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◆ 国軍捕虜=53年7月の停戦協定当時、韓国に送還されずに北朝鮮に居残った、あるいはソ連に連れて行かれた国軍捕虜のこと。韓国国防部は北朝鮮に生存している国軍捕虜は546人、死亡者845人、行方不明者260人などと推定している。しかし北朝鮮は「ただ1人の国軍捕虜も存在しない」という立場を固守している。










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(2007/04/27 09:20)






2007.04.27 08:14:47



12 件のコメント:

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Anonymous さんのコメント...

淡く瑞々しく~映画「初雪の恋 ヴァージン・スノー」 2007/04/22

匿名 さんのコメント...

福翁百話 By 福沢諭吉

しかしながら、この事案を政治的に先鋭化させ、日本への憎悪を喚起する手段、排日システムの動力源として最大限に利用し、女性(地域によっては男性も含む)の人権問題を論議するうえでの ”テキスト” として神聖視されてきますと、徹底的に調べ上げて体系づけていただきたい。





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Sen. Inouye renews opposition to 'comfort women' resolution.

Date: Jul 16, 2007
Words: 665
Publication: Japan Policy & Politics
WASHINGTON, July 12 Kyodo

Democratic Sen. Daniel Inouye reiterated in a recent statement submitted to the Senate his opposition to a resolution demanding an apology from Japan over the sexual exploitation of young women in Asia by the Japanese military during World War II.

''Why should we involve ourselves in a legislative act that would jeopardize a relationship as good as we share with Japan?'' he asked. ''Is this how we Americans should conduct ourselves with the Japanese, our friends and allies?''

While emphasizing the Japanese military's mistreatment of the women, known euphemistically in Japan as ''comfort women,'' cannot be ''condoned or justified,'' Inouye questioned the nonbinding measure.

''What would be required of Japan under (the resolution) to ''formally acknowledge, apologize, and accept historical responsibility in a clear and unequivocal manner?'' he said.

Inouye said the issue of compensation for Japan's wartime crimes, including the comfort women issue, has been resolved by the postwar peace treaties Japan concluded with other countries.

Noting six Japanese premiers have apologized on the issues in their official capacities since 1994, he said, ''I would think that in the world of diplomacy, these words would suffice as official statements.''

He also referred to the 1995 and 2005 resolutions adopted by the Japanese House of Representatives expressing deep remorse for the wartime wrongdoing, including the comfort women issue.

''I would suggest that so many apologies should suffice,'' he said.

Inouye, a Hawaii senator of Japanese descendant, submitted the statement to the Senate on Monday, ahead of a full House of Representatives vote on the resolution, expected soon. His statement was kept in the official congressional proceedings.

He has been consistently opposed to the measure, though he is a patriotic American citizen who lost his right arm while serving as a U.S. soldier during World War II. In March, he sent a letter to Tom Lantos, who heads the House Foreign Affairs Committee, voicing objection to its passage.

Despite Inouye's opposition, however, the measure won overwhelming approval from the House panel on June 27. Lantos also became a cosponsor of the resolution authored by Rep. Michael Honda, a California Democrat also of Japanese extraction.

With House Speaker Nancy Pelosi throwing her weight behind it, the measure seems certain to be passed by the full House later this month. There is no companion resolution in the Senate.

Inouye also pointed out in his statement that the United States has not acknowledged many past events that merit an acknowledgement and apology, and other nations have not officially reprimanded Washington for it.

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For example, he said, soon after a war between Japan and the United States broke out in 1941, Washington asked South American countries to round up their residents of Japanese ancestry and send them to the United States to be used for negotiations for the return of American prisoners of war held by Japan.

''Many Latin Americans of Japanese descent were arrested, stripped of their passports or visas, and shipped to the United States. Once in the United States, they were treated as illegal aliens, subject to deportation and repatriation,'' he said.

''And yet has any country suggested we should 'formally acknowledge, apologize, and accept historical responsibility in a clear and unequivocal manner' for this matter?'' Inouye questioned.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has offered an apology for the suffering endured by the comfort women. He has also repeated that he stands by a 1993 official statement acknowledging and apologizing over the matter.

Abe came under fire earlier this year when he appeared to doubt the Japanese military's coercion in connection with the women for the brothels for its soldiers.

During his visit to the United States in April, Abe expressed regret about misunderstandings over his remarks and reiterated that he feels sorry for the women who suffered.

