違反(製造予備)の疑いで逮捕したと発表 ...

覚醒剤リキッド初摘発 熊本県警 電子たばこで吸引 - 産経ニュース
https://www.sankei.com › affairs › news
2018/08/09 · 覚醒剤を液体状に加工した「覚醒剤リキッド」を警察当局が押収していたことが8日、関係 ... ていたとして熊本県警が3月、覚せい剤取締法違反(所持)の疑いで男

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経産省課長補佐逮捕 麻薬特例法違反の疑い 米国から密輸か - 産経ニュース
https://www.sankei.com › affairs › news
2019/04/29 · 警視庁組織犯罪対策5課は、麻薬特例法違反の疑いで、経済産業省自動車課の課長補佐、西田哲也容疑者(28)=東京都足立区綾瀬=を現行犯逮捕した。米国から覚醒剤 ...

経産省キャリアが薬物容疑 警視庁が逮捕 :日本経済新聞
https://www.nikkei.com › article
2019/04/29 · 警視庁組織犯罪対策5課は29日、「泳がせ捜査」で覚醒剤とすり替えた代替物を受け取ったとして、経済産業省キャリア官僚で自動車課課長補佐、西田哲也容疑者(28)=東京都足立区 ...

https://www.jiji.com › 社会
2019/04/29 · 米国から密輸したとみられる覚せい剤の代替物を所持したとして、警視庁組織犯罪対策5課などは29日までに、麻薬特例法違反容疑で、経済産業省のキャリア官僚で自動車課 ...

経産省28歳キャリア逮捕...覚せい剤所持疑い 「知らなかった」と否認 - FNN.jpプライムオンライン
https://www.fnn.jp › posts
2019/04/29 · 経済産業省キャリアの課長補佐の男が、覚せい剤所持の現行犯で逮捕された。 経済 産業省・製造産業局自動車課 課長補佐の西田哲也容疑者(28)は、27日、覚せい剤およそ22.1グラム ...

経済産業省 課長補佐を逮捕 国際郵便で覚醒剤密輸か | NHKニュース
https://www3.nhk.or.jp › news › html
2019/04/29 · 経済産業省の28歳の課長補佐が、覚醒剤およそ20グラムを国際郵便で密輸したとして逮捕されました。警視庁は自分で使用するた…

経産省キャリアが覚せい剤所持容疑 ファッション雑誌の袋とじに… | ...
https://www.huffingtonpost.jp › entry
2019/04/29 · 覚醒剤入りの荷物を受け取ったとして、警視庁は経済産業省のキャリア職員を逮捕した。

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覚醒剤密売買 27人逮捕・起訴|NHK 沖縄県のニュース
www3.nhk.or.jp › lnews › okinawa
2019/03/07 · 県内で覚醒剤の密売買をしていたなどとして、46歳の暴力団関係者の男や客の男女の合わせて27人が逮捕・起訴されました。 逮捕・起訴されたの…

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Weekly Infusion: Opium: The 60s, 70s and 80s. EP 08
https://weeklyinfusion.libsyn.com › week...
15 Apr 2019 · Nixon declared a “war on drugs” and soldiers' drug use in Vietnam shined a light on ... Methadone was becoming a popular withdrawal treatment even as Timothy Leary was ...

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methamphetamine tonga

(ODA)トンガ 無償資金協力 | 外務省 - Ministry of Foreign Affairs ...
https://www.mofa.go.jp › data › index_01
平成30年度. 全国早期警報システム導入及び防災通信能力強化計画. 平成29年度. 風力発電システム整備計画. 平成27年度. 無償資金協力 · 太平洋島嶼国における多様な災害の危険評価及び早期警戒システム強化計画(UN ...

トンガにおける防災体制強化のための支援 | 外務省 - Ministry of Foreign Affairs o ...
2018/05/16 · 1 本16日,東京において,我が方中根一幸外務副大臣と先方セミシ・キオア・ラフ・シカ・トンガ王国副首相兼社会基盤・観光大臣(Hon. Semisi Kioa Lafu Sika, Deputy Prime Minister , Minister for ...

トンガにおけるサイクロン被害に対する緊急援助 | 外務省 - Ministry of Foreign Affairs o ...
https://www.mofa.go.jp › press4_005663
2018/02/16 · 1 本16日,我が国政府は,トンガ王国におけるサイクロン「ジータ」による被害に対し,同国政府からの要請を受け,国際協力機構(JICA)を通じ,緊急援助物資(テント,プラスチックシート等)を供与することを ...

トンガに対するノン・プロジェクト無償資金協力「途上国の要望を踏まえた工業用品等の供与」に関する交換公文の署名 | 外務省 - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
https://www.mofa.go.jp › press4_000912
1 本6日(現地時間同日),トンガ王国の首都ヌクアロファにおいて,我が方葉室和親駐トンガ大使と先方トゥイバカノ・ トンガ王国首相兼外務貿易大臣兼防衛大臣兼情報通信大臣(Lord Tu'ivakano, Prime Minister, Minister for ...

Crown Prince and Princess attend Tonga coronation ceremony | The Japan Times
https://www.japantimes.co.jp › national
tonga Naruhito from www.japantimes.co.jp
4 Jul 2015 · Crown Prince Naruhito and Crown Princess Masako attended the coronation of Tonga's new king on Saturday. The coronation service for King Tupou VI was held.

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Vin Mariani - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Vin_Ma...
Vin Mariani (French: Mariani wine) was a tonic and patent medicine created about 1863 by Angelo Mariani, a French ... Pope Leo XIII and later Pope Saint Pius X were both Vin Mariani drinkers.

Vin Mariani, The Cocaine Wine Loved By Popes And Thomas Edison - All That's Interesting
https://allthatsinteresting.com › vin-mariani
2018/01/31 · Vin Mariani was advertised to reduce your hunger, aid digestion, cure the flu, and best of all, fill you with energy. For these reasons, it was heavily endorsed by Pope Leo XIII ...

The Cut and the Building of Psychoanalysis, Volume I: Sigmund ...
Carlo Bonomi · 2015 · Psychology
In my last severe depression I took coca again and a small dose lifted me to the heights in a wonderful fashion. I am just now busy collecting the literature for a song of praise to this magical ...

A Tale Of Two Addicts: Freud, Halsted And Cocaine : NPR
https://www.npr.org › 2011/07/22 › a-tal...
22 Jul 2011 · In my last severe depression, I took coca again, and a small dose lifted me to the heights in a wonderful fashion. I am just now busy collecting the literature for a song of praise to ...

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The Opium Empire: Japanese Imperialism and Drug Trafficking ...
John M. Jennings · 1997 · History
In 1937-1939 Mitsui and Mitsubishi were locked in a struggle over exclusive rights to ship Iranian opium to the Far East. The two conglomerates had made a contract in 1937 granting Mitsubishi a monopoly over Iranian ...

The Most Sovereign of Masters: The History of Opium in Modern Iran, 1850-1955 - ScholarlyCommons - University of Pennsylvania
PDF https://repository.upenn.edu › viewcontent
by RB Regavim · 2012 · Cited by 2 · Related articles
1 Jan 2012 · and a high-quality product, enabled the successful integration of Iranian opium within the ...... sent first to Hong-Kong.174 In 1909 it was reported that Mitsui, the great Japanese trade, banking, mining ...

Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1938, The Far East, Volume IV - Office of the Historian
https://history.state.gov › historicaldocum...
Efforts are being made to sell under the control of Colonel Kusumoto 460,000 pounds Iranian opium, which was consigned in care of Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Limited, Shanghai, at 6 local dollars per liang without tax.

Webs of Smoke: Smugglers, Warlords, Spies, and the History of ...
Kathryn Meyer, Terry Parssinen · 2002 · Social Science
Once these arrangements were made, Fujita went to the headquarters of Mitsui Shipping Company. Mitsui had held the monop oly privilege of supplying the Guandong Army in Manchuria with opium purchased in Iran.

Opium Regimes: China, Britain, and Japan, 1839-1952
Associate Professor of History Timothy Brook, Timothy Brook, Bob Tadashi Wakabayashi · 2000 · Business & Economics
A Shanghai newspaper reported that the price of opium and narcotics "rose by 3oo% to 4oo%. ... named Fujita Isamu to approach Mitsui bussan to import two hundred thousand pounds of opium from Iran to Shanghai on ...

Documents on the Tokyo International Military Tribunal: ...
Robert Cryer, Neil Boister · 2008 · History
The Mitsubishi Trading Company and the Mitsui Bussan Kaisha were making large purchases of Iranian opium for Japan, Manchukuo and China. By arrangement with the Foreign Ministry the two companies in March ...

A Persian Mosaic: Essays on Persian Language, Literature and Film
Khorrami, Mohammad Mehdi (editor), Aghaei, Behrad (editor) · 2015 · Foreign Language Study
A New Market for the Empire Before World War One, Iran was significant to Japan only as a supplier of opium because Japan needed Iranian opium to satisfy the demand in its new colony of Taiwan. As early as 1899, ...

Cocaine: Global Histories
Paul Gootenberg · 2002 · History
Mitsui had a major presence in Shanghai and was already doing a profitable business supplying opium to the new opium monopoly. ... dispatched to Ceylon to escort a tramp steamer laden with 80 tons of Iranian opium.

https://biblio-archive.unog.ch › Dateien
Furthermore, huge quantities of Iranian opium were reported to have arrived in North. China, in Shanghai ..... Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, is reported to have proceeded from Macao to Shanghai and to have discharged there ...

traffic in opium - Archive
biblio-archive.unog.ch › CouncilMSD
Smuggling of Opium Bearing Labels of Iranian Government. Opium Monopoly __. 19. Seizures of ..... pounds of opium (12,000.000 shots of heroin) which was consigned in care of the Mitsui Bussan Kaisha at Shanghai.

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Ayahuasca in Asia: Amazonian hallucinogenic plant medicine finds following in the East despite shady status | South China Morning Post
2019/03/12 · Ayahuasca vine, that is smoked or made into a brew, is a substance that is outlawed in most parts of the world; Despite this, shamans are using it in spiritual healing ...

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Hot topic: Is ayahuasca tourism a bad trip? | National Geographic
2019/04/08 · The legendary strange brew of the Amazon is becoming big business with travellers, from hippie backpackers to despondent bankers. But perhaps it's time to take off ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

The Untold Story Behind Mitsubishi Logos On Ecstasy Tablets – Waterford Whispers News
11 Mar 2015 · Ecstasy first arrived in Ireland in the early 1990s on a small sailing boat owned by one Gunther Ashcroft. The spiritual explorer landed on Killiney beach on a moonlit night in July ...

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The Forum - The history of opium, 26/09/2019 GMT - @bbcworldservice http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3csyp59

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パーティドラッグとして若者に人気のMDMAが脳に与える影響と副作用がよく分かるムービー - GIGAZINE
2014/11/18 · MDMAにアンフェタミンやカフェインを添加した物が「ECSTASY(エクスタシー)」と呼ばれ若者に人気の薬物です。 MDMAは脳の神経伝達物質に影響します。神経伝達物質は体内で通信する化学物質で、 ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

Religious ecstasy - Wikipedia
Religious ecstasy is a type of altered state of consciousness characterized by greatly reduced external awareness and expanded .... Dionysus · Teresa of Avila, Roman Catholic mystic, first entered states of ecstasy ...

Religious ecstasy - Wikipedia
Religious ecstasy is a type of altered state of consciousness characterized by greatly reduced external awareness and expanded .... Dionysus · Teresa of Avila, Roman Catholic mystic, first entered states of ecstasy ...

religious ecstasy - Doria
by NG Holm · 1982 · Cited by 44 · Related articles
more frequently use the word trance, whereas students of religion employ the word ecstasy (ibid.). Another concept often associated with ecstasy is mysticism. Attempts have sometimes been made to assign all ecstatic ...

Ecstasy and Mysticism - Journal.fi
by H Hof · 1982 · Cited by 2 · Related articles
Phenomena such as ecstasy and mysticism display both psychological and physical features. We find their defining features within the ... experience? How can one find intersubjective criteria? 16—Religious Ecstasy ...

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会計検查院百三十年史 - 107 ページ
Japan. Kaikei Kensain. 130-nenshi Henshū Jimukyoku - 2010
6 阿片密売事件関東庁においては、関東州内の阿片常用者を救済するという理由のもとに、大連市に宏済善堂を設置し、阿片の特許小売人への売渡しを行わせていた。そして、大連民政署長が売渡数量、価格等に関する認可権を有し、宏済善堂の収益の一部は納付され、関東州地方費収入に特許料として計上され ...

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Out with the old, in with the old: Iran's revolution, drug policies, and global drug markets
24 Jan 2019 · Not all of the exports were illegal: By international agreement, Iran was allowed to supply 25 percent of the world's legal opium requirements for medications between 1929 and 1955.

Drug Control In Iran: A Legal and Historical Analysis - FLASH: The Fordham Law Archive of Scholarship and History - Fordham University
by T Quinn · 1974 · Cited by 19 · Related articles
By international agreement, Iran was permitted to supply 25 percent of the world's licit opium requirements. 220 During the period from 1929 to 1955, the production of opium in Iran ranged between 700 and 1,200 tons ...

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The Opium Empire: Japanese Imperialism and Drug Trafficking ...
John M. Jennings · 1997 · History
With an eye toward quality control, the Monopoly Bureau in 1903 ordered its agents Samuel and Samuel and Mitsui Bussan to inspect Persian opium before purchasing it in order to ensure that not only was the morphine ...

Traffic in Opium and Other Dangerous Drugs ...: Report by the ...
United States. Bureau of Narcotics · 1935 · Narcotics
What the Japanese Army will do with this vast quantity of Iranian opium remains to be seen. The report is that the colonel referred to, through his Japanese assistant and with the aid of representatives of the Mitsui Bussan ...

War Crimes Trials in the Wake of Decolonization and Cold War ...
Kerstin von Lingen · 2016 · History
... under Japanese occupation.63 A 1939 report of the Japanese Foreign Ministry's treaty bureau recorded the import of Persian opium for distribution by the Japanese conglomerate Mitsui Bussan.64 Very detailed reports ...

Traffic in Opium and Other Dangerous Drugs for the Year ...
1939 · Drug traffic
What the Japanese Army will do with this vast quantity of Iranian opium remains to be seen. The report is that the colonel referred to, through his Japanese assistant and with the aid of representatives of the Mitsui Bussan ...

