



「韓国人は非常に感情的ですので、他人よりさらに敏感に振舞おうとする共通の傾向があるんです。」と Paik Jin-Hyunソウル大学教授は話す。「なので、何かあったときにそれを一個人のことだと切り離して見ることをしない傾向がありますが、それは1つの民族的なアイデンティティーからくるものですね。」

韓国人のユニークで稀に見る国民的な自己同一性の感覚というのはおそらく、侵略と占領の長い歴史に培われてきたものだろう、とYook Dong-In(韓国経済日報 社会問題の編集者)は語る。


チョの行った殺戮に対し、悲しみや懺悔に関した集団心理は犠牲者達に対して韓国人に32日間の断食を提案した在米韓国大使Lee Tae Sikのコメントにも反映されている。

多くの人々はアメリカ人に反韓国の気持ちが無いことに感謝の意を示している。 YTN(韓国のニュースチャンネル)は2005年から留学生ビザでバージニア工科大で勉強をしている韓国人の学生にインタビューしている。

「犯人が韓国人だと教えてもらったとき、僕の白人の友人は当初ショックを受けてたよ。」 とHa Dong-Wooは語る。「けど、彼は僕たちを保護し、世話を代わりにしたがったんだ。」





水曜日にソウルで韓国人の外交官と結婚している一人の乱ォにインタビューした。 彼女によると、韓国の外務省は可能な限り報復から、韓国系のアメリカ人を保護する方法について議論する深夜の会合を開いていたと語る。


ソース:Christian Science Monitor(英語 誤訳あったらごめんなさい)


Christian Science Monitorは発行部数71000しかないけど

実質的にThe Wall Street Journalより影響力があるとされてる件について。(w

The Christian Science Monitor > The Wall Street Journal

Many newspapers have begun locking their content behind paid firewalls; unless you register and pay, you can't read their stories. The logic is that they can't afford to give the news away for free anymore, because their advertising is getting decimated. (Craigslist is utterly destroying the traditional classified-ad market, and classifieds are the most profitable ads in any paper.)

But what happens to a paper's readership and influence when it puts up the gates in cyberspace? Bloggers don't link to it, which means it vanishes from Google and spirals into a cycle that eventually erases it from the mindspace of the Internet. The Wall Street Journal has a print circulation of 2,106,774, making it the second-biggest paper in the country, but you'll almost never find a link to a Journal article in a Google search -- because the content is inaccessible and thus never linked to.

In contrast, consider the Christian Science Monitor. Its print circulation is a measly 71,000, ranking it 242nd in size, way behind the Journal. Yet it has 1.7 million unique visitors per month to its web site, because the content is free -- and good -- and thus bloggers link to it promiscuously. Media pundits often note that more people read the New York Times online than in print, but the Monitor is an even more extreme example of the trend: Its online audience, and thus its online influence, is more than ten times larger than its print one.

Now Berkman fellow Ethan Zuckerman has pioneered a brilliant way to rank papers, based on a super-cool ratio: How many blog-links point to a paper, per thousand copies of print circulation. The short form is "LpkC"; you could also think of it, Zuckerman adds, as a measure of a paper's "blogginess." The bigger your LpkC number, the more disproportionately huge is your online influence.

He crunched the numbers on the 20 US papers with the biggest circulation, and added in the 30th, 40th, and 50th, etc., up to the 150th, to get a wide sense of the field. He also threw in the Christian Science Monitor, even though it's way smaller than the smallest on that list. According to his calculations, here are the top papers, ranked by LpcK number:

Christian Science Monitor - 134.90
New York Times - 63.08
Washington Post - 58.44
San Francisco Chronicle - 38.32
Boston Globe - 29.80
Seattle Post Intelligencer - 18.56
New York Post - 12.48
LA Times - 11.21
Check it out: The tiny Monitor more than doubles the number for the monolithic Times. Interestingly, the mean LpkC for all papers Zuckerman studied was 14.43. When he calculated the papers with the lowest LpcKs, here's what he got:

Charleston Post and Courier - 0.06
New Hampshire Union Leader and Sunday News - 0.22
Middletown (NY) Times Herald-Record - 0.39
The Wall Street Journal - 0.40
Fort Myers News Press - 0.50
I love it -- the Journal's rating is 337 times smaller than the Monitor's! Of course, there's no doubt that the Journal is still a much more influential paper, though given these numbers, I wouldn't be surprised if its closed-down gamble eventually blows up in its face. If online advertising continues to grow, the Monitor could wind becoming unduly profitable for its size, while the Journal goes in precisely the opposite direction.

The ecology of influence is changing, and fast. Will the ecology of advertising change too?

(Thanks to Techdirt for this one!)

Posted by Clive Thompson at April 23, 2005 12:10 PM


4 件のコメント:

アンチ犬鍋 さんのコメント...


M さんのコメント...

■エイッ?! かんしゃく爆発  (本人と思われる画像有り)
izanamiさん  >4月から教師生活が始まり
 韓国系学生は被害者です! 2007/04/18 16:02

abc さんのコメント...


(・∀・)! さんのコメント...

自分の思い通りにならないと直ぐに「火病」り 、・・・、何処でも何時でも他人の迷惑を考えずにキムチを食べ、・・・チョゴリを切られたと自作自演し、・・・、集団で強盗をし 、・・・、批判されると「アイゴー、差別ニダ」を連発し、・・・(この後1時間に亘って答えが続くが、省略されている)