President George W. Bush said after talks with Abe at the time that the comfort women issue ''is a regrettable chapter in the history of the world and I accept the prime minister's apology.''

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>President George W. Bush said after talks with Abe at the time that the comfort women issue ''is a regrettable chapter in the history of the world and I accept the prime minister's apology.''



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At US base, S. Korean ex-prostitutes face eviction
PYEONGTAEK, South Korea (AP) — More than 70 aging women live in a squalid neighborhood between the rear gate of the U.S. Army garrison here and half a dozen seedy nightclubs. Near the front gate, glossy illustrations posted in real-estate offices show the dream homes that may one day replace their one-room shacks.
They once worked as prostitutes for American soldiers in this "camptown" near Camp Humphreys, and they've stayed because they have nowhere else to go. Now, the women are being forced out of the Anjeong-ri neighborhood by developers and landlords eager to build on prime real estate around the soon-to-be-expanded garrison.
"My landlord wants me to leave, but my legs hurt, I can't walk, and South Korean real estate is too expensive," says Cho Myung-ja, 75, a former prostitute who receives monthly court eviction notices at her home, which she has rarely left over the last five years because of leg pain.
"I feel like I'm suffocating," she says.
Plagued by disease, poverty and stigma, the women have little to no support from the public or the government.
Their fate contrasts greatly with a group of Korean women forced into sexual slavery by Japanese troops during World War II. Those so-called "comfort women" receive government assistance under a special law, and large crowds demanding that Japan compensate and apologize to the women attend weekly rallies outside the Japanese Embassy.
While the camptown women get social welfare, there's no similar law for special funds to help them, according to two Pyeongtaek city officials who refused to be named because of office rules. Many people in South Korea don't even know about the camptown women.
In the decades following the devastation of the 1950-53 Korean War, South Korea was a poor dictatorship deeply dependent on the U.S. military. Analysts say the South Korean government saw the women as necessary for the thousands of U.S. soldiers stationed in the South. Some of the women went to the camps voluntarily; others were brought by pimps.
In 1962, the government formalized the camptowns as "special tourism districts" with legalized prostitution. That year, some 20,000 registered prostitutes worked in nearly 100 camptowns, and many more were unregistered.
The women who became prostitutes saw few other options, but the work made them social pariahs, unable to live or work anywhere else, says Park Kyung-soo, secretary general of the National Campaign for the Eradication of Crimes against Korean Civilians, a group that tries to uncover and monitor alleged U.S. military crimes against South Koreans.
Pockets of former camptown women exist throughout South Korea. Now in their 60s, 70s and 80s, the women of Anjeong-ri mostly live alone in tiny homes, struggling to pay for food and rent on a monthly government stipend of 300,000 to 400,000 won ($300 to $400).
Activists say most of the women are in danger of losing their homes.
"I'm so worried that I can't sleep," says a camptown woman who will only give her surname, Kim, because she's ashamed of her past. The 75-year-old's landlords have told her she has a month to leave, and she looks nearly every day for a new home.

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The camptown women's predicament began when Washington and Seoul agreed in 2004 to relocate the sprawling Yongsan U.S. base, which takes up 620 acres of prime real estate in the center of wealthy Seoul, to the base in Pyeongtaek, 70 kilometers (45 miles) from the capital. The deadline, originally set for 2012, is now tentatively 2016.
At the end of the move, Camp Humphreys will have tripled in size and house more than 36,000 people, including troops, their family members and civilian staff. Investors are eyeing the Pyeongtaek land in anticipation of homes for U.S. military families and sites for businesses that will cater to the new flood of people and wealth.
Piles of rubble from demolished homes sit next to new villas. A few blocks from some of the remaining shacks, a partially built apartment building rises to the beating of hammers and whirring of drills.
Landlords eager to capitalize on rising land prices are trying to force the women out with pressure and eviction orders, and have more than quadrupled the monthly rent, from 50,000 won ($50) to 200,000 won ($200), said Woo Soon-duk, director of the Sunlit Sisters' Center, a local non-governmental organization dedicated to the women.
Many of the women want the government to take greater responsibility for their well-being and financial stability. They believe they played an important role for South Korea.
In June, 122 former camptown prostitutes sued the South Korean government. They're each seeking 10 million won (about $9,870) in compensation. A court date has not been set. Activists and lawyers for the women say police prevented prostitutes from leaving; that the government forced the women to undergo tests for sexually transmitted diseases, then locked them up if they were sick; and that officials from the U.S. military and South Korean government regularly inspected the prostitution operations.
The government saw the camptowns as a way to regulate prostitution, bring in much needed money and keep the U.S. soldiers happy. It was also worried about a rising number of sex crimes committed against South Korean women by U.S. soldiers in the 1950s and '60s, Park says.
A spokeswoman for the government's Ministry of Gender Equality and Family declined to comment until after a court reaches a decision. She wouldn't give her name, saying office rules prohibited her from being named publicly. The U.S. military wouldn't answer specific questions about the women, saying in a statement that it was aware of their case and has "zero tolerance" for prostitution.
Many of the women feel trapped.
As Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers' "Rebels" plays on an old radio, Kim Soon-hee, 65, a former camptown prostitute, eats a piece of melon. Clotheslines crisscross her room, which barely fits a bed and a dresser. The air smells strongly of the mold that covers the walls.
She wants to move to a better place in the same neighborhood, but she's too poor. "In the winter, the water doesn't flow because the pipes are frozen," she says. She shares a courtyard with two other one-bedroom homes that are empty.
Jang Young-mi, 67, who was orphaned as a girl and worked in a military camptown for nearly two decades, lives with three mangy dogs. A bite from one of them left the long white scar on her hand, but she refuses to abandon the offending animal.
"Maybe because I lived for so long with American soldiers, I can't fit in with Koreans," Jang says. "Why did my life have to turn out this way?"