A Persian Mosaic: Essays on Persian Language, Literature and Film
Khorrami, Mohammad Mehdi (editor)、 Aghaei, Behrad (editor) · 2015 · Iran
... One, Iran was significant to Japan only as a supplier of opium because Japan needed Iranian opium to satisfy the demand in its new colony of Taiwan. ... 16 Mitsui Bussan Shitencho Kaigi Gijiroku 15 (Taisho 15/ 1925 ...

Opium - Wikipedia
Opium is dried latex obtained from the seed capsules of the opium poppy Papaver somniferum. Approximately 12 percent of opium ..... Mitsubishi and Mitsui were involved in the opium trade during the Japanese ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

Chinese and Opium under the Republic, The: Worse than Floods ...
Alan Baumler · 2012 · Political Science
The northwestern warlords needed a new market, and Chiang was will- ing to provide it. ... In 1934, the Inspectorate began trying to divert Northwestern opium through Hankou, entrusting this mission to Li Jihong ...

https://books.google.co.uk › books
1924 - ‎Read
... シク八、九回トス尚仁済各賢院トモ特別ナル患者ニ封シテ無料施療ヲ貸スコトアリ左ニ武漢仁済各賢院ニ通スル規程ナルモノヲ ... 患者ニ封シテ薬債ヲ免ス、薬債ニ就キ特約ヲ欲スルモノアルトキハ別ニ協定スルコトアルへシ一、阿片中毒者ニシテ入院治療ヲ ...

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China Monthly Review - Volume 88 - Page 310
https://books.google.co.uk › books
1939 - ‎Snippet view - ‎More editions
Before the Japanese Army entered Hankow, Chinese set fire to ships and junks in the river port to prevent them falling into ... in Hankow was followed by the usual train of Imperial subjects : Japanese ronin, prostitutes, geishas, opium dealers, merchants, bankers. ... The Japanese sentries are not at all squeamish about stripping Chinese women, even on the Bund, in full view of hundreds of passers-by.

From the Opium War to the May Fourth Movement
https://books.google.co.uk › books
Sheng Hu - 1991 - ‎Snippet view - ‎More editions
powers, including Japan and Russia, would make a loan to China for the Chinese government to redeem the railroads that ... railroad network, which included the northern sections of Sichuan-Hankou and the Guangzhou-Hankou Railroads

university of oxford chinese-british commercial conflicts in shanghai and the collapse of the merchant-control system in late qi - ORA - Oxford University
著者: E Motono · 1994
tea or Indian opium directly with Chinese dealers in the foreign settle- ments in Shanghai and Hankou. ... tisement of the North-China Herald recorded the Hankou Tea Guild con- sisted of Guangdong, Jiangxi, Hunan, ...

https://biblio-archive.unog.ch › ...PDF
league of nations traffic in opium and other dangerous drugs - Archive
by A General
I. Laws and Publications. 1. As stated in the preceding report,1 the Central Commission for Opium Suppression , ... (2) The illicit manufacture of narcotics in the Japanese Concession in Hankow. The. Chinese ...

漢口租界 - Wikipedia
漢口租界(かんこうそかい、中: 汉口租界、拼音: Hànkǒu zūjiè)は、中国の湖北省武漢市にかつて存在した租界。清朝末期の1861年から第二次世界大戦中の1943年まで、漢口市に設けられた列強各国の租界のことをまとめて ...

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Jardine Matheson Archive | Cambridge University Library
Jardine, Matheson & Co. was formed by William Jardine (1784-1843) and James Matheson (1798-1878) on 1 July ... and entered the railway industry with the building of the first railway from Shanghai to Wuhan in ...

The River at the Center of the World: A Journey Up the ...
https://books.google.co.uk › books
Simon Winchester - 2014 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions
I had no way of knowing whether market research like this did any good, even whether the yogurt shop in Wuhan was indeed a Jardines venture. If it was, there was an element of drollery to the story, considering that the firm's first sales in the city were of opium, a more obviously addictive product. Whether John Chinaman likes ...

Restless Empire: China and the World Since 1750 - Page 65
https://books.google.co.uk › books
Odd Arne Westad - 2012 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions
In 1832, A SCOTTISH SHIP DOCTOR, William Jardine, who had an extra income from dealing in opium, and his countryman James Matheson, set up ... with extensions through all the major trading routes within China, between China, Japan, and Southeast Asia, and between East Asia and Europe.

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https://www.history.com › crime › h...
History of Meth - HISTORY
7 Jun 2017 · ... and a willingness to take risks. Japanese, U.S., British and German military personnel are reported to have used the stimulant to enhance endurance and ward off fatigue on long campaigns.

https://www.drug-rehabs.org › Histo...
History of Meth by www.drug-rehabs.org
Meth Emerges However, the drug was not popularly used until the onset of World War II in the 1940s. During the Great War, the Japanese, American, English, and German governments heavily promoted the use of the drug for energy, wakefulness, and endurance among military personnel and soldiers.

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https://michaelturton.blogspot.com › ...
Taiwan and Cocaine in the Japanese era - The View from Taiwan
Aug 7, 2015 · Even the Japanese bought land in Peru, and a thriving expat community helped run the cocaine ... Hoshi would also be involved in attempting to set up cinchona production for quinine in Taiwan's ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

www.tellerreport.com › life › 2020-...
From containers to cocaine: record-high 700 km in Japan or Yokohama Port - Teller Report
2 hours ago · The Liberia-registered container ship “NYK LYNX”, which unloaded cargo, left Ecuador, South America last month, arrived at Yokohama Port on 30th of last month via several ...

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https://warwick.ac.uk › papersPDF
The Poppy and the Acacia: Opium and Imperialism in Dairen, 1905-1932 Introduction In the eighteenth century, opium came to occup - University of Warwick
Opium also enabled the outright conquest of. Southeast Asia, where Britain, France, and the Netherlands supported local administration through the public sale of drugs.2 When Japan acquired the island of. Taiwan in ...

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蛮の虫 さんのコメント...

"秩序" と "野蛮" の定義の微妙なバランスが崩れるのがヒトカネモノの歴史


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Cartels are hemorrhaging millions with traffickers forced taking more risks to move cocaine and cash
25 May 2020 · From March 1 to May 8, the amount of cash seized by the DEA in the Los Angeles area more than doubled from $4.5 million last year to $10 million in 2020.

Cocaine trade caught in disrupted global supply chains
6 May 2020 · Anticipating a slowdown in trade from Covid-19, drug traffickers had increased shipments just ahead of the imposition of lockdowns, only to be trounced due to a number of ...

https://www.brookings.edu › research
Fentanyl and geopolitics: Controlling opioid supply from China - Brookings Institution
5 days ago · Since 2013, China has been the principal source of the fentanyl flooding the U.S. ... Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and COVID-19 epidemics; and the evolution of the ...

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Global silver trade from the 16th to 19th centuries - Wikipedia
Jump to Opium Wars · The demand for opium rose rapidly and was so profitable that Chinese opium dealers began to seek out more suppliers of the drug, thus inaugurating the opium trade; ...

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Puritan Boston and Quaker Philadelphia
E. Digby Baltzell - 2017
She might set for the Queen of Beauty, and is lately married to Bingham, who returned from the West Indies with an immense fortune. ... debt, in Burlington, New Jersey, and in Edenton, Carolina, where he died of fever in 1798. ... $3,750,000 at home in cash; the Bingham, Baring, and Hope combine agreed to take $11,250,000 in United States government bonds, at 6 percent, redeemable in fifteen years.

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石本鏆太郎 阿片

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Beqaa Valley - Wikipedia
The Beqaa Valley also transliterated as Bekaa, Biqâ and Becaa and known in Classical antiquity as Coele- Syria, is a fertile valley in eastern Lebanon. It is Lebanon's most important farming region. Industry also flourishes ...

Lebanese mafia - Wikipedia
Lebanese mafia is a colloquial term for organized crime groups of Lebanese origin. Lebanese organized crime is active in the ... Beqaa Valley has become one of the most infamous marijuana and hashish exporting ...

Lebanon's cannabis heartland, Bekaa, hopes for legalization
Jul 26, 2018 · The fertile Bekaa Valley in eastern Lebanon has long been notorious as one of the world's major narcotics-growing regions, producing some of the finest quality cannabis, mostly processed into hashish.

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Coronavirus and narcotics: Can drug cartels survive COVID-19?
Apr 29, 2020 · The pandemic has hit the illegal drug trade, too. But rather than allowing their industry to collapse, the drug cartels will likely do what they do best: adapt. In Mexico, the biggest drug hub in the ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

www.unodc.org › documentsPDF
COVID-19 and the drug supply chain: from production and trafficking to use RESEARCH BRIEF - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
19 pandemic have thus inevitably affected all aspects of the illegal drug markets, from the production ... methamphetamine and fentanyl, as well as in Lebanon and Syria, where it is affecting the manufacture.

匿名 さんのコメント...

Fentanyl smuggled from China is killing thousands of Americans
Oct 19, 2018 · Fentanyl produced in China is being smuggled into the United States at such alarming levels ... so adept at smuggling, and so brazen in its marketing, that it offered a money-back guarantee to ...


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WETM - MyTwinTiers.com
Drug traffickers had enough fentanyl to ‘wipe out’ population of Buffalo, say prosecutors
(WIVB) — Four arrests were made and multiple kilos of fentanyl, cocaine, and crack cocaine were seized, say federal prosecutors on Tuesday in ...
Feb 25, 2020

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児玉・後藤政治 - Wikipedia
児玉・後藤政治(こだま・ごとうせいじ)とは、日本統治下の台湾における台湾総督児玉源太郎(1898年( 明治31年)2月26日から1906年(明治39年)まで在任)と民政長官後藤新平(1898年(明治31年)3月2日 ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

新渡戸稲造と台湾 - J-Stage
第 4 代台湾総督に任命された児玉源太郎は民政局長に後. 藤新平を登用し,それまでの武力による統治の方針を ... 白羽の矢を立て,後藤新平に新渡戸稲造の招聘を進めさせ. ます。後藤と新渡戸とは岩手県人,同郷人で ...

台湾を変えた日本人シリーズ:砂糖王国を築いた新渡戸稲造 | nippon.com
Dec 22, 2018 · そこで第4代台湾総督の児玉源太郎と民政長官の後藤新平は、植民政策の中心を産業振興に置き、その中心に糖業奨励を推進することにして、台湾に新式製糖会社を設立することを企画した。

匿名 さんのコメント...

Dutch Formosa - Wikipedia
The island of Taiwan, also commonly known as Formosa, was partly under colonial rule by the Dutch Republic from 1624 to 1662. ... The Dutch exported amber, spices, pepper, lead, tin, hemp, cotton, opium and kapok ...

https://books.google.co.jp › books
The Opium Evil: Message from the President of the United ...
United States. Delegation to the International Opium Conference · 1912 · Opium trade
By article 9, Chapter III, the contracting powers pledge themselves to enact laws or regulations so as to restrict the manufacture, sale, and use of morphine and cocaine and their respective salts to medicinal and legitimate uses only, unless their existing laws and regulations already cover the matter. This article appertains to national legislation only, and it will be pointed out later that the United States is the most backward of all the western nations and almost strikingly behind Japan in this phase of legislation.

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Elihu Root Collection of United States Documents Relating to ...books.google.co.jp › books
(a) The Japanese hold that the nonmedicinal use of opium is always and everywhere a vice. (b) The original desire of the government was to enforce a prohibitive law. (c) Their ultimate purpose now is to achieve this end, and all the methods adopted have it in view. The revenue from opium, which is now considerable (3,000,000 yen in 1902), is bound to decrease under the provisions of the system until ...

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大麻樹脂の押収量“最高”に コカインなども2倍超(テレビ朝日 ...
... で、薬物乱用者の通常の使用量で1029万回分、末端価格にして約198億円でした。覚醒剤と大麻草の押収量は去年と比べて8割減りましたが、大麻樹脂は増えて過去6年間で最高となったほか、コカインやMDMAも2倍以上に増えています。
3 hours ago

大阪税関 コカイン14キロ押収も 上半期|NNNニュース
大阪税関によると、今年1月から6月までの違法薬物の押収量は54キロと、去年の上半期より減ったが、コカインやMDMAなど麻薬の押収量は大幅に増えた。中でも、今年2月、南米から船で運ばれた貨物からコカイン14 ...
2 hours ago

コカインは2・2倍の約87キロ・グラムに増えた。 一方、不正薬物全体の押収量は、例年多くを占める覚醒剤が79%減の約309キロ・グラムと大きく減った ...
2 hours ago

海岸にコカインが相次ぎ漂着、末端価格1億円相当を押収 米フロリダ州
(CNN) 米国境警備隊は31日までに、米フロリダ州の海岸に漂着した大量のコカインを差し押さえたと発表した。末端価格は100万ドル(約1億円)以上と推定している。 国境警備隊マイアミ支部の発表によると、 ...
1 week ago

「密輸対策課」を新設 厚労省麻薬取締部が水際態勢強化
警察や麻取部などが19年に押収した覚醒剤は2649.7キロ、コカインは639.9キロで、いずれも過去最多を更新した。 大型密輸事件も頻発。覚醒剤は19年6月に静岡県南伊豆町で約千キロ、12月には熊本県天草 ...
1 week ago

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Marijuana Matters

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Journeys Among the Gentle Japs: In the Summer of 1895 ; with a ...
books.google.co.uk › books › id=T2QL...

The examination at the Custom House is a mere formality. The attempt to smuggle opium alone can cause any real trouble. Even Japanese officials, the pink of politeness and courtesy as they are, and ever with a smile of welcome for the ...
J. Llewelyn Thomas · 1897 · ‎Read

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Poppies have long been used as a symbol of sleep, peace, and death: Sleep because the opium extracted from them is a sedative, and death because of the common blood-red color of the red poppy in particular. In Greek and Roman myths, poppies were used as offerings to the dead.
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Poppy
Poppy - Wikipedia

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www.podgardening.co.nz › poppy
Poppy - POD easy edible gardening
Opium poppies produce tiny black seeds that are harvested and used in baking. Companions Poppies are a companion to many vegetable and fruit plants because they attract pollinating bees into the garden.

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N.A.R.D. Journal - Volume 20 - Page 1072
books.google.co.uk › books

Recent Antinarcotic Activities California—A quartermaster on the liner “ Siberia,” suspected by the federal authorities in San Francisco of smuggling $2,000 worth of opium into the Hawaiian Islands from Japan, will be taken to Honolulu ...

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www3.nhk.or.jp › lnews › toyama
高峰譲吉の功績たたえ生誕祭|NHK 富山県のニュース

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tokumei10.blogspot.com › 2017/05
そもそもチョコレートの原材料のカカオは頭が悪くなる物質に酷く汚染されてるわけで・・・(爆w - 匿名党
12 May 2017 — 内閣府の研究支援制度「革新的研究開発推進プログラム」(ImPACT)による研究で、 科学的なデータが不十分なまま「カカオ成分の多いチョコレートを食べると脳が若返る可能性がある」と発表し ...

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Opium Traders and Their Worlds-Volume One: A Revisionist Exposé of ...
books.google.co.uk › books
This principal trading center was long under Portuguese control—from the sixteenth century to 1850. The Portuguese not only regularly traded in opium before the advent of the English East India Company in 1600 but their trading posts in East Africa were involved in the slave trade, as well ...
M. Kienholz · 2008 · ‎Preview · ‎More editions

Small World, Big Market: Global Business - Page 26
books.google.co.uk › books
Portugal demonstrated that direct access to the spice countries was now available by a single agent rather than a network of unreliable traders. However ... It was the Dutch that saw the opportunity for gain and entered the trade by establishing the Dutch East India Company. Chartered ... Eventually the British relocated their trading posts outside Dutch territory—mainly to India.
Budd Hebert · 2014 · ‎

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www.history.com › news › john-jac...
America's First Multimillionaire Got Rich Smuggling Opium - HISTORY
May 30, 2018 — John Jacob Astor fed a growing international addiction—and helped fuel a ... Astor's enormous fortune was made in part by sneaking opium into China against imperial ...

www.pbs.org › shows › heroin › etc
Opium Throughout History | The Opium Kings | FRONTLINE | PBS
John Jacob Astor of New York City joins the opium smuggling trade. His American Fur Company purchases ten tons of Turkish opium then ships the contraband item to Canton on the Macedonian.

John Jacob Astor - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org › wiki › John_Jacob_Astor
Jump to Fortune from fur trade — Astor's fur trading ventures were disrupted during the War of 1812, when the British captured his trading posts. In 1816, he ...
Known for: First multi-millionaire businessman ...
Nationality: German; American

American Fur Company - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org › wiki › American_Fur_Company
Jump to China trade — Astor left his company in 1830, the company declared bankruptcy in 1842, and the American Fur Company ultimately ceased trading ...

John Jacob Astor & the American Fur Company – Legends of ...www.legendsofamerica.com › we-johnjacobastor
In 1800, Astor began to trade not only in furs, but also teas, sandalwood, opium, and other products, with China. However, in 1807, The Embargo Act disrupted his ...

John Jacob Astor and the Fur Trade: Testing the Role of ...fee.org › articles › john-jacob-astor-and-the-fur-trade-t...
2 days ago — The Great Lakes area—especially the Michigan Territory—then became the heart of the fur trade, yielding thousands of skins for coats and rugs ...

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Euro Weekly News
Drugs Factory Discovered Near The Bank Of England
In a statement by the City of London Police, it said, “This is the first cannabis factory in the City, no doubt being set up in response to fewer ...
5 days ago

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https://core.ac.uk › pdfPDF
歴史 総合 - CORE
藤原健剛 著 — 要旨:「歴史総合」が近現代史を中心とした日本史•世界史の融合科目であることと必履修科目として設. 定されたことは前向きに評価できる。しかし、「歴史総合」という科目の理想を形にするために ...
11 ページ·8 MB

https://www.mext.go.jp › con...PDF
地理歴史編 - 文部科学省
地理歴史科の科目構成を見直し,共通必履修科目としての「歴史総合」と「地理総. 合」を設置し,選択履修科目 ... などの現代的な諸課題につながる歴史的な状況を取り上げ,近現代の歴史の学習内容. の焦点化を図る。
372 ページ·3 MB


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https://philadelphiaencyclopedia.org › ...
China Trade - Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia
Philadelphia merchant Benjamin Chew Wilcocks (1776-1845) helped inaugurate an American opium- smuggling trade in 1805, shipping the drug to China from Smyrna (Izmir), Turkey, and later from British India.

https://www.geni.com › people › Be...
Benjamin Chew Wilcocks (1777 - 1845) - Genealogy - Geni
2020/07/30 — Genealogy for Benjamin Chew Wilcocks (1777 - 1845) family tree on Geni, with over 200 million ... He also is said to have been a pioneer in smuggling opium from China and Turkey into the United ...

https://provincetownindependent.org › ...
The Black Tiger: Lessons From the History of the Drug Trade - The Provincetown Independent
2020/02/13 — Prominent among these was the Philadelphian Benjamin Chew Wilcocks, who was active in selling Turkish opium and helped open the American trade in the prized opium from India (long a British East ...

https://www.journals.uchicago.edu › ...
Chinnery and Houqua: Questions of Attribution: Metropolitan Museum Journal: Vol 48 - The University of Chicago Press: Journals
JC Dobkin 著 · 2013 — and Robert Bennet Forbes, Augustine Heard, Samuel Wadsworth Russell, and Benjamin Chew Wilcocks, many of whom made fortunes in the opium trade. The versions and copies, all showing a frontal figure and virtually ...

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モルヒネ・オキシコドン・フェンタニル:「中くらい~強い痛み」に使う薬 痛みの3段階のうち、第3段階の「中くらい~強い痛み」に対しては、主に、①モルヒネ、②オキシコドン、③フェンタニルなどの「医療用麻薬」がよく使われます。2019/04/19
https://www.cick.jp › ... › 緩和ケア科
がんの痛みはこう治療する!あなたのお薬について知っておいていただきたいこと 駒込病院 スタッフコラム - 都立駒込病院

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China 1839 – part 9 | A Peoples' History 1793 – 1844 from the ...https://houghton.hk › china-1793-18...
“List of 16 inveterate opium traders – Bomanjee, Dadabhoy, Daniell, Dent, Foster, Framjee, Green, Heerjeebhoy Rustomjee, Henry, Ilberry, Inglis, Andrew Jardine, Alexander Matheson, I Matheson, James Matheson and Stanford.” Vol 12 No ...

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Remembering the Chinese railroad workers that built ...
https://www.stanforddaily.com › 2019/05/23 › chinese-...
23 May 2019 — It was actually thousands of Chinese railroad workers, along with eight ... one of whom is Leland Stanford — the railroad tycoon president of ... in urban Chinatowns, they found heavier use of opium among railroad workers.

Giving voice to Chinese railroad workers | Stanford News
https://news.stanford.edu › 2019/04/09 › giving-voice-t...
9 Apr 2019 — Researchers with Stanford's Chinese Railroad Workers in North ... line of the two Opium Wars that England fought with China and was further ...

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https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Wil...
William Jardine (merchant) - Wikipedia
Keswick was responsible for opening the Japan office of the firm in 1859 and also expanding the Shanghai office. James Matheson returned to England to fill up the Parliament seat left vacant by Jardine and to head up the ...

https://bccjacumen.com › whats-past...
What's past is prologue - BCCJ Acumen
2021/04/13 — Fascinating account of Jardine Matheson's critical role in trade and other ties with Japan ... in Guangzhou (Canton), China in 1832 by a pair of Scottish traders, William Jardine and James Matheson.

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https://books.google.co.uk › books
Opium Traders and Their Worlds-Volume One: A Revisionist Exposé of ...
M. Kienholz — 2008 · History
The Barings had guaranteed interest on the Argentine loans and with the defaults found themselves in debt £ 21 ... during World War I. Alexander Baring married the very wealthy Anne Louisa Bingham of Philadelphia.

https://www.reuters.com › article › u...
Lessons on Japan quake from rogue trader Leeson | Reuters
2011/04/04 — Leeson's worst turn was to try and dig himself out of a hole and make up losses he had hidden in Barings' error account 8888 by betting Japan's Nikkei 225 would rise after the Kobe quake.

https://www.wsj.com › BL-MB-33345
Japan Earthquake: Does Another Nick Leeson Lurk? - WSJ
Former Barings futures trader Nick Leeson in November 1995. By WSJ Staff. March 14, 2011 12:37 pm ET. Share. Text. Despite the nasty drop in Japanese stocks, the tone of the markets is somewhat muted today

Barings Bank - Wikipedia
If the company had uncovered his true financial dealings then, collapse might have been avoided as Barings still had £350 million of capital. Kobe earthquake[edit]. Using the hidden five-eights account, Leeson ...

https://www.imes.boj.or.jp › c...PDF
Price Discovery during Periods of Stress:
S Brown 著 · 被引用数: 2 — imposed trading halts. The situation on the market for futures on the Japanese. Nikkei stock-index during the eventful period around the Kobe earthquake and the subsequent collapse of Barings bank, provides us with an ...
26 ページ·164 KB

http://www.bccl.gov.lb › Case...PDF
Case Study Barings BankBarings Bank. Background. Q1. a. The Kobe Earthquake. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Great Hanshin ... approximately ten trillion yen ($100 billion) in damage, 2.5% of Japan's GDP at the time. Economic ...
6 ページ·218 KB

匿名 さんのコメント...

医療用大麻解禁へ 「モルヒネ以上の鎮痛性があり安全」との ...
〈大麻草を原料にした医薬品 国内での使用解禁へ 厚生労働省〉──5月14日朝、NHKのニュースで、日本でも大麻由来の医薬品の使用が“解禁”されることが伝えられた。 【写真】入院ベッドで左腕を握られる高齢男性( ...

厚労省の「医療用大麻解禁」方針に高樹沙耶氏が直言「国と ...
厚生労働省が、ついに医療用大麻を解禁しようとしている。海外では多くの国がすでに解禁しているから、日本の決定は目新しいものではない。コロナワクチンでも見られた「外国の例を見て周回遅れで追随する」という ...

日本で解禁見通しの医療用大麻 がん治療効果研究で「寿命延びた」報告も(NEWSポストセブン)
日本でも大麻由来の医薬品の使用が“解禁”される見通しとなった。5月14日に開かれた厚労省「大麻等の薬物対策 ... 日本の緩和ケアの現場では主にモルヒネが使用されてきたが、医療用大麻解禁派が訴えてきたのは、末期がん ...

大麻草を原料にした医薬品 国内での使用解禁へ 厚生労働省
大麻草を原料にした医薬品 国内での使用解禁へ 厚生労働省. 2021年5月14日 6時46分 医療. シェアする help. twitter; facebook; line. 法律で規制されている大麻草を原料にした医薬品について、厚生労働省が国内での使用を解禁する方針を固めた ...


タイでは2018年に医療大麻が解禁。2021年に入ると大麻を使用した食品も規制緩和で続々と販売されるようになり、難なく購入できるようになりました。しかし日本人がタイで大麻を所持したりすることで、日本で大麻取締 ...

大麻“医薬品”解禁を提案 厚労省(日本テレビ系(NNN ...
厚生労働省は、大麻取締法で禁止されている大麻草を原料とする医薬品について、国内での使用を解禁とする案を専門家の会議で示しました。 海外の一部の国では、大麻由来の医薬品がてんかんの治療薬として承認されています ...

大麻草を原料にした医薬品 国内での使用解禁へ 厚生労働省
法律で規制されている大麻草を原料にした医薬品について、厚生労働省が国内での使用を解禁する方針を固めたことが分かりました。 厚生労働省によりますと、大麻草を原料にした医薬品は、アメリカなど海外の複数の国で ...

現役NBA選手の85%が大麻を使用!?――米国スポーツ界で進む大麻解禁と使用罪創設を目指す日本の未来 - サイゾーpremium
なおアメリカでは四大スポーツでの大麻解禁が急速に進行。アスリートのケア用品として拡大中で、使用罪創設を目指す日本とは真逆の道を進んでいる。 2106_supotai_320.

厚生労働省が、ついに医療用大麻を解禁しようとしているという; ヨーロッパでは2010年代までに、イギリス、ドイツなど、ほとんどの国で合法化された; 高樹沙耶氏は「日本のメディアは思考停止していたように見える」と ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

医療用大麻解禁へ 「モルヒネ以上の鎮痛性があり安全」との ...
〈大麻草を原料にした医薬品 国内での使用解禁へ 厚生労働省〉──5月14日朝、NHKのニュースで、日本でも大麻由来の医薬品の使用が“解禁”されることが伝えられた。 【写真】入院ベッドで左腕を握られる高齢男性( ...

厚労省の「医療用大麻解禁」方針に高樹沙耶氏が直言「国と ...
厚生労働省が、ついに医療用大麻を解禁しようとしている。海外では多くの国がすでに解禁しているから、日本の決定は目新しいものではない。コロナワクチンでも見られた「外国の例を見て周回遅れで追随する」という ...

日本で解禁見通しの医療用大麻 がん治療効果研究で「寿命延びた」報告も(NEWSポストセブン)
日本でも大麻由来の医薬品の使用が“解禁”される見通しとなった。5月14日に開かれた厚労省「大麻等の薬物対策 ... 日本の緩和ケアの現場では主にモルヒネが使用されてきたが、医療用大麻解禁派が訴えてきたのは、末期がん ...

大麻草を原料にした医薬品 国内での使用解禁へ 厚生労働省
大麻草を原料にした医薬品 国内での使用解禁へ 厚生労働省. 2021年5月14日 6時46分 医療. シェアする help. twitter; facebook; line. 法律で規制されている大麻草を原料にした医薬品について、厚生労働省が国内での使用を解禁する方針を固めた ...


タイでは2018年に医療大麻が解禁。2021年に入ると大麻を使用した食品も規制緩和で続々と販売されるようになり、難なく購入できるようになりました。しかし日本人がタイで大麻を所持したりすることで、日本で大麻取締 ...

大麻“医薬品”解禁を提案 厚労省(日本テレビ系(NNN ...
厚生労働省は、大麻取締法で禁止されている大麻草を原料とする医薬品について、国内での使用を解禁とする案を専門家の会議で示しました。 海外の一部の国では、大麻由来の医薬品がてんかんの治療薬として承認されています ...