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Q A question on the wartime comfort women issue. Mr. Prime Minister, on this issue, did you explain your thoughts to President Bush, and on this matter, did you talk about further factual investigations on the matter, and any intent to apologize on the issue?
Also, a question for Mr. President on the comfort women issue. From the perspective of human rights and Asian history perceptions, I wonder if you could express your thoughts or views.

PRIME MINISTER ABE: Well, in my meeting with the congressional representatives yesterday, I explained my thoughts, and that is I do have deep-hearted sympathies that my people had to serve as comfort women, were placed in extreme hardships, and had to suffer that sacrifice; and that I, as Prime Minister of Japan, expressed my apologizes, and also expressed my apologizes for the fact that they were placed in that sort of circumstance.
The 20th century was a century that human rights were violated in many parts of the world. So we have to make the 21st century a century -- a wonderful century in which no human rights are violated. And I, myself, and Japan wish to make significant contributions to that end. And so I explained these thoughts to the President.

PRESIDENT BUSH: The comfort women issue is a regrettable chapter in the history of the world, and I accept the Prime Minister's apology. I thought it was very -- I thought his statements -- Kono's statement, as well as statements here in the United States were very straightforward and from his heart. And I'm looking forward to working with this man to lead our nations forward. And that's what we spent time discussing today.
We had a personal visit on the issue. He gave his -- he told me what was on his heart about the issue, and I appreciated his candor. And our jobs are to, obviously, learn lessons from the past. All of us need to learn lessons from the past and lead our nations forward. That's what the Prime Minister is doing in a very capable way.
Listen, we thank you all for coming, appreciate your time. Have a nice weekend. Mr. Prime Minister, thank you.
END 11:42 A.M. EDT

>PRIME MINISTER ABE: Well, in my meeting with the congressional representatives yesterday, I explained my thoughts, and that is I do have deep-hearted sympathies that my people had to serve as comfort women, were placed in extreme hardships, and had to suffer that sacrifice; and that I, as Prime Minister of Japan, expressed my apologizes, and also expressed my apologizes for the fact that they were placed in that sort of circumstance.
The 20th century was a century that human rights were violated in many parts of the world. So we have to make the 21st century a century -- a wonderful century in which no human rights are violated. And I, myself, and Japan wish to make significant contributions to that end. And so I explained these thoughts to the President.

>RESIDENT BUSH: The comfort women issue is a regrettable chapter in the history of the world, and I accept the Prime Minister's apology. I thought it was very -- I thought his statements -- Kono's statement, as well as statements here in the United States were very straightforward and from his heart. And I'm looking forward to working with this man to lead our nations forward. And that's what we spent time discussing today.
We had a personal visit on the issue. He gave his -- he told me what was on his heart about the issue, and I appreciated his candor. And our jobs are to, obviously, learn lessons from the past. All of us need to learn lessons from the past and lead our nations forward. That's what the Prime Minister is doing in a very capable way.
Listen, we thank you all for coming,P appreciate your time. Have a nice weekend. Mr. Prime Minister, thank you.