大麻草を原料にした医薬品 国内での使用解禁へ 厚生労働省
法律で規制されている大麻草を原料にした医薬品について、厚生労働省が国内での使用を解禁する方針を固めたことが分かりました。 厚生労働省によりますと、大麻草を原料にした医薬品は、アメリカなど海外の複数の国で ...

現役NBA選手の85%が大麻を使用!?――米国スポーツ界で進む大麻解禁と使用罪創設を目指す日本の未来 - サイゾーpremium
なおアメリカでは四大スポーツでの大麻解禁が急速に進行。アスリートのケア用品として拡大中で、使用罪創設を目指す日本とは真逆の道を進んでいる。 2106_supotai_320.

厚生労働省が、ついに医療用大麻を解禁しようとしているという; ヨーロッパでは2010年代までに、イギリス、ドイツなど、ほとんどの国で合法化された; 高樹沙耶氏は「日本のメディアは思考停止していたように見える」と ...

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Dutch News
Police seize 3 tonnes of cocaine and €11m in cash in ...
Police chiefs have warned about the way South American drugs gangs are moving into the Netherlands and several Colombian, Mexican and ...
2 weeks ago

Daily Sabah
3 tons of cocaine, $13 million found on Dutch farm | Daily Sabah
Dutch police have discovered almost 3,000 kilograms (6,614 pounds) of cocaine and more than 11 million euros (13.1 million dollars) in cash ...
2 weeks ago

NL Times
Cocaine trafficking through Dutch flower auction; Criminal ...
Cocaine trafficking through Dutch flower auction; Criminal gang busted. With the arrest of three men, the police believe they've dismantled a ...
3 weeks ago

NL Times
Dutch wheelchair user caught with 9.5 kilograms of cocaine at ...
A 65-year-old Dutch man was caught at a Surinamese airport with almost 9.5 kilograms of cocaine. The man, who was in a wheelchair, tried to ...
2 weeks ago

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Cocaine: Global Histories - Page 129
books.google.co.uk › books

Paul Gootenberg · 2002 · ‎Preview · ‎More editions
Coca leaf from the Dutch East Indies Due to the increasing popularity of coca in the specialties industry and cocaine in medicine, the Dutch investigated at an early stage the possibility of growing the coca plant in the Dutch East Indies (mainly Java, but also the islands of Madura and Sumatra). In 1878, a Belgian firm sent the first ...

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The UK's largest tobacco firm says it sees cannabis as part of its future as it tries to move away from selling traditional cigarettes. British American Tobacco said it wanted to "accelerate" its transformation by reducing the health impact of its products.3 時間前
https://www.bbc.com › news › busin...
Cannabis part of the future says tobacco giant - BBC News


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Izu and Bonin Islands...: 10 July 1944 - 143 ページ

United States. Office of the Chief of Naval Operations · 1944 · ‎読む

In 1936, 276,088 kilograms of coca leaves, valued at ¥ 33,977, were produced in the Ogasawara district. The leaves are dried and are shipped to Japan, where they are used primarily to make cocaine.

匿名 さんのコメント...

Cocaine: Global Histories - Page 156
books.google.co.uk › books
Paul Gootenberg · 2002 · ‎Preview · ‎More editions
The Japanese imported coca leaf and crude cocaine not just from Taiwan, but also from coca plantations on Iwo Jima, Okinawa, and Java.

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民族衣装のボタンに1億6千万円相当の覚醒剤 ... - 産経ニュースhttps://www.sankei.com › article· 29 minutes ago — 衣服についているボタン約1300個に、末端価格約1億6千万円相当の覚醒剤約2・6キロを隠した国際郵便を受け取ったなどとして、警視庁組織犯罪 ...

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Profits and poppy: Afghanistan's illegal drug trade a boon for Taliban
2 days ago — Profits and poppy: Afghanistan's illegal drug trade a boon for Taliban ... WASHINGTON, Aug 16 (Reuters) - The United States spent more than $8 ...

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Afghanistan: How does the Taliban make money?
Dec 22, 2018 — With an estimated annual export value of $1.5-$3bn, the opium poppy is big business, supplying the overwhelming majority of illicit heroin ...

How the heroin trade explains the US-UK failure in Afghanistan
Jan 9, 2018 — Every spring, the opium harvest fills the Taliban's coffers once again, ... the only crop that ensured instant profits: the opium

Drug dollars: How Taliban's opium push helped oust the Afghan government
21 hours ago — It is also reported that drug trafficking is not a crime in areas under Taliban control, and thus, the traffickers see drug profits as ...

https://www.marketplace.org › from...
From taxes to the drug trade, how the Taliban paid its way - Marketplace.org
2 days ago — His research in one southern province, which he calls a major drug conduit, suggests income from taxing the opium, heroin and methamphetamine ...

https://www.govinfo.gov › pkg › html
It affects us because the Afghan heroin goes directly to the world heroin market, ... they are a post-war, post-conflict environment in which it is still ...

How the US military's opium war in Afghanistan was lost
Apr 25, 2019 — Opium is woven deeply into the fabric of the conflict in Afghanistan, ... 90% of the world's heroin is made from opium grown in Afghanistan.

https://theprint.in › india › delhi-pol...
Delhi Police seize 354kg heroin worth over Rs 2,500 cr, Afghan among 4 arrested - ThePrint
Jul 10, 2021 — Police said opium grown in Afghanistan is concealed in exports such as talc stone & basil seeds, transported to Chabahar Port in Iran, ...

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https://www.unodc.org › Cov...PDF
COVID-19 and the drug supply chain - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
Reports from the main heroin trafficking routes indicate that the COVID-19 measures may have increased the risk of interception when the drug is trafficked by ...
45 pages·2 MB

https://www.unodc.org › fieldPDF
COVID-19 AND DRUGS - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
Jun 27, 2021 — the manufacturing of heroin. 15 UNODC, “COVID-19 and the drug supply chain: from production and trafficking to use”.

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https://www.ojp.gov › ncjrs › abstracts
Chinese Triads and Japanese Yakuza - How Dangerous Is the Asian Mafia? | Office of Justice Programs
This discussion of the Asian Mafia indicates Chinese Triads and Japanese Yakuza rely heavily on fear as a means of pressure within the organization, ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

Spies in Hong Kong: from mainland Chinese agents and Japanese infiltrators to Taiwanese defectors and local pirates, a history of espionage in the SAR
Jun 20, 2021 — In 1857, with the second opium war under way between Britain and China ... possible support to the Imperial Japanese Army through deception, ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.ojp.gov › ncjrs › abstracts
Opium Empire: Japanese Imperialism and Drug Trafficking in Asia, 1895-1945 | Office of Justice Programs
JM Jennings 著 · 被引用数: 80
...Rather, contact with the opium and narcotics trade resulted from Japan's emergence as an imperial power in its own right. With the annexation of Taiwan in 1895, officials of the nascent Japanese colonial empire were faced with the task of formulating a policy to deal with the island's large number of opium smokers. Similarly, the annexation of Korea in 1910 necessitated official attention to the problem of drug control. Moreover, the extensive penetration of Japan's political and economic influence in China was accompanied by increasing involvement in the opium and narcotics trade, especially during the 1930s. Japan's involvement in drug trafficking in Asia is detailed with respect to the nature and legacy of Japanese imperialism in Asia and political, economic, and social ramifications of drug abuse. Data are provided on opium and narcotics production in Korea between 1919 and 1940, narcotics production in Japan between 1914 and 1918, narcotics imports by Japan between 1913 and 1918, and opium import and sales in the Kwantung Territory between 1912 and 1918. References, notes, and tables

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警察庁は、取り締まりや啓発を強化する方針。 警察庁によると、全体のうち20歳代が1296人(前年同期比174人増)で最も多く、次いで10歳代505人(同83人増)、30歳代447人(同3人増)、40歳代218人(同27人増)、50歳代以上78人(同18人増)だった。 中高生も105人(同15人増)おり、最年少は14歳。12 hours ago
https://www.yomiuri.co.jp › national
「大麻有害でない」誤解広がる…上半期の摘発人数 ...

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国際小包の中に「大麻リキッド」約13キロ押収 末端価格1 ...
1 day ago

「大麻リキッド」約13キロ押収 大阪税関|NNNニュース
1 day ago

大阪税関 半年間の大麻押収量 去年の6倍 リキッドが大半 ...
なかでも、大麻を液体状に加工した大麻リキッドが大半を占めていて税関が取締りを強化しています。 大阪税関によりますと、ことし6月末までの半年間に...
1 day ago

菓子に紛れて大麻リキッド密輸 男を告発 税関検査で発覚 静岡・清水税関支署
.大麻リキッドの密輸事件で男を告発です。 関税法違反の疑いで清水税関支署に告発されたのは静岡県御殿場市の自動車販売業・...
1 week ago

【大麻】全国の若年層に拡大、20代以下の摘発は4年で3倍に ...
2 weeks ago

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音楽事務所で大麻所持 密売目的の2人を逮捕…大阪府警
7 hours ago

4 hours ago

大阪の音楽事務所が大麻密売拠点か 共同所持容疑で役員ら2人逮捕 - 毎日新聞
10 hours ago

音楽事務所で大麻密売疑い、大阪 役員や購入客ら13人摘発
4 hours ago

2 hours ago

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大麻収益の「モネロ」受け取った疑い、自称トレーダーを逮捕 ...https://news.yahoo.co.jp › articles· Translate this page
8 hours ago — ...

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https://www.cscd.osaka-u.ac.jp › user
1915年、台湾政府から粗製モルヒネの独占的払下げをうけた星製薬がモルヒネ製造を開始し、その後大日本製薬、三共、武田薬品工業なども参入してモルヒネの製造が行われる ...

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https://academiccommons.columbia.edu › ...PDF
Market, Medicine, and Empire: Hoshi Pharmaceuticals in the ...
Competing drug firms like Sankyō and Dai Nippon were major ... competitors in the manufacture of alkaloids like cocaine, morphine, and quinine.

https://books.google.co.jp › books
Andean Cocaine: The Making of a Global Drug
Paul Gootenberg — 2009 · History
The firms making cocaine and morphine were among Japan's largest, including Hoshi, Sankyo, Takeda, Koto, Dai Nippon, and Shiongo Pharmaceuticals, ...

https://cris.maastrichtuniversity.nl › ...PDF
The history of the Nederlandsche Cocaïne Fabriek and its successors
Items 13 - 19 — 9.4 Development of the World Market for Morphine and Cocaine ... 11.2 Opiate Manufacture during World War II."

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These 'sins' include our obsession with excess consumption and acquisition of resources, fuelled by the desire to drive our expanding economy; increasing time pressures that do not allow us the necessary luxury to ensure our health; the pressures of parenting; our fixation with labour-saving technology both during work ...Oct 18, 2007
https://academic.oup.com › article
Seven Deadly Sins of Obesity: How the Modern World Is Making Us Fat | Journal of Public Health | Oxford Academic

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焼け太り VS 焼け野原

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http://www.jusoken.or.jp › pd...PDF
近代における皇族別荘の立地 ・沿革及び建築 ・使 い方 に関する研究 一海浜別荘を中心 - 住総研
また,葉 山御用邸は英. 照皇太后のために設置された施設である文7)が,竣工後は皇. 太子(大 正天皇)・ 同皇太子 妃 ・明治天皇皇后も利用 し,. 熱海御用邸は皇太子のための ...
12 pages·1 MB

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https://publications.parliament.uk › f...
Fixing fashion: clothing consumption and sustainability - Environmental Audit Committee - Parliament Publications
Feb 19, 2019 — In September 2015, the UK signed up to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals including a commitment (SDG 12) to ensure ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.seijo.ac.jp › falitPDF
大正期における女性皇族像の転換 - 成城大学
キーワード:久邇宮良子女王、裕仁皇太子、皇族像、大衆天皇制、御成 ... 本論文は、若桑が扱った明治の女性皇族像、伊藤が関心の中心とする. 戦時期の天皇・皇族像の ...
35 pages·6 MB

https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp › -char
最初期の「皇室映画」に関する考察: - J-Stage
by 紙屋牧子 · 2018 — 天皇・皇族に関する映画――の歴史を考える上で画期的だったとされるのは、. 裕仁皇太子(後の昭和天皇)が、1921 年 3 月から同年 9 月にかけてヨーロッ. パを外遊した ...

https://koara.lib.keio.ac.jp › d...PDF
明治二年の英国王子来朝を起点として Sub Title "Origins of Meiji royal d - 慶應義塾大学学術情報リポジトリ(KOARA)
by 内山正熊 · 1977 — しかし、かつて明治に始まる宮廷を背景とした対外的営為は、日本外交史上、表面 ... 問以来皇族の外国留学訪問は、次第に定着して来るのであるが、大正年代に入つて ...

https://ja.wikipedia.org › wiki › 皇...
皇太子裕仁親王の欧州訪問 - Wikipedia
明治期には皇族の外国留学や外遊が行われるようになり、「皇族が見聞を広めるため外遊を行うことが好ましい」とされた。皇太子嘉仁親王(大正天皇)は皇太子時代の当時 ...

https://crd.ndl.go.jp › detail
小松宮彰仁親王が明治19~20年頃欧州を視察した。その旅程と帰国時期について知りたい。 | レファレンス協同データベース
p.114-115 「表3-5 皇族の欧米留学外遊一覧」の「出国」「帰国」の項目で、それぞれの年月日が確認可能です。 また、『外務省記録総目録 第1巻 外交史料館所蔵 明治 ...

https://honto.jp › ebook
パリの皇族モダニズム 領収書が明かす生活と経済感覚の電子書籍 - honto
新史料から見えてきた、皇室外遊の様子と文化的意義を多くの写真と共に紹介。 ... 戦前の宮家である朝香宮鳩彦(やすひこ)王と明治天皇の皇女・富美宮允子(のぶこ) ...

https://www.iii.u-tokyo.ac.jp › ...PDF
に、他の学問分野(地理学・社会学・経済学・ ... る朝香宮鳩彦・允子夫妻が1920年代、約3年間 ... こではこれを総称して「朝香宮パリ滞在受領証. 綴」とする。
16 pages·1 MB

https://prtimes.jp › main › html › 00...
佳子様のティアラと朝香宮允子妃のティアラの違いは?東京都庭園美術館に埋もれていた新資料発見!『パリの皇族モダニズム』から知られざる皇族方の暮らしを読み解く。 - PR TIMES
Dec 28, 2014 — パリ本店にも現存していない貴重な当時のトゥールダルジャンの受領証など、多くの貴重な写真とともに、朝香宮夫妻のパリ生活、またこの外遊が日本にもら ...

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https://blogs.mbc.co.jp › cat_ishin
慶応4年7月26日 新政府 イギリスと借款契約 – NEWS TOPICS - MBC南日本放送
Jul 26, 2018 — 新政府はきょうイギリス東洋銀行から50万ドルを借りる借款契約を結びました。 ... 借金を返さなければ日本の国防上重要な横須賀製鉄所がフランスに ...

https://blogs.mbc.co.jp › cat_ishin
慶応4年7月24日 旧幕府の借金返済 イギリスから借款へ – NEWS TOPICS - MBC南日本放送
Jul 24, 2018 — 今年は明治維新から150年です。 MBCニューズナウでは時代の転換期となったあの時代、日々何があったのか、毎日お伝えしていきます

https://dl.ndl.go.jp › view › p...PDF
Ⅰ なぜ明治維新期に学ぶのか Ⅵ 金札引換公債による国立銀行設立と兌換券発行. Ⅱ 混乱を極めた幣制――太政官札は通貨 ... 新政府が広く国民から借金をし、その借金証.

https://www.imes.boj.or.jp › j...PDF
明治初期の財政構造改革・ 累積債務処理とその影響
by 大森 · Cited by 4 — バランスの推移を概観し、経常歳入・歳出のベースでみると、明治維新後の比較的 ... いまや、日本は世界一の借金大国である(井堀[2000])。国債および借入金の.
44 pages·184 KB

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https://www.hsph.harvard.edu › eco...
Economic Costs | Obesity Prevention Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Indirect costs, which have been defined as “resources forgone as a result of a health condition,”(2) fall into various categories: Value of lost work. Days ...

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Cocaine: Global Histories
Paul Gootenberg — 2002 · History
... started Sankyo Pharmaceutical in 1899 to import and sell a digestive aid invented by an expatriate pharmacist, Jokichi Takamine (1854—1922).

From Silver to Cocaine: Latin American Commodity Chains and the ...
Steven Topik、 Carlos Marichal、 Zephyr Frank — 2006 · Business & Economics
The first Japanese involvements with coca and cocaine were responses to Western initiatives . Jokichi Takamine , a brilliant Japanese chemist ( still known ...

Andean Cocaine: The Making of a Global Drug
Paul Gootenberg — 2009 · History
Initial Japanese involvements with coca and cocaine were entwined with Western initiatives and influences. Jokichi Takamine, a brilliant, ...

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https://www3.nhk.or.jp › news › html
WEB特集 太平洋戦争80年 真珠湾攻撃の爪痕 今なお深く | NHKニュース
1 日前 — まず最優先で取材したのが、80年前の「機密通信施設」の存在だ。 真珠湾攻撃において、アメリカの命運を決めたといってもいい場所でもある。 ハワイ時間



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支那の秘密結社と慈善結社 - 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション

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健康法と癒しの社会史 - Page 117
田中聡 · 1996
薬の稼業はボロイ金儲けとにかく薬屋は不当に儲けているものと、ずっと決まっていた。昭和八年(一九三三年)発行の『売薬部外品の製造と販売法』(三好貢、誠光堂)という本は、高らかにその素晴らしさを謳いあげている。ボロイ金儲け H 若しも世知辛い比 ...

週刊文春 - Volume 38, Issues 37-41 - Page 165

♪クリカエス さんのコメント...

Nation's first safe illegal drug use sites open in NYC - NY1https://www.ny1.com › nyc › news › 2021/11/30 › new...
30 Nov 2021 — That day, at least five people overdosed while using drugs under supervision in the two clinics,

Substance abuse expert explains supervised injection siteshttps://www.ny1.com › manhattan › news › 2021/12/05
4 Dec 2021 — NY1's Bree Driscoll discusses the issues surrounding supervised illegal drug injection sites with Luke Nasta, the Chief Executive Officer of ...

U.S. drug overdose deaths top 100,000 in single year - NY1https://www.ny1.com › nyc › news › 2021/11/17 › dru...
17 Nov 2021 — GET OUR APPOur Spectrum News app is the most convenient way to get the ... For the first time, drug overdose deaths in the United States are ...

https://www.ny1.com › 2022/01/24
Supervised injection sites avert over 100 overdoses, organization says - NY1
5 days ago — As of January 23, 2022, OnPoint NYC reported 114 drug overdose interventions. (Spectrum News NY1/Arnold Davick).



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Distant Islands: The Japanese American Community in New York City, ...
Daniel H. Inouye · 2018
His mother, Yuki, was from a family that owned a sake brewery. When Jokichi Takamine was twelve years old, the daimyō of Kaga han selected him to live with a Dutch family in Nagasaki so that he could learn English.

Pharmaceutical Achievers: The Human Face of Pharmaceutical Research
Mary Ellen Bowden, ‎Amy Beth Crow, ‎Tracy Sullivan · 2003
Takamine was by 1901 living and working in New York City and Clifton , New Jersey , where he retained the services of ... Takamine was sent to live with a Dutch family in Nagasaki in order to learn English , which he spoke with a Dutch ...

Jokichi Takamine (1854-1922) and Caroline Hitch Takamine (1866-1954)
William Shurtleff, ‎Akiko Aoyagi · 2012
His father, Seiichi, was a physician, spoke Dutch and was from a family of Samurai physicians. ... his parents sent him to Nagasaki, at the age of 12, so he could learn English in the home of a Dutch family” and study foreign science.

Chemical Heritage - Volume 21 - Page 39
As a boy , Takamine was sent to live with a Dutch family in Nagasaki in order to learn English , which he spoke with a Dutch accent for the rest of his life . He attended the Imperial Engineering College in Tokyo and graduated as a ...

Adrenaline - Page 51
Brian B. Hoffman · 2013
... of Western medicine and spoke Dutch. His mother's family produced sake (rice wine), japan's traditional alcoholic beverage. When Takamine was eleven, his family sent him to Nagasaki to complete his schooling and to learn English.

Sustainable Management of Japanese Entrepreneurs in Pre-War Period ...
Masaatsu Takehara, ‎Naoya Hasegawa · 2020
Jokichi Takamine was born in November 1854, in Takaoka, Toyama Prefecture, as the eldest son of a Kaga clan doctor. Takamine's father, Seiichi, learned Dutch studies in Kyoto and medicine and chemistry in Edo (currently Tokyo), ...

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Distant Islands: The Japanese American Community in New York City, ...
Daniel H. Inouye · 2018
When Jokichi Takamine was twelve years old, the daimyō of Kaga han selected him to live with a Dutch family in Nagasaki so that he could learn English. Takamine subsequently studied medicine and chemistry at schools in Osaka.

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解毒,解熱,鎮咳作用があり,魚の中毒,じんましん,腫れ物などの皮膚病,咳,発熱などに用いる. 日本では江戸時代,民間薬として多く使用された. 漢方処方では十味敗毒湯に配合されることがある. エキス製剤は鎮咳去痰薬として用いられている.
https://www.pharm.kumamoto-u.ac.jp › ...
ヤマザクラ | 薬草データベース - 熊本大学薬学部

https://www.yomeishu.co.jp › crudem
生薬ものしり事典 7 春を告げる花・サクラ - 養命酒
漢方ではサクラの樹皮を桜皮(オウヒ)といい、昔から解毒、鎮咳薬として用いられてきましたが、最近になってサクラの花にアンチエイジング効果があることがわかってき ...

http://www.yatsume.co.jp › ouhi
桜皮(オウヒ)の解説 - 八ツ目製薬株式会社
桜皮(おうひ)の解説。オウヒは、日本漢方においては、華岡青洲が桜皮を配合した十味敗毒湯をよく用いた。十味敗毒湯は化膿傾向のある湿疹などに対する処方で、今日も ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.mod.go.jp › fmradio
テ-マ:日米共同方面隊指揮所演習(YS)について パーソナリティー - 防衛省・自衛隊
...局長: 日米共同方面隊指揮所演習は、通称YS(ワイエス)・ヤマサクラと呼ばれております。 これは、在日米陸軍のシンボルである富士山の「山」と、陸上自衛隊のシンボルである「桜」のそれぞれの頭文字をとっているものです。
パーソナリティー: 日米共同方面隊指揮所演習という正式名称以外にも、通称も使用されているのですね。 ここからは、私も通称のYSと呼ばせていただきますが、YSはどういった目的で実施される演習なのでしょうか。
局長: はい。この演習は、陸上自衛隊と米陸上部隊が、それぞれの指揮系統に従って、共同して作戦を実施する場合における方面隊以下の指揮幕僚活動を演練し、その能力の維持・向上を図る目的で実施されるものです。



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https://www.tokyo-park.or.jp › format
このレーガン桜の苗木を採取した親木は、1912年(明治45年)に日本がアメリカに寄贈した荒川堤の桜(通称五色桜)がワシントン・ポトマック河畔に植えられたもので、当時の ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

Jokichi Takamine (1854-1922) and Caroline Hitch Takamine (1866-1954)
William Shurtleff, ‎Akiko Aoyagi · 2012
16 – Caroline Hitch Takamine and Charles Pablo Beach are married at St. Augustine Cathedral (the main Catholic church) in Tucson, Pima County, Arizona (marriage certificate). Caroline had gone to Vail, south of Tucson, Arizona, ...

Vail and Colossal Cave Mountain Park - 103 ページ
Sharon E. Hunt · 2007
He died in 1922 , converting to Catholicism , Caroline's faith , during his last illness . Eben Takamine came to Arizona in the 1920s for health reasons and stayed with Charles P. Beach , a ranch hand in Vail .

Distant Islands: The Japanese American Community in New York City, ...
Daniel H. Inouye · 2018
She took her one-sixth share of the Takamine estate and also carted off many souvenirs from Shofuden such as stone figures. ... The ranch owner was a thirty-seven-yearold rugged wrangler named Charles Pablo (“Charlie”) Beach.

Vail and Colossal Cave Mountain Park - 103 ページ
Sharon E. Hunt · 2007
Eben Takamine came to Arizona in the 1920s for health reasons and stayed with Charles P. Beach , a ranch hand in Vail . He introduced Caroline and Charlie , and they married in Tucson's St. Augustine Cathedral in 1926 . Charles Pablo ...

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https://www.ww2online.org › image
B-29 bombers in flight over Mount Fuji, Japan, 1945 | The Digital Collections of the National WWII Museum : Oral Histories
Gift In Memory "Ham" Hamilton, from the Collection of The National WWII Museum. Description: B-29 Superfortresses in flight over Mount Fuji; "M inside black ...

https://ww2db.com › image
[Photo] B-29 Superfortress bombers near Mount Fuji, Japan, circa Jul 1945 | World War II Database
Aug 19, 2007 — Before and during WWII all the. Japanese aircraft manufactures took photos of fighters and bombers over Mt.Fuji.

https://www.pinterest.com › pin
Mount Fuji With B-29s | Aircraft carrier, Wwii aircraft, Wwii history - Pinterest
Oct 6, 2014 - Mount Fuji With B-29s B-29 Superfortresses over Mount Fuji near Tokyo. Source: U.S. Air Force / Mission to Tokyo Ten thousand Americans had ...

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The Guardian
Woman dies in east London after eating ‘cannabis sweet’
Woman dies in east London after eating 'cannabis sweet'. 23-year-old from Ilford and friend ate 'gummy' synthetic cannabinoid from packet bought...
6 hours ago

Woman, 23, dies after eating cannabis sweet in 'child-friendly ...
A woman has died after eating a cannabis sweet bought through a messaging app and delivered to her door in 'child-friendly packaging'.
8 hours ago

East London Advertiser
Ilford woman dies after eating cannabis sweet, man arrested
Police say the Ilford woman bought what she thought were cannabis sweets - also known as “gummies” - via a messaging app last Tuesday (March...
7 hours ago

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Afghanistan: Taliban outlaw opium poppy cultivation, drug trade
The Taliban are taking steps to halt Afghanistan's opium trade even as the country's economy crumbles. It is unclear how the Taliban...
20 hours ago

Voice of America
Taliban Ban Opium Poppy Cultivation in Afghanistan
The Taliban have outlawed cultivation of drugs, including opium poppy, across Afghanistan, the world's biggest opium producer,...
1 day ago

The New York Times
Taliban Outlaw Opium Poppy Cultivation in Afghanistan
KABUL, Afghanistan — The Taliban announced on Sunday that cultivating opium poppy in Afghanistan was banned, a move that will have...
1 day ago

Taliban bans drug cultivation, including lucrative opium
The Taliban announced on Sunday a ban on the cultivation of narcotics in Afghanistan, the world's biggest opium producer.
1 day ago

ABC News
Taliban clamp down on drugs, announce ban on poppy harvest
Afghanistan's ruling Taliban have announced a ban on the poppy harvest, even as farmers in some parts of the country began extracting the...
1 day ago

AP News
Taliban clamp down on drugs, announce ban on poppy harvest
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Afghanistan's ruling Taliban on Sunday announced a ban on harvesting poppies, even as farmers in some parts of the...
1 day ago

Taliban bans drug cultivation, including lucrative opium
The Taliban announced on Sunday a ban on the cultivation of narcotics in Afghanistan, the world's biggest opium producer.
1 day ago

Daily Mail
Taliban rulers of Afghanistan say anyone caught growing poppy crop will be subjected to Sharia law
The Taliban announced a ban on opium today as they said anyone caught harvesting poppies today will be subjected to Sharia law.
1 day ago

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https://jp.reuters.com › article
アングル:米の薬物中毒死、20年は過去最多 コロナ禍や薬物強毒化 | ロイター
2021/07/17 — 全米の大半の州でこの傾向が見られ、薬物過剰接種による死亡が最も増加したのはバーモント州の57.6%だったと述べた。さらに増加幅はケンタッキー州の ...

https://www.mhlw.go.jp › ko...PDF
第1章 平成の30年間と、2040年にかけての社会の変容 - 厚生労働省
(2040年に高齢者となった男性の約4割が90歳まで、女性の2割が100歳まで生存する. とみられる). 平均寿命は0歳児の平均余命であるため、新生児死亡等の影響を考慮 ...

https://www.nikkei.com › article
米の白人人口初の減少 20年国勢調査、多様化進む - 日本経済新聞
2021/08/13 — 出生率の低下や薬物中毒死の増加などが影響したとみられている。 一方、ヒスパニック人口は23%増加し、全人口の18.7%を占めた。アジア系は35.5%、黒人 ...

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https://www.reuters.com › article › u...
Trump declares national emergency on opioid abuse | Reuters
2017/08/10 — BEDMINSTER, N.J. (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday declared the opioid epidemic a national emergency and said his ...

https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov › ...
Ending America's Opioid Crisis - Trump White House Archive
In October 2017, President Trump declared the opioid crisis a public health emergency. Ever since, the Trump Administration applied an all-of-Government ...

https://www.bbc.com › news › worl...
Trump: Opioid 'national shame' a public health emergency - BBC News
2017/10/27 — US President Donald Trump has called America's painkiller-addiction crisis a "national shame" as he declared it a public health emergency.

https://www.nytimes.com › politics
Trump Declares Opioid Crisis a 'Health Emergency' but Requests No Funds - The New York Times
2017/10/26 — WASHINGTON — President Trump on Thursday directed the Department of Health and Human Services to declare the opioid crisis a public health ...

https://www.policymed.com › presid...
President Trump Declares Opioid Crisis a National Emergency - Policy & Medicine
President Trump Declares Opioid Crisis a National Emergency ... Earlier this week, President Trump suggested the administration would combat the epidemic by ...

https://www.npr.org › 2017/10/26
Trump Administration Declares Opioid Crisis A Public Health Emergency - NPR
2017/10/26 — President Trump declared a public health emergency to deal with the opioid epidemic Thursday, freeing up some resources for treatment.

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少年の大麻検挙、過去最多 昨年994人、広報強化―警察庁

「大麻に有害性ない」37% 4割がSNSで入手―検挙少年の意識調査・警視庁


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https://nypost.com › 2022/04/07 › y...
Yakuza boss schemed to buy missiles in exchange for meth, heroin: feds - New York Post
14 時間前 —

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会計検查院百三十年史 - 107 ページ
Japan. Kaikei Kensain. 130-nenshi Henshū Jimukyoku · 2010
会計検査院は、 9 年度決算検査報告において、関東州で没収した阿片の宏済善堂への払下価格が不当に低価であることを批難し、さらに、 8 年度及び 9 年度の関東州地方費収支計算書に対して認可状を交付しなかった。 13 年 12 月には内閣総理大臣あて ...

会計検查院百年史 - 第 1 巻 - 277 ページ
Japan. 会計検查院 · 1980
しかるに,大連民政署長中野有光は数名の者と共謀し、大正 8 年 6 月から 9 年 12 月の間,多量の阿片を指定小売人の名義をもって売渡しを受け,密売して利益を分配した。会計検査院は,大正 9 年度決算検査報告において,関東州で没収した阿片の宏済善堂への ...

Japan. 会計検查院 · 1960
会計検查院 右ハ地方費/管理宜キヲ得タルモノニ非スト被認候條此段及通牒候也」フシテ引組キ低廉ナル價格ヲ以テ之ヵ賣下ヲ念 ... アリ重要ノ關係ヲ有スルモノナリ然ル當局者ハ阿片翼下價格ノ決定適當ナラス阿片専/特許ヲ受ケタル大連市所在濟善堂收入四百

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Department of Justice
U.S. Attorney Announces Arrests Of A Yakuza Leader And ...
... at a time when nearly 300 Americans lose their lives to drug overdose every day. These arrests represent the unwavering determination of...

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Psychedelic frees up depressed brain, study shows - BBC News
6 日前 — Psilocybin, a drug found in magic mushrooms, appears to free up the brains of people with severe depression in a way that other ...

'Magic mushroom' compound creates a hyper-connected brain to treat depression | Live Science
5 日前 — Recent clinical trials have suggested that psilocybin may be an effective treatment for depression, when carefully administered under the ...

Psilocybin Spurs Brain Activity in Patients With Depression, Small Study Shows - The New York Times
6 日前 — The chemical derived from psychedelic mushrooms helped alleviate symptoms of ... They included 43 people with severe depression in a study ...

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https://digitalcommons.du.edu › ...PDF
The Connection Between Jazz and Drug Abuse: A Comparative Look at the Effects of Widespread Narcotics Abuse on Jazz Music in the
A Olson 著 · 2019 — Many of the jazz musicians that were addicted rationalized the use of heroin, cocaine, and morphine as a way of coping with life and said that the drugs ...

https://www.thesoberworld.com › he...
Heroin And The Age Of Jazz - The Sober World
2018/10/01 — Jazz clarinetist Artie Shaw declared, “Jazz was born out of a whiskey bottle, was raised on marijuana and will expire on cocaine.” Shaw ...

https://www.learnjazzstandards.com › ...
Sex, Drugs, Alcohol and Jazz
2015/07/22 — Stan Getz was able to kick his heroine habit in the 50's but instead fell into excessive drinking, tobacco smoking and dabbled with cocaine.

https://asanarecovery.com › the-pre...
However, “Minnie the Moocher” (1930), Calloway's most famous song, is a grimmer story about a young woman who becomes addicted to cocaine. However, it wasn't ...

https://www.addiction-ssa.org › ...PDF
The Use of Drugs by Jazz Musicians - Society for the Study of Addiction
C Winick 著 · 被引用数: 118 — (peddler). EFFECTS OF DRUG USE. ON PERFORMANCE. The effect of marijuana and heroin on jazz performance was a specific ...
15 ページ·1 MB

https://www.addiction-ssa.org › ...PDF
Jazz and substance abuse: Road to creative genius or pathway to premature death
GHJ Tolson 著 · 2007 · 被引用数: 38 — Parker has been blamed for causing an epidemic of heroin addiction among jazz musicians of the bebop era. Maggin's biography of Stan Getz states that “Heroin

日本の大衆文化 - 232 ページ
... 日本ジャズの起点は上海か?薬の港(サンフランシスコ)を発し、ホノルルに寄港し、横浜、神戸を経て上海にいたり、香りの港(香港)でドック入りして船底のカキを落とす航路があった。戦前の太平洋の動脈である。その船を太平洋航路チャイナ・クリッパー ...

Nippon shika hyoron: The Nippon dental review

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ジャズ ヘロイン

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Nations Out of Empires: European Nationalism and the ... - Page 107
H. Gelber · 2001
cottons and Chinese porcelain and silk but for tea. ... Not that the British were the only sellers: Americans, especially Philadelphia merchants, cheerfully collaborated with British traders or sold opium bought in Turkey.

https://philadelphiaencyclopedia.org › ...
China Trade - Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia
Benjamin Chew Wilcocks was one of the men who inaugurated this trade by importing fifty chests of Turkish opium in 1805 and smuggling it into China. Wilcocks ...

https://www.cambridge.org › article
American Merchants and the China Opium Trade, 1800–1840
by JM Downs · 1968 · Cited by 79 — Literally the name means “Opium Black Castle.” The town was originally called Kara Hisar, or “Black Castle,” but the Afyon (Turkish afyun, meaning opium) was ...

https://www.baltimoresun.com › city...
Baltimore's narcotic history dates back to the 19th-century shipping-driven ...
Oct 21, 2014 — Baltimore's narcotic history dates back to the 19th-century shipping-driven boom, quietly aided by bringing Turkish opium to China.

Middle-school children fall prey to fatal fentanyl overdoses
He had no idea that the pills he was taking were actually prescription knockoffs laced with fentanyl, a synthetic opioid.
Feb 18, 2022

Financial Times
Will overdose deaths force an end to the US 'war on drugs'?
Overstretched hospitals in Philadelphia and other US cities have been dealing with the fentanyl crisis on top of the coronavirus pandemic. Now,...
Jan 3, 2022

Transparency advocates 'lean back' to aughts rapper for ...
... made N95 respirators, which are more expensive than Chinese-made versions. ... extreme weather and, for some, the rise of fentanyl use,...
1 day ago

'This Is Crack 2.0' - POLITICO
But the 2018 order puts fentanyl copycats, which can include ... “evil scientists and criminals who run labs in China and Mexico will be...
1 month ago

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https://dl.ndl.go.jp › downloadPDF
Jun 20, 2021 — てアヘンやアヘンから化合されるオピオイドが用いられるようになったのもこれらの時期であ. り、南北戦争は、傷病兵や退役軍人に対し、 ...

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The US Opioid Epidemic
Sep 8, 2021 — A man uses heroin under a bridge where he lives in Philadelphia, ... while fentanyl coming directly from China—previously the dominant ...

https://www.cbp.gov › newsroom
Philadelphia CBP Seizes Nearly $1.7 Million in Fentanyl Shipped from China
Jun 28, 2018 — PHILADELPHIA – U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers seized 110 pounds of the deadly opioid fentanyl with an estimated $1.7 million street ...

https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com › ...
'Fentanyl Is in Everything': Philadelphia Says Overdose Deaths Skyrocketing
Jan 20, 2021 — Philadelphia health officials warned that the deadly drug fentanyl is partly responsible for a large increase in overdose deaths in 2020

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https://philadelphiaencyclopedia.org › ...
China Trade - Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia
Merchants circumvented the Canton system by smuggling opium into other port cities. The drug, while legal in the United States, had been banned in China many ...

https://www.jstor.org › stable
Thomas Handasyd Perkins and the Boston-Smyrna-Canton Opium Trade
by ME Chapman · 2012 · Cited by 2 — Old China Trade of the prior two decades, in particular, from the smuggling of Turkish opium to Canton by a single merchant.1.

https://globalphiladelphia.org › ...PDF
American trade with China began in 1784 with the first American ...
The Americans purchased opium from Turkey cheaply and then clandestinely sold it to Chinese vendors along the. Pearl River, before entering the port of Canton

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https://www.phillymag.com › news
The Great Philadelphia Families
Dec 10, 2016 — New ventures: Entrepreneur and newly dubbed “pot tycoon” Lindy is an investor in two local marijuana financing firms as well as an official ...

https://www.nytimes.com › archives
THE JAPANESE IN PHILADELPHIA.; Where they Went and What they Saw ..

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大麻成分薬、日本初治験へ 難治性てんかん用、取締法改正も
12 hours ago

12 hours ago

1 month ago

人間用だけでなく、犬や猫のペット用のCBDオイルもありました。 CBDとは 「カンナビジオール」の略称で、大麻草から抽出されるカンナビノイドという成分の...
2 weeks ago

2023年に大麻取締法が改正する?(Forbes JAPAN) - Yahoo ...
厚生労働省は2021年1月から「大麻に関する検討会」を有識者で開始しました。 当初は①医療大麻解禁、②部位規制から成分規制へ、③使用罪創設に絞られた...
1 day ago

バンクーバーでマリファナイベント420 大麻関連商品のブース並ぶ
会場にはマリファナ以外にも大麻成分の入ったクッキーやチョコレートなどの関連食品を売るブースなども出店した。 地図を見る · 伊勢神宮の神札に使う用材...
17 hours ago

日本にも徐々に浸透 欧米で話題の大麻由来成分「CBD」の ...
3 weeks ago

大麻成分薬、日本初治験へ 難治性てんかん用、取締法改正も ...
大麻草から抽出した成分を含む医薬品の臨床試験(治験)が日本で初めて実施される見通しになったことが2… 続きをお読み頂くにはログインが必要です。
12 hours ago

19 hours ago

密売目的で大麻を所持していたとして、九州厚生局麻薬取締部と福岡県警 ... 元ホストの男らは、栽培者に送らせた大麻を自ら使って幻覚成分の度合い...
2 weeks ago

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傷害・覚せい剤容疑で逮捕の精神科医が“歌舞伎町のブラック ...
伊沢容疑者=東京クリニックは、過去に大問題を巻き起こしたことがある。 都政関係者が振り返る。 「依存性の高い向精神薬『リタリン』を診療もせず大量に...
2 weeks ago

《元患者も告発》傷害・覚せい剤で逮捕の“黒コートの精神科医”の ...
東京都新宿区歌舞伎町の精神科『東京クリニック』の院長、伊沢純容疑 ... 業務停止処分中に、伊沢のクリニックがリタリンという強い向精神薬を...
3 weeks ago

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Traffic in Opium and Other Dangerous Drugs ...: Report by the ...
United States. Federal Narcotics Control Board · 1928 · ‎読む · ‎他の版
The bottles were sealed at the top with red and black paper labels bearing monogram AB / A and a smaller label was glued on each bottle near the base beneath the glassine paper with ... stopped at Philadelphia en route to New York .

The Golden Ghetto: The American Commercial Community at Canton and ...
Jacques M. Downs, ‎Frederic D. Grant, Jr. · 2014
The third member was Griffin Stith of Baltimore.36 As early as the late 1790s, American vessels were calling at Smyrna, but it was not until 1804 that ships from Philadelphia and Baltimore began the opium traffic in earnest.37 The first ...

https://www.quakersintheworld.org › ...
Railways in Britain - Quakers in the World
Quakers were also responsible for two innovations that improved the way these new passenger railways worked - timetables and tickets. James Cropper produced a ...

https://www.quaker-tapestry.co.uk › ...
The Story of a Railway Revolution - Quaker Tapestry
In the early 19th century, many Quakers were at the forefront of the railway revolution. From ticket machines to carriages and Railway guides

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Ed...
Edward Pease (railway pioneer) - Wikipedia
Edward Pease (31 May 1767 – 31 July 1858), a woollen manufacturer from Darlington, England, ... The family were prominent Quakers: his brother Joseph Pease (1772–1846) ...

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Jos...
Joseph Pease (railway pioneer) - Wikipedia
Joseph Pease (22 June 1799 – 8 February 1872) was a British proponent and supporter of the earliest public railway system in the world and was the first Quaker ... National Heritage List for England.

https://collection.sciencemuseumgroup.org.uk › ...
Pease, Henry (1807-1881) Quaker Railway Promoter MP 1807 - Science Museum Group Collection
His principal achievement was the opening in 1861 of the line across Stainmoor, called 'the backbone of England', the summit of which was 1374 feet above sea ...

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › His...
History of the Quakers - Wikipedia
The Religious Society of Friends began as a proto-evangelical Christian movement in England ... It was the first modern railway in the world, and carried coal from the ...

https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu › ...PDF
Quaker Families and Business Networks in Nineteenth-Century Darlington - Digital Commons @ George Fox University
G Cookson 著 · 2004 · 被引用数: 14 — Darlington, 'the English Philadelphia' ,2 is synonymous \-vith the Quakers who gave the town its early railway.3 The Religious Society of Friends was a ..

https://www.amazon.co.uk › Quaker...
Quaker Enterprise and the Railways Paperback – 1 Sept. 2011 - Amazon.co.uk
In the early 19th century many Quakers involved in business were at the forefront of the railway revolution. Edward Pease, a Darlington Quaker, with wool, ...

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https://friendsofmorrispark.org › his...
General 1 — Friends of Morris Park
Wistar Morris (1815-1891), member of one of Philadelphia's most prominent Quaker ... He was also a director of the Pennsylvania Railroad, president of the ...

https://archives.upenn.edu › exhibits
Effingham Buckley Morris - University Archives
Effingham Buckley Morris was born in Philadelphia in 1856, the son of Israel Wistar Morris and Annis Morris Buckley. A member of one of Philadelphia's ...

https://hsp.org › migrated › fi...PDF
Morris family - Historical Society of Pennsylvania
collection revolves around two family members: Luke Wistar Morris (1768-1830) and ... Railroad, and worked at the Philadelphia National Bank, the Franklin ...
38 ページ·1 MB

https://exhibits.library.villanova.edu › ...
Ardmore Project :: Effingham Buckley Morris - Exhibits Home
Effingham Buckley Morris was born on 23 August 1856 in Philadelphia at the ... [13] He succeeded his uncle Wistar Morris as director of the Pennsylvania ...

https://ms-my.facebook.com › posts
Curious about the history of... - Friends of Morris Park | Facebook
The History of Morris Park Wistar Morris (1815-1891), member of one of Philadelphia's most prominent Quaker families and founder of Morris, Tasker & Company ...

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Quaker History - 第 86~87 巻 - 3 ページ
Meeting and Marriage to Inazo Nitobe Mary met Inazo Nitobe at a social gathering in Philadelphia in 1886 while he was a ... Inazo and Kanzo Uchimura , an old friend from Japan , had become acquainted with the family of Wistar Morris ...

Japan's Modern Prophet: Uchimura Kanzô, 1861-1930 - 61 ページ
John F. Howes · 2014 · ‎プレビュー · ‎他の版
Wistar Morris, the man whom Kanzô had first visited in Philadelphia and who had introduced him to Kerlin, ... Niijima, on a trip to the United States, went to Baltimore to visit Nitobe, who told him about Kanzô's melancholy, ...

Railway World - 第 21 巻 - 31 ページ
1877 · ‎読む
16 8 68 102 61 -350 directors , Thomas A. Scott , George B. Roberts , Edmund Smith , now in operation in Illinois , managed by fifty - two different corWilliam J. Howard , Wistar Morris , Josiah Bacon , John M. Ken- porations . nedy ...

American Railroad Manual for the United States and the Dominion: ...
1874 · ‎読む
WISTAR MORRIS , Philadelphia , Pa . GENERAL OFFICE , 233 South Fourth Street , Philadelphia , Pa . WILMINGTON AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY . This company was incorporated , under the general railroad law of Pennsylvania , to build a

The Attic Letters: Ume Tsuda's Correspondence to Her American ...
Umeko Tsuda, ‎Yoshiko Furuki, ‎Mary Althaus · 1991
Dr. Nitobe ( who was Dr. Ota ) , whose wife is a Quaker , is now in Tokio . ... If you missed my letters about this , would you be so kind as to send a line to Mrs. Wistar Morris , Overbrook , PA . and to Mrs. G.F. Adams , 236 E. New ...

The Japanese Political Thought of Uchimura Kanzō (1861-1930): ...
Hiroko Willcock · 2008
Miyabe , mentioning briefly Uchimura's marital problem in his letter to Nitobe Inazo in 1885 , remarked that " she is ... Willis Whitney assisted Uchimura in his acquaintance in December with Wistar Morris , a Quaker and an influential ...

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http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu › ...
Pennsylvania Railroad | The Online Books Page
Pennsylvania Railroad: Agreement between Pennsylvania Company, ... to Wistar Morris, Josiah Bacon and Edmund Smith in trust dated July 1st, A.D. 1873.

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Webs of Smoke: Smugglers, Warlords, Spies, and the History of the ...
Kathryn Meyer, ‎Terry Parssinen · 2002
men, opium-smoking Chinese, and dope-taking young hoodlums brought home the danger of narcotic drugs in the most ... Pennsylvania, in 1892, the son of a Swiss immigrant who worked on the Pennsylvania Railroad.1O As a young adult, ...

The Medical Times and Register - Volume 13 - Page 71
1883 · ‎Read · ‎More editions
... An officer of the Pennsylvania Railroad try , the advantage of opium over grain is Company is represented as saying that exmuch greater , because it costs so much less periments recently made with coke as fuel to take to market .

https://www.pbs.org › heroin › etc
Opium Throughout History | The Opium Kings | FRONTLINE | PBS
John Jacob Astor of New York City joins the opium smuggling trade. ... city limits is banned and is confined to neighboring Chinatowns and their opium dens

https://ghostsofdc.org › 2012/04/06
There Was an Opium Den on Pennsylvania Avenue? - Ghosts of DC
2012/04/06 — That's right, our very own city had opium dens, though not nearly as pervasive as San Francisco and New York.

https://www.dailymail.co.uk › news
Inside America's first opium dens | Daily Mail Online
2017/06/28 — Established by and for the Chinese, the first opium dens in the US ... (pictured: people inside a den in Chinatown, New York, in 1925).

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Opi...
Opium den - Wikipedia
New York City — As in San Francisco, New Yorkers of all races would come to Chinatown to patronize its opium dens. New York City's last known opium den was ...

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阿片問題 - 235 ページ
1986 ·
【体)五、密輸方法 鉄道、汽船、自動車、馬車、牛車、其他家畜及人類を利用して行はれ、近来は又益々智能化して来て随分巧妙な方法を用ひてみる。従来は大産地熱河及大消費地奉天をつなぐ本山鉄路が阿片鉄道とまで称された程有名な密輸鉄道であった

匿名 さんのコメント...

松本清張の「遺言」 『昭和史発掘』『神々の乱心』を読み解く - 38 ページ
原武史 · 2018
川崎友次は、阿片総局書記の小畠貞次郎がモデルでしうが、後に上海の宏済善堂副董事⻑となる「阿片王」里見甫にはじめも似 ... 九〇五(明治三十八)年、旅順や大連の租借権と南満洲鉄道の権利をロシアから譲り受けま満洲でも、漸禁主義がとられたのです。

河北省002石家荘[カラー版]: 河北省の省都「十字交差路」 - 166 ページ
books.google.co.jp › books
「アジア城市(まち)案内」制作委員会 · 2016
こうした状況は、アヘン戦争(1840 ~ 42 年)以後にはじまった中国の近代化で鉄道が敷かれたことで一変する。清朝末期の 1904 年に中国南北を走る京漢鉄道、1906 年に華北東西を走る石太鉄道が敷設され、ふたつの鉄道がここ石家荘で交わった。1901 年、93 ...

河北省001はじめての河北省[カラー版]: 石家荘・承徳・秦皇島・張家口
「アジア城市(まち)案内」制作委員会 · 2016
近代化と工業化のなかの河北省アヘン戦争(1840 〜 42 年)以後に開港された天津は西欧列強と中国朝廷の交渉の場となり、北洋大臣を兼ねた直隷総督が外交の責任者となった。西欧諸国は河北省に埋蔵されている豊富な鉱物、近代化に必要な鉄道敷設の利権を ...

東亞經濟硏究 - 第 50 巻、第 1~2 号 - 113 ページ
1986 ·
阿片の密輸方法も多様で「鉄道,汽船,自動車,馬車,牛車,其他家畜及人を利用して行われ, ......従来は大産地熱河及大消費地奉天をつなぐ奉山鉄路が阿片鉄道とまで称された程有名な密輸鉄道であった。現在では殆ど跡を絶つてみる。以前には松花江の汽船及東 ...

清張鉄道1万3500キロ - 16 ページ
赤塚隆二 · 2022
... で日本政府の出先の幹部がかかわる阿片密輸事件が摘発されたことを知る。何か関係がないか探ろうと、阿片密輸の関係者の妻を訪ねて広島県三次までチき九山陽線の福山駅で降りた後、福塩南線で府中まで行き、タクシーで山あいを抜け、福塩北線吉舎― ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.japantimes.co.jp › news
Japan profited as opium dealer in wartime China
2007/08/30 — Although not widely known at home, Japan's opium trade in China was considered an essential financial resource for the Imperial Japanese Army ...

The Republic of China Yearbook 2016
Department of Information Services, Executive Yuan — 2016 · China
In addition to taking control of opium distribution, the Japanese government nationalized ... and Taiwanese were recruited into the Japanese Imperial Army.

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Posted by てんこもり野郎 at 3:51
Labels: 阿片, 昭和通商

https://www.jreast.co.jp › tokyoPDF
「鉄道開業 150 年キャンペーン」を開業起点駅から盛り上げます! ~トリックアート・フォト - JR東日本
4 日前 — トリックアート・フォトスポット設置や駅名標装飾・記念動画放映を行います~. ○1872年10月14日に日本で鉄道が開業し、今年で150年を迎え ...
2 ページ·609 KB


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https://www.tamagawa.jp › useful
玉川豆知識 No.92
昭和初期、玉川体操および玉川学園教諭であった斎藤由理男の指導を源として、国鉄体操、海軍体操、航空体操が誕生しました。特に国鉄体操はその後も基本体操の真髄を ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://mainichi.jp › articles
野生の大麻草、開花前に根こそぎ 監視も強化 北海道 | 毎日新聞
Jul 27, 2019 — 根絶を目指し自生する野生の大麻草を抜き取る住民ボランティア=北海道置戸町で. 過去に麻繊維を栽培した名残で野生の大麻草が残る地区の一つ、北海道

ご近所 さんのコメント...


匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.history.com › news › ea...
How the East India Company Became the World's Most Powerful Monopoly - HISTORY
2020/10/23 — As tea flowed into London, the Company's investors grew rich and millions of Chinese men wasted away in opium dens. When China cracked down on ...

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Life of Thomas Attwood - Page 37
books.google.co.uk › books
C. M. Wakefield · 1885 · ‎Read · ‎More editions
The City of London might as well claim a monopoly of the American trade , or of the West India trade , or of all trade , as of the East India trade . The City of London has been beguiled by the East India Company , but the City of ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

Yankee Colonies across America: Cities upon the Hills
Chaim M. Rosenberg — 2015 · History
In 1833, aged 24 years, he sailed for Canton as a partner in Russell & Company, specializing in opium sales. Warren Delano returned to America and settled ...

Opinion | The Opium War's Secret History
Jun 28, 1997 — In 1823 a 24-year-old Yankee, Warren Delano, sailed to Canton, where he ... within seven years he was a senior partner in Russell & Company.

https://www.fdrlibrary.org › f...PDF
In 1833, he sailed to China as supercargo on board the Commerce bound for Canton where he became associated with the shipping firm, Russell Sturgis and Company.

https://www.archives.gov › fall › ro...
A Notable Passage to China: Notes | National Archives
In a letter to his brothers, written at Canton on April 11, 1839, Warren Delano, Jr., rejected the idea that foreigners who participated in the opium business ...

https://www.archives.gov › fall › ro...
A Notable Passage to China: Myth and Memory in FDR's Family History, Part 3
Aug 28, 2019 — The wife of a Russell & Co. partner, who was spending the summer at ... Beset by his business responsibilities, Warren Delano was unable to ...

https://omeka.hrvh.org › show › wa...
Warren Delano, Resident of China - Hudson River Valley Heritage Exhibits
Warren ventured to South America, the Pacific Islands and then on to China. In Canton he replaced Samuel H. Russell of the Boston tea company Russell and

https://americancenterjapan.com › tr...
政府における女性の役割 「アナ・エレノア・ルーズベルト」|About ...
エレノア・ルーズベルトは、世界人権宣言に関する業績を自らの最大の遺産と考えていた ... Orphaned at the age of 10, Eleanor Roosevelt grew up shy and insecure

FDR and the Modern Presidency: Leadership and Legacy
Mark J. Rozell、 William D. Pederson、 Professor of Public Policy Mark J Rozell, PhD — 1997 · History
Uncomfortable with the policy , Eleanor Roosevelt nevertheless refused to continue ... Dr. Shio Sakanishi , had been detained without having charges brought ...

https://www.history.com › news › jo...
America's First Multimillionaire Got Rich Smuggling Opium - HISTORY
2018/08/22 — Astor's enormous fortune was made in part by sneaking opium into China ... opium smuggling: Warren Delano, Franklin Delano Roosevelt's ...

1999 · Archives
126-128 for the early involvement of Russell & Co. in the opium trade . A wild , nasty , inaccurate attack on Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt was made by ...

Sara and Eleanor: The Story of Sara Delano Roosevelt and Her ...
Jan Pottker — 2014 · Biography & Autobiography
The Story of Sara Delano Roosevelt and Her Daughter-in-Law, Eleanor ... In Canton, China, Warren Jr. took the placeof Samuel H. Russell in the Boston ...

https://lc-digital.conncoll.edu › delano
Delano's Dealings: The opium trade and the making of a Presidential ...
The man who invited Gold to “dinner at the Hermitage of Mess. Russell + Co,” was Warren Delano II, grandfather of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Ibid.). Thanks to ...

https://www.nytimes.com › the-opiu...
Opinion | The Opium War's Secret History - The New York Times
1997/06/28 — ... and grandfather of Franklin D Roosevelt, in opium trade. ... Such was the outlook at Russell & Company, a Boston concern whose clipper ...

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https://www.archives.gov › fall › ro...
A Notable Passage to China: Myth and Memory in FDR's Family History, Part 3
2019/08/28 — The wife of a Russell & Co. partner, who was spending the summer at ... FDR's mother demurred: "Mrs. Roosevelt feels that it would be a ...

https://www.archives.gov › fall › ro...
A Notable Passage to China: Notes | National Archives
126 - 128 for the early involvement of Russell & Co. in the opium trade. A wild, nasty, inaccurate attack on Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt was made by ...

http://content.time.com › time › article
The Press: Dope on the Delanos - Videos Index on TIME.com
As the time drew near for Roosevelt-hating Columnist Westbrook Pegler to say ... Russell & Co. soon controlled the opium trade and became known as opium ...

https://www.americanheritage.com › ...
“A Fair, Honorable, And Legitimate Trade” | AMERICAN HERITAGE
The opium trade is remembered as a British outrage: English merchants, protected by English ... And neither did his grandson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

https://delanceyplace.com › view-ar...
fdr's grandfather was a drug dealer -- 1/18/18 - Delancey Place
2018/01/18 — The bride -- her cousin Eleanor Roosevelt -- followed, ... funded by the biggest American opium dealers of them all -- the Russell family.

https://www.history.com › news › tr...
The Transcontinental Railroad's Dark Costs: Exploited Labor, Stolen Lands
Oct 8, 2021 — While Chinese workers dominated the railroad workforce in the West, most eastern and southern railroad companies relied on Black Americans to do ...

https://www.smithsonianmag.com › ...
What Archaeologists Are Learning About the Lives of the Chinese ...
A winter green-style Chinese teacup and opium tin. ... Terrace was established by Chinese railroad workers in 1869, when construction crews were racing to ...

https://history.state.gov › milestones
Chinese Immigration and the Chinese Exclusion Acts - Office of the Historian
In the 1850s, Chinese workers migrated to the United States, first to work in ... were particularly instrumental in building railroads in the American west, ...

https://news.stanford.edu › giving-v...
Giving voice to Chinese railroad workers | Stanford News
Apr 9, 2019 — Researchers with Stanford's Chinese Railroad Workers in North America Project detail the story of those who helped construct the

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https://philadelphiaencyclopedia.org › ...
China Trade - Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia
Merchants circumvented the Canton system by smuggling opium into other port cities. The drug, while legal in the United States, had been banned in China many ...

https://muse.jhu.edu › summary
Resources on Early Sino-American Relations in Philadelphia's Stephen ...
by J Goldstein · 1980 · Cited by 1 — Resources on Early Sino-American Relations in Philadelphia's Stephen Girard ... including commerce to Canton in opium and other commodities, ...

https://globalphiladelphia.org › ...PDF
American trade with China began in 1784 with the first American ...
The Americans purchased opium from Turkey cheaply and then clandestinely sold it to Chinese vendors along the. Pearl River, before entering the port of Canton

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https://philadelphiaencyclopedia.org › ...
Center City Philadelphia
Known as the "Big Six," these businesses were close to the city's rail ... tea, and porcelain into the city—often by illegally smuggling opium into China.

https://tabletopgameplanet.com › wh...
What are the four Railroads in Monopoly? - Tabletop Game Planet
Oct 20, 2021 — First, Pennsylvania is an actual railroad in the world referred to as the standard railroad. It connects Philadelphia to Pittsburgh, .

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Manchuria; Its People, Resources and Recent History - Page 48
Sir Alexander Hosie · 1901 · ‎Read · ‎More editions
In the spring of 1898 , when the Liao River opened , Russian engineers arrived at the port of Newchwang and selected ... and locomotives from the Baldwin Engineering Works , Philadelphia , were being landed and put together by Chinese ...

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https://www.senganen.jp › 2020/06
Friendship Between Britain and Satsuma - 薩摩藩 島津家別邸 - 鹿児島
Sir Harry Smith Parkes, 1866. Immediately following the Bombardment of Kagoshima in 1863, Satsuma rapidly engaged in talks with Britain to establish a peaceful ...

https://www.jstor.org › stable
The Pestilently Active Minister. Dr Willis's Comments on Sir Harry Parkes
by H Cortazzi · 1984 · Cited by 6 — S IR Harry Parkes, 1828-1885, was the British minister to Japan from 1865 to ... 3 Sir Ernest Satow, who had served under Parkes in Japan,.

https://www.jstor.org › stable
The British Role in the Meiji Restoration: A Re-Interpretive Note - jstor
by G Daniels · 1968 · Cited by 25 — Not to be outdone, the British Minister, Sir Harry Parkes, who had played a large role in the opening of China, supported Satsuma with information and arms.

Collected Writings of Gordon Daniels
Gordon Daniels — 2004 · Political Science
Not to be outdone, the British Minister, Sir Harry Parkes, who had played a large role in theopening of China, supported Satsuma with information and arms.

https://www.japansociety.org.uk › re...
A Life of Sir Harry Parkes: British Minister to Japan, China and Korea ...
Sir Harry Parkes, British Minister to Japan at the time of the Meiji ... He was undeniably a man of great courage, but also an aggressive servant of Empire.

https://www.uk.emb-japan.go.jp › 1...
Sir Harry Parkes, British Minister to Japan, Korea and China, 1865-1885
Nov 14, 2020 — In Japan, where he was Minister for 18 years, he played a key role in the 'Meiji Restoration' which saw the end of the feudal regime of the ...

https://newvoices.org.au › volume-3
The Impact of the Telegraph on Anglo-Japanese Diplomacy during ...
Sir Harry Parkes (1828–1885) arrived in Japan in April 1865, only thirty-eight years of age, and was to hold the position of Minister Plenipotentiary for an ...

https://www.cambridge.org › article
The British Role in the Meiji Restoration: A Re-interpretive Note
by G Daniels · 1968 · Cited by 25 — Not to be outdone, the British Minister, Sir Harry Parkes, who had played a large role in the opening of China, supported Satsuma with information and arms' ...

https://otemae.repo.nii.ac.jp › ...PDF
Examining the 1870s Anglo?Japanese Dispute over Opium Control
by K OZAKI · 2019 — Chang employed one of Harry Parkes' recollections as evidence. ... over both China and Japan in those days, thus playing an important role ...

The London and China Telegraph: 1865
... mail FAREWELL DINNER TO SIR HARRY S. PARKES , K.C.B. had a marked effect ... purchases made by him by presence of an enormously large number of China ...

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https://www.cambridge.org › books
Global Connections (Part 1) - The Meiji Restoration - Cambridge University ...
Satsuma began to mint a large volume of zeni coins with lower copper content ... sugar, and wheat from central Japan for dried seaweed, fish fertilizer, ...

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https://www.northcarolinahealthnews.org › ...
Switzerland fights heroin with heroin - North Carolina Health News
2019/01/28 — She has a substance use disorder, and her treatment includes ... to walk with her dog to a cafe across the street and chat with

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Coffee Shops and Compromise: Separated Illicit Drug Markets in the Netherlands tells the history of the Dutch approach and describes the ongoing success of the country's drug policy. This includes the impact of the Dutch “separation of markets,” which potentially limits people's exposure and access to harder drugs.
https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org › ...
Coffee Shops and Compromise: Separated Illicit Drug Markets in the Netherlands - Open Society Foundations

オープン・ソサエティ財団は、投資家・慈善家ジョージ・ソロスにより設立された国際的な助成財団であり、かつてはオープン・ソサエティ協会とされていた。財団は世界中の市民社会を支援しており、社会正義、教育、公衆衛生、メディアの独立の助成を掲げている。 財団は37の国々に支部を持っており、その本部はニューヨーク市にある。 ウィキペディア
創設者: ジョージ・ソロス
設立: 1993年4月
本部所在地: アメリカ合衆国 ニューヨーク州
寄付基金: $1,590,570,302
子会社: Open Society Foundation

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Sugar Cane Capitalism and Environmental Transformation: An ...
Marco G. Meniketti — 2015 · Business & Economics
to the evolving capitalist economy within the emergent world system. ... Any cup will serve for consuming a beverage, any platter is adequate for a meal.

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昭和財政史 - 第 16 巻
Japan. 大蔵省. 昭和財政史編集室 · 1961
昭和三年専売実施以来昭和十五年度までの阿片専売収益は、世界市場における生阿片の需給関係により価格のし、他面生阿片 ... 阿片は所轄警察署長が阿片継者なることを認定した中国人に限り、官の指定した小売人を通じて救療に必要なを開設するに至った。

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008 菅原通済
○菅原参考人 おしかりがあったときにやめます。

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第40回国会 衆議院 社会労働委員会 第35号 昭和37年4月27日


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高校生を大麻所持容疑で逮捕 バイクの荷物入れに微量の大麻所持か 沖縄県警

au Webポータル
高校生 大麻所持疑い 宜野湾署が逮捕・送検
宜野湾署は21日までに、宜野湾市内で大麻を所持していたとして本島中部の男子高校生(16)を大麻取締法... 06/22 07:42 沖縄タイムス+プラス.

薬物の乱用防止を呼びかけ 高校生が大分市中心部で街頭活動 ...

大麻を始めたのは中学3年、興味本位から すれ違う全員が警察官 ...

大麻所持容疑で高2男子再逮捕 「息子暴れそう」と母親が ...

大麻検挙の9割が10代と20代 若者の薬物使用を防げ ...
若者の薬物使用を防ごうと大分県大分市の高校生が、20日朝、街頭キャンペーンを行いました。 このキャンペーンは、今月26日の「国際麻薬乱用撲滅...

大麻栽培容疑で米軍属の夫婦を再逮捕 自宅から乾燥大麻と ...
高校生らに大麻密売、元軍属に懲役4年4月 2人は「何も話したくない」と供述しているという。2人は自宅で乾燥大麻55グラム(33万円相当)を所持した...

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Sackler Purdue Pharma opioid

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... Sandwich - Two layers of cocaine with heroin in the middle.

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スープに溶かした覚醒剤密輸未遂 容疑のイラン人逮捕 - 朝日新聞デジタル
1 日前 — スープに溶かし込んだ覚醒剤を密輸しようとしたとして、東京税関は、イラン国籍の無職の男(35)=東京都板橋区=を関税法違反(密輸未遂)の疑いで東京 ...

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合成麻薬密輸しようとした疑い 尼崎市在住のベトナム人の男逮捕 | サンテレビニュース
2022/07/14 — 合成麻薬MDMAや麻薬ケタミンを密輸しようとしたなどとして、尼崎市に住むベトナム人の男2人が逮捕されていたことが分かりました。

合成麻薬「MDMA」を密輸容疑 ベトナム人を逮捕 近畿麻取 - 朝日新聞デジタル
2022/03/01 — 合成麻薬「MDMA」を営利目的で密輸したなどとして、近畿厚生局麻薬取締部は、ベトナム国籍の技能実習生、°*容疑者(21)=大阪府和泉 ...

営利目的でMDMA密輸の疑い ベトナム人の男再逮捕 - 産経ニュース
2022/04/26 — ドイツから麻薬のMDMAを密輸したとして、神奈川県警薬物銃器対策課は26日、麻薬取締法違反(営利目的輸入)の疑いで、ベトナム国籍で茨城県大洗 ...

https://www.sankei.com › article
ベトナム国籍の元実習生を逮捕 MDMA密輸疑い、香川 - 産経ニュース
2022/05/11 — このMDMAを搬送、所持したとして麻薬特例法違反容疑で、岡山県倉敷市で塗装工をしていたベトナム国籍の元技能実習生ら2人が逮捕、起訴された。既に ...

麻薬取締法違反の疑いで逮捕されたベトナム人を不起訴に - NHK
2022/05/20 — 国際郵便の中に合成麻薬のMDMAを隠して密輸したとして麻薬取締法違反の疑いで逮捕されたベトナム人について、津地方検察庁は20日までに不起訴…

https://www.at-s.com › shizuoka
MDMA大量密輸疑い ベトナム国籍2人逮捕 静岡南署など
2022/02/21 — 合成麻薬MDMAの錠剤を大量に密輸したとして、静岡南署と静岡県警薬物銃器対策課、名古屋税関清水税関支署は21日までに、麻薬取締法違反の疑いで ...

合成麻薬を営利目的で所持の疑い 岡山中央署がベトナム人 ...

「覚醒剤だとは思わなかった」シャンプー容器などに隠し ...
... 容器などに隠し覚醒剤を密輸しようとしたベトナム人の女を逮捕・起訴 ... 逮捕・起訴されたのは、兵庫県姫路市のベトナム国籍、...

技能実習、「来日前借金」5割超 入管庁が初の実態調査


技能実習生 来日前に半数超が借金 出入国在留管理庁の調査

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日本の外国人技能実習生の人権取り組みは不十分https://news.yahoo.co.jp › articles
3 日前 — 米国務省は7月19日、世界188カ国・地域の人身売買報告書を公表し、日本の「外国人技能実習生制度」について「人権問題への取り組みが不十分」と指摘 ...

米人身売買報告書、日本は上から2番目 技能実習の一部「人身 ...https://news.yahoo.co.jp › articles
7 日前 — 米国務省は19日、世界の人身売買に関する年次報告書を公表し、日本に3年 ... 「日本の外国人技能実習生の人権取り組みは不十分」、米国務省報告書が ...

米人身売買報告書、日本は上から2番目 技能実習の一部「人身 ...https://www.asahi.com › articles
8 日前 — 米国務省は19日、世界の人身売買に関する年次報告書を公表し、日本に3年連続 ... 技能実習生については、その一部を人身取引の被害者として初めて認定 ...

2021年人身取引報告書(日本に関する部分) - 在日米国大使館 ...https://jp.usembassy.gov › trafficking-in-persons-report...
技能実習制度において、政府と送り出し国との協力覚書は、借金を理由に技能実習生を強要する主な要因の1つである外国に拠点を持つ労働者募集機関による過剰な金銭徴収 ...

日本の技能実習で「強制労働」 米報告書、政府対応を批判https://www.at-s.com › news › article › national
8 日前 — 【ワシントン共同】米国務省は19日、世界各国の人身売買に関する2022年版の報告書を発表した。日本で外国人技能実習制度の参加者が「強制労働」 

「日本の外国人技能実習で強制労働」 米報告書 - 産経ニュースhttps://www.sankei.com › 国際 › 米州
8 日前 — 人身売買に関与した悪質な仲介業者や雇用主の責任を日本政府が追及していないと批判し、4段階評価で上から2番目のランクに据え置いた。 国務省は過去の ...

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